
  • 网络Art Auction;artwork auction
  1. 众多外国公司,从视频游戏制造商任天堂(Nintendo)和索尼(Sony),到伦敦金属交易所(LME)和全球艺术品拍卖行,立即表达了极大的热情。

    Immediately , a wide range of foreign companies , ranging from video-game makers Nintendo and Sony , to the London Metals Exchange and global art auction houses , began expressing visible enthusiasm .

  2. 我母亲生前曾赞助过一个艺术品拍卖会

    There 's an art auction my mother used to sponsor

  3. 他混入了艺术品拍卖会的人群中。

    He blended in with the crowd at the art sale .

  4. 该三件套是苏富比艺术品拍卖会上的一件拍品。

    The trio are part of Sotheby 's sale of Works of Art .

  5. 去年,该公司拍出弗朗西斯·培根(FrancisBacon)的《弗洛伊德肖像三习作》(ThreeStudiesofLucianFreud),创下1.424亿美元的艺术品拍卖价格纪录。

    Last year , it sold ' Three Studies of Lucian Freud ' by Francis Bacon for US $ 142.4 million , a record price for a work of art sold at auction .

  6. 上周二,在伦敦举行的印象派和现代派艺术品拍卖会上,佳士得(Christie)的成交总额为1.44亿英镑,这是欧洲艺术品拍卖会有史以来的最高成交额。

    On Tuesday , Christie 's sold 144m of art at its Impressionist and Modern sale in London , the highest ever amount for any European art auction .

  7. 我在Instagram上发布一些样品,把其中一幅画提交到一场当代艺术品拍卖会上拍卖,让两位商业伙伴半路加入叫价,把拍卖价拉升至15万美元。

    Having posted examples on Instagram , I enter one of these paintings into a contemporary day sale and ask two business associates , who are cut in on the deal , to bid it up to $ 150000 .

  8. 大拍告一段落小拍方兴未艾2006年79月间全国艺术品拍卖回顾、点评

    Review on National Artwork Auction between July and September , 2006

  9. 香港对艺术品拍卖不征任何税。

    Hong Kong does not impose any tax on art sale .

  10. 歇夏过后,秋拍伊始2006年8&10月全国艺术品拍卖回顾、点评

    Review on National Artwork Auctions between August and October , 2006

  11. 全球竞争是推高艺术品拍卖价格的另一个因素。

    Global competition was another factor in pushing prices up .

  12. 中国书画艺术品拍卖市场行情走势

    The Quotation Trend of Chinese Painting Calligraphy Artworks Auction Market

  13. 非理性行为是文物艺术品拍卖中普遍存在的现象。

    Irrational behavior is a common phenomenon in heritage art product auction .

  14. 论中国艺术品拍卖强势市场的形成

    On the Formation of " strong Auction Market " of Chinese Art Works

  15. 在精品化、多元化中更上新高&2006年春季艺术品拍卖点评、推荐

    Evaluation and Recommendation of the Artworks on Auctions in the Spring of 2006

  16. 世纪之交槌落频频&朵云轩2000年秋季艺术品拍卖会侧记

    Sidelights on the 2000 Autumn Duo Yun Xuan auction of works of art

  17. 二○○五年中国艺术品拍卖市场

    2005 auction market review of Chinese works of Art

  18. 这户人家正在把他们收藏的艺术品拍卖掉。

    The family is auctioning its art collection .

  19. 二○○六年中国文物艺术品拍卖市场的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Chinese Cultural Relics and Art Crafts Auction Market in 2006

  20. 析艺术品拍卖市场之现状

    An Analysis on the Art Work Auction Market

  21. 问:你关注的艺术品拍卖趋势有哪些?

    What art auction trends are you watching ?

  22. 这两家拍卖行长期以来在艺术品拍卖领域一直享有近乎双头垄断的地位。

    The two auction houses have long enjoyed a near-duopoly in fine art auctions .

  23. 去年北京艺术品拍卖总额比纽约高出20%。

    Beijing made a fifth more art sales through auction last year than New York .

  24. 点击京沪文物艺术品拍卖市场

    Art Auction Market in Beijing & Shanghai

  25. 2005年秋季艺术品拍卖的盘点及预测

    The Auctions of the Fall 2005

  26. 在这短短二十年的时间里,我国的艺术品拍卖业经历了兴起、繁荣和困境。

    During this twenty years , our art auction industry has experienced rising , booming and dilemma .

  27. 问:它是否意味着艺术品拍卖行未来的经营格局将是传统的现场拍卖加上网络竞拍呢?

    Does that mean that art auction houses of the future will need brick-and-mortar expertise combined with online capabilities ?

  28. 文章将艺术品拍卖领域的涉假问题共分为两大类:假拍及拍假。

    Article will divided the false problem of art auction into two parts : fake shot and mock auction .

  29. 在两家拍卖行本周晚些时候进行的战后及当代艺术品拍卖会上,以上纪录可能再次被刷新。

    Records could continue to tumble in forthcoming sales of postwar and contemporary art by both auction houses later this week .

  30. 昨日记者从辽宁国际商品拍卖行获悉,汇集众多艺术精品的2008珍藏四季艺术品拍卖会将于本周日在沈举行。

    Ltd , 2008 Art Work Auction , which contains many precious art works , will be held in Shenyang this Sunday .