
  • 网络Art market;Pasar Seni
  1. 大公司已成为艺术市场上的重要力量。

    Big business has become a major player in the art market

  2. 藏品购买费仅为七万英镑,在如今的艺术市场,这些钱买不到太多东西。而且,英国地方博物馆不管购买什么艺术品,都必须得到英格兰艺术委员会(ArtsCouncilEngland)等公共机构和私人捐款人的资助。

    That doesn 't go very far in today 's art market , and any purchases by British regional museums have to be supported by financing from public bodies like Arts Council England and private donations .

  3. 几乎没有什么艺术家会来艺术市场,但是哥伦比亚出生的画家奥斯卡·穆里洛(OscarMurillo)来了。

    Few artists ever make an appearance at art fairs but Oscar Murillo , the Colombian-born painter , did .

  4. 傅抱石:艺术市场永恒的亮点

    Fu Baoshi : an Ever-lasting High Point in the Art Market

  5. 当代艺术市场对高校绘画教学的影响透视

    The Effect of Present Art Markets on Drawing Teaching in Colleges

  6. 中国油画:艺术市场的新星

    Chinese Oil Painting : A Rising Star in the Art Market

  7. 艺术市场是艺术品最大的流通场所。

    The art market is the artistic biggest circulation place .

  8. 越来越多的人涌入艺术市场。

    More and more people are flocking to the market .

  9. 艺术市场上人声鼎沸,空前活跃。

    The art market is boiling with an activity never known before .

  10. 中国艺术市场将成为国际艺术品交易的主流

    Chinese art market will become the mainstream of the international artworks trade

  11. 二是,不能低估艺术市场对油画创作的影响。

    Besides , the influence art market cannot be ignored .

  12. 如何摆脱中国油画艺术市场的困境与尴尬

    Casting off the Awkward Predicament of the Chinese Oil Painting Art Market

  13. 中国当代版画艺术市场现状及其前景

    Current Situation and Prospect of the Chinese Contemporary Prints Market

  14. 问:对中国艺术市场最常见的误解是什么?

    Q. What are the most common misperceptions of the Chinese art market ?

  15. 艺术市场营销的战略逻辑&整合客户价值和艺术目标

    A STRATEGIC LOGIC FOR ARTS MARKETING & Integrating Customer Value and Artistic Objectives

  16. 问:经济放缓对艺术市场有什么影响?

    Q. What impact has the slowing economy had on the art market ?

  17. 从当下影视艺术市场看,喜剧占了很大比重。

    Comedy has accounted for a large proportion in the present art film market .

  18. 明末清初江南艺术市场与艺术交易人

    The Jiangnan Art Market and Art Dealers in the Late-Ming and Early Qing Period

  19. 透过精神产品看艺术市场

    To See the Art Market Through Immaterial Products

  20. 在经济发达、思想开放的社会环境里,艺术市场化逐渐完善。

    Art market gradually improved in the economic developed and open minded society environment .

  21. 简论艺术市场的需求特点

    An analysis of the characteristics of artistic demand

  22. 原子空间:引发岭南油画艺术市场经营新理念

    Atom Space : Setting Off New Management Ideas in Ling Nan Oil Painting Market

  23. 对职业艺术家来说,艺术市场是他们生存与生涯的支撑。

    For the professional artists , art market supports their survival and art working .

  24. 大陆艺术市场的三角债

    The Triangle Debts in Today 's Art Market

  25. 中国艺术市场之走势

    Trends and Potential of Chinese Art Market

  26. 探析符号与艺术市场

    A Study on Symbol and Artistic Market

  27. 云南艺术市场的发展与思考

    On the development of Yunnan art market

  28. 论我国影视艺术市场与营销

    Marketing of Our Film & Television Product

  29. 并说明艺术市场机制的运做有利于艺术发展。

    And the showing art market mechanism transports does is advantageous to the artistic development .

  30. 意大利佛罗伦萨的地方性艺术市场&经济人类学个案研究

    The Local Art Market in Florence , Italy & A Case Study of Economic Anthropology