
  • 网络Drug market
  1. 我国制药企业怎样面对入世后的OTC药品市场

    How to Gain OTC Drug Market After Acceding to WTO for Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprises

  2. 浅析农村药品市场的开发与整改

    Brief Discussion on the Exploitation and Improvement of Rural Drug Market

  3. 而OTC药品市场作为医药市场日益重要的一部分,其营销也面临着越来越大的挑战。

    As the important part of pharmaceutical markets , OTC markets face more challenges in marketing .

  4. 本文简要介绍了FDA对药品市场独占权的规定。并将其与中国的新药保护政策进行比较分析。

    The authors briefly introduced FDA s regulations on new drug exclusivity and compared them with Chinas new drug protection policies .

  5. 本文以OTC药品市场为研究对象展开研究,共分六章。

    This article 's research centers around the research object of the OTC drug markets , it falls into 6 chapters .

  6. 由于医药市场的营销环境对医药组织的市场营销有着特别大的影响,因此论文从微观和宏观两个方面分析了我国OTC药品市场营销环境。

    Because the medical market marketing environment on the medical group marketing has a special impact , the paper from both micro and macro analysis OTC products in China market marketing environment .

  7. 其次,我国正在推行的处方药与非处方药分类管理制度,GMG/GSP的执行,将对药品市场巨大影响;

    However , prescription medicine and non-prescribed medicine classify the management system who our country pursue , the execution of GMG / GSP , will have a tremendous influence on the market of medicines .

  8. 本文综述了OTC药品市场的特点,现状及发展趋势;研究了OTC药品广告定位的理论基础,并分析了我国OTC市场的竞争状况,得出了OTC药品广告定位的消费者导向原则;

    This thesis explicates the features , current situation , and developmental tendency of OTC market , researches the theoretical foundation of OTC market 's advertising direction , analyses the competitive situation of the market , and obtains the consumer-oriented principles of OTC market .

  9. Cervarix是葛兰素史克公司最重要的新产品之一,但是目前它仍然在等待着美国的审批,这一延迟导致其在巨大的国际药品市场上远远落后于其竞争对手。

    Cervarix is one of Glaxo 's most important new products but it is still waiting for U.S.approval , a delay putting it further behind its rival in the world 's largest drugs market .

  10. 浅谈我国农村药品市场监管的现状与对策

    On China 's Rural Pharmaceutical Market Supervision Present Situation and Countermeasures

  11. 世界生物技术药品市场的现状及展望

    Present Status and Prospects of Biotechnology Drug Market in the World

  12. 我国药品市场信用体系建设的研究

    Research on the Construction of Credit System in Chinese Pharmaceutical Market

  13. 企业自主创新药品市场准入的对策研究

    Study on Countermeasure of Independent Innovation Drugs Market Access in Enterprise

  14. 第一章,药品市场监管的历史变迁与行政法的回应。

    Chapter one : basic theories about supervision of the medicine market .

  15. 取缔非法药品市场杜绝假冒伪劣药品

    Banning Illegal Drug Market and Prohibiting the Counterfeiting and Inferior Quality Drugs

  16. 对药品市场营销中代理环节监督管理的思考

    Discussion on the Supervision and Management of Commission Agencies in Drug Market

  17. 解决药品市场混乱的宏观策略研究

    Study of the macro strategies regulating the chaotic drug market

  18. 乔装药品市场状况及消费者认知调查

    The Market Conditions of Medicine in Disguise and Cognition Survey on Consumers

  19. 在印度药品市场,一场冲突在所难免。

    A CLASH over India 's drug market was inevitable .

  20. 药品市场第三终端扩容给药品监管带来的影响

    The third terminal of Pharmaceutical market expansion to the effect of supervision

  21. 中国药品市场规范管理的研究

    The Research of the Chinese Drugs Market Norm Management

  22. 政府对药品市场的管制是一个动态的、连续的过程,管制效果是管制的实质问题和最终归宿。

    The regulation is dynamic and continuous and the effect is the essence .

  23. 目的调研农村药品市场存在的问题。

    Objective Problems existing in the medical markets of the countryside were studied .

  24. 一个全新的、规范的药品市场&OTC市场出现在广大医药企业面前。

    A new , normal medicine market-OTC market will come facing many pharmaceutical enterprises .

  25. 报告进一步指出,全球药品市场既不透明,也不高效。

    As further noted , the global pharmaceuticals market is neither transparent nor efficient .

  26. 目的:探讨如何开发和整改农村药品市场。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss how to exploit and improve the rural drug market .

  27. 尽管我国药品市场已部分启动了信用提供与管理体系,但这种缺乏法律支撑的信用体系相当脆弱。

    Some systems of credit provision and management have been initiated in Chinese medicine market .

  28. 重组蛋白质主导着生物药品市场;

    Recombination of proteins leads biopharmaceutical market ;

  29. 这两种契约环境相逆的情况,使得药品市场上问题重重。

    This kind of " against " environmental situation makes the market full of problems .

  30. 构建药品市场监管评价体系提高行政监督效能

    Construct Evaluation System of the Pharmaceutical Market Supervision and Improve the Effectiveness of Administrative Supervision