
  1. 上海地区医疗机构开展药学咨询服务的现状与分析

    Present situation on pharmaceutical information service in hospitals of Shanghai

  2. 面向消费者开展优良药学咨询服务

    Carrying Out Good Pharmacy Consultation Service on the Ground of Consumer 's Needs

  3. 目的探索现代医院临床药学咨询服务模式。

    Objective Investigate the consultative service model of rational use of drug in modern hospital .

  4. 结果:药学咨询服务的开展受到了包括药学人员个人因素与外部环境等诸多因素的影响。

    Results : The development of PIS were affected by both external and pharmacists ' factors .

  5. 目的:探讨影响医疗机构药学咨询服务工作的各种因素。

    Objective : To probe the factors influencing the pharmaceutical information service ( PIS ) in hospitals of Shanghai .

  6. 药房托管不能停留在药品流通和药品供应阶段,受托医药企业还应为医疗机构提供药学咨询和药学管理服务。

    Drugstore trusteeship cannot just be retained in the stage of drug demand and supply . It should also provide medical consultation and pharmaceutical management services for the medicinal organizations .

  7. 结果与结论设立临床药学工作机构,制定药学咨询服务措施,建立临床药学咨询服务体系的现代医院临床药学咨询服务模式。

    Result & Conclusion Establish the clinical pharmacy organization , the measure of consultation service model , and the consultative service model of rational use of drug in modern hospital .