
  • 网络culture services;cultural service
  1. 人们随时随地可以享受文化服务。

    As such , people in the city could find cultural services everywhere .

  2. 意见提出,深入推进公共文化服务标准化和数字化建设、完善基层公共文化服务网络、创新拓展城乡公共文化空间。

    Jointly the primary-level networks that provide public cultural services and expand public cultural spaces in rural and urban areas .

  3. 完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。

    We will improve the public cultural service system , carry out public-interest cultural programs , and launch more popular cultural activities .

  4. 最后,提出了加强H乡农村公共文化服务供给的建议。

    Finally , we put forward the suggestion that how to strengthen the rural public culture service supply of H Township .

  5. 该部分首先通过实地考察、问卷调查和访谈调查的方式,了解J县农村公共文化服务设施建设情况和需求状况。

    Firstly , this part learns the rural public cultural service facilities construction situation and demand conditions in county J by means of on-the-spot investigation , interview and questionnaire survey .

  6. 公共文化服务体系;高校图书馆;图书馆服务;

    Public Cultural Service System ; University Library ; Library Service ;

  7. 张家口市农村公共文化服务体系的构建与发展

    Construction and Development of Rural Community Cultural Service System in Zhangjiakou

  8. 公共文化服务体系中公共图书馆的服务定位

    The Public Library Service Positioning in the Public Cultural Service System

  9. 发展地球科学文化服务构建和谐社会

    Developing Earth Science Culture and Serving Construction of Harmonious Society

  10. 关爱老年读者,做好老年文化服务

    Care for the Aged Readers , Flourish the Culture of Old Age

  11. 论我国公共文化服务均等化的基本原则

    The Basic Principles of the Equalization of China 's Public Culture Services

  12. 论我国公共文化服务体系建设的理论基础

    The Theoretical Foundation for the Public Cultural Service System Construction of China

  13. 论图书馆文化服务功能的开发与创新

    On the Development and Innovation of the Cultural Service Function of Library

  14. 关于江苏构建公共文化服务体系的分析与思考

    Analysis of Public Culture Service System Construction in Jiangsu and Its Solution

  15. 公共图书馆如何为城市社区老年读者文化服务

    Cultural Services for the old Readers of City Community in Public Libraries

  16. 六是完善保障制度,建立文化服务机构。

    Lastly , improve the security system and establish the cultural services .

  17. 下半年临沂市将加快推进公共文化服务体系建设。

    Linyi will accelerate in the second half of public cultural service system .

  18. 依托联合图书馆网络创新公共文化服务

    Rely on the Net of the United Libraries Innovate the Public Culture Service

  19. 重视乡镇图书馆建设完善农村文化服务体系

    Emphasizing the Construction of Rural Libraries to Improve the Rural Culture Service System

  20. 农村公共文化服务制度创新的基本维度

    The Basic Dimensions of Innovation of Public Cultural Service System in Rural Areas

  21. 新农村公共文化服务发展的创新思路

    New Countryside Public Culture Service Development Innovation Mentality

  22. 面向公共文化服务的国家图书馆与省级图书馆体制改革初探

    On System Reform of the National Library and Provincial Libraries for Public Cultural Service

  23. 民营资本参与公共文化服务&以江苏省南通市为例

    Private Capital Participating in Public Culture Service : Nantong , Jiangsu as an Example

  24. 加强共享工程建设构建公共文化服务体系

    Strengthening the Construction of Sharing Engineering and Building the Service System of Public Culture

  25. 40.构建现代公共文化服务体系。

    Build a modernized public cultural services system .

  26. 我们要发掘其合理因素,使其为建设具有中国特色的社会主义新文化服务。

    We must excavate its reasonable factors to serve building Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristic .

  27. 因地制宜共建共享构建公共文化服务新体系

    Sharing the Light of Local Conditions to Build a New System of Public Cultural Services

  28. 充分发挥古籍文献在公共文化服务中的重要作用

    Bring the Important Role of Ancient Literature into Full Paly in the Public Cultural Service

  29. 延伸高校图书馆的服务范围,构建公共文化服务体系

    Expand the Service Scope of the University Library and Construct the Public Cultural Service System

  30. 家庭虚拟图书馆:构建公共文化服务体系的新模式

    Family Virtual Library : A New Model to Construct the Service System of Public Culture