
  • 网络fee-for-service;paid service;charge service
  1. 志愿事业机制的运作方式包括无偿捐赠、志愿服务和收费服务。

    The operation mechanisms of the voluntary supply of public goods included donation , volunteer service and charge service .

  2. 对网络化多模式供热收费服务平台进行了实现,包括收费服务平台体系结构、收费服务平台业务构件、收费服务平台的部分关键程序,最终展示了收费服务平台部分核心运行界面。

    The service platform for networked and multi-mode heating charge is implemented . Including the architecture of heating charge service platform , business component , partly key program . At last , partly crucial operation interface of heating charge service platform is displayed .

  3. 人们已经开始从多个方面来解决这个问题:日本工程师先前设计过一款机器人,可以在人们感觉孤独时握住人们的手;还有一名男子提供一种“什么都不做”的收费服务,只是静静地陪伴。

    People have worked to create far-ranging solutions to this issue : Engineers in Japan previously designed a robot to hold someone 's hand when they 're lonely and one man charges people to " do nothing " except keep them company .

  4. 提供免费和收费服务Emode婚介服务并非免费。

    The Emode dating service isn 't free .

  5. 当然,Snapchat可以引入某种订阅模式或将无限量“快照”变成收费服务但这可能会对它的增长造成一定的影响,而且可能导致用户和市场份额被竞争对手蚕食。

    Snapchat always could introduce some sort of subscription model or make unlimited snaps a premium service but that could eat a bit into the growth and enable cannibalization by a rival service .

  6. 此信息可以用于以后的外部收费服务。

    This information can be used for external charging services later on .

  7. 除此之外,还有很多其它的高额收费服务。

    There are also other kinds of costly services .

  8. 谈谈高速公路收费服务技巧

    The skills for toll service on express way

  9. 此为收费服务,并由澳门特许经营洽谈会2010承办机机协助提供。

    Services provided by the coordinator of2010 MFE are on the applying entity 's expenses .

  10. 互联网巨头谷歌的地图收费服务可能会为其他竞争者提供可乘之机。

    The service could provide an opportunity for competitors to undercut the internet giant 's prices .

  11. 收费服务[国际金融公司]:国际金融公司提供的一种收费性服务。

    Fee-based service [ IFC ] : Services provided by IFC for which IFC charges a fee .

  12. 马云还是第一个把收费服务引入网络社区和社交网络的人,如今这两个领域发展速度都非常快。

    Mr Ma has also led the charge into online communities and social networking , both now booming areas .

  13. 类似地,还可以根据角色控制对收费服务的访问,以确保对服务的适当使用。

    Similarly , access to fee-based services can also be controlled based on roles to ensure proper use of services .

  14. 这是双方提供的免费及收费服务,所以每个人都可以利用这个伟大的功能。

    This is available on both the free and premium services , so everyone can take advantage of this great feature .

  15. 当收费服务很少,我将收取公平和合理费用后的时间和技能所需数额为基础。

    When fee-based services are involved , I will charge a fair and reasonable fee based on the amount of time and skill required .

  16. 为了防止用户发现任何可疑,木马会删除有关收费服务的信息尽快到达。

    To prevent the user from noticing anything suspicious , the Trojan will delete the message about the fee-based service as soon as it arrives .

  17. 项目建成投产后,为企业提供全封闭、零干扰、零收费服务。

    After the projects are finished and put into production , we will provide the enterprises with services as full enclosure , zero interaction and zero charge .

  18. 新浪公司大多数的收入来源于网络广告,无线增值业务的提供,其小部分的收入来源于搜索以及收费服务。

    The Company generates the majority of its revenues from online advertising and MVAS offerings and , to a lesser extent , from search and fee-based services .

  19. 浅谈后勤面向市场实行有偿收费服务环保科研机构后勤部门企业化管理的思考

    DISCUSSION ON REAR SERVICE FACING TOWARDS MARKET , PERFORMING THE COMPENSABLE SERVICE Study on Mechanism of Enterprise Management for Logistical Section of Research Institute of Environmental Protection Sciences

  20. 时光网还有在这些渠道推广电影的收费服务,帮助电影公司迅速覆盖这个它们觊觎已久却又不完全了解的市场。

    And for a fee , Mtime will promote movies through all of these services , helping studios to quickly cover a market they covet but do not yet fully understand .

  21. 纸糊的情妇今年继续畅销,尽管一些让忙碌的亲属外包扫墓责任(甚至包括表演性的墓前痛哭)给陌生人的收费服务或许降低了假日出行带来的排放。

    Paper mistresses also continued to sell this year , though fee-based services that allow busy family members to outsource tomb-sweeping and even ostentatious tomb-side weeping to strangers may have reduced holiday travel-related emissions .

  22. 网络媒体目前采用了网络广告、网络收费服务、网络零售等一些具体的盈利模式,文中对这些模式的运用及效果进行了分析研究。

    Nowadays , the network media adopt such concrete profit models as network advertisement , network paid services , and network retailing . This thesis presents a research on the application and effectiveness of these models .

  23. 据《北京青年报》报道,冲天教育公司在中国领先的电子商务平台淘宝网上推出了一项收费服务,即来自清华北大的“学生们”在这些最高学府的校园内给游客当导游。

    Chongtian Education Company launched a chargeable service on Taobao , China 's leading e-commerce platform , featuring " students " from Tsinghua and Peking universities conducting tours for tourists in these top universities ' campuses , Beijing Youth Daily reported .

  24. 本文分析了数字图书馆与传统图书馆的差异,分析了数字图书馆收费服务的必要性,应根据不同的服务层面,提出相应的收费策略。

    The paper explains the discrepancy between digital libraries and traditional libraries , analyzes the need for fee-based service of digital libraries , and puts forth an idea that a policy of charges be made in the light of the specific conditions .

  25. IC卡具有存储量大、数据保密性好、抗干扰能力强等优点,将其应用于图书馆管理,读者凭借一张卡就可享受图书馆提供的全部免费及收费服务,十分便捷。

    IC card has many advantages , such as large memory , nice secrecy , and strong ability of anti-jamming . With the application of IC cards in the library management , readers can enjoy the convenient services with charge or without charge .

  26. 通信器无法从目录服务器XX检索首选项,因为找不到首选项映像。而运营商唯一要考虑的就是怎样才能经营好像自选影片这样额外收费的服务。

    Communicator could not retrieve preferences from the directory server XX because the preference map could not be found . The operator gets involved only in delivering the premium services , such as video-on-demand .

  27. 早期用户包括一些创业者,他们使用ReadySet为当地手机用户提供收费充电服务。

    Early adopters include entrepreneurs who use the readyset to provide local phone charging for a fee .

  28. 举个例子,Docker向不愿承担管理自身IT工作的小企业提供收费托管服务。

    Docker , for instance , sells a hosted service to small businesses that do not want to take on the work of managing their own IT .

  29. 高速公路收费广场服务水平分析方法的探讨

    The Methodologies for Service-Level Analysis of Toll Plaza on Highway

  30. 如有,请列明收费电视服务名称。

    If yes , please list the name of the pay TV service .