
shè qū fú wù
  • community services
  1. 资金紧张的市政会不得不削减主要社区服务项目经费,我们眼看就要陷入危机。

    We are heading for a crisis , with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services .

  2. 员工和CEO不同,前者公司更希望参与到社区服务中去,从而真正理解社区工作的内涵。后者以捐助形式参与公益更多。

    Description : Richard thinks that employees are different from CEOs , the former are expected to join more community services , and the latter make donations to NGOs mostly .

  3. 地方议员有义务为社区服务。

    Local councillors have a duty to serve the community .

  4. 他被判140小时社区服务。

    He was sentenced to 140 hours community service .

  5. 这份报告建议让学生通过参加社区服务来偿还债务。

    The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debt through community service

  6. 他们中很多人都会做社区服务,帮助弱势人群。

    Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people .

  7. 一些学校要求学生提供社区服务,比如在养老院、幼儿托管所或是政府机构里做志愿服务。

    Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home , child care center or government agency .

  8. 为了提高社区服务水平,一些学校推出了义务志愿者计划。

    To increase levels of community service , some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs .

  9. 目前,接种点不接受个人接种预约。因私出境人员可到居住地所在社区服务站提交申请。

    Currently , health centers don 't accept individual vaccination community service centers .

  10. 社会资源的分布性、社区服务节点的动态性和社区服务的异构性,使得传统的基于Web的社区服务管理难以实现服务资源的全面共享。

    The traditional web-based community service cannot realize resource sharing , as society resources are distributed and community services are dynamic and heterogeneous .

  11. 国外社区服务刑的运用及其借鉴

    The Application and Drawing on the Experience of Foreign Community Service Punishment

  12. 社区服务的理性选择:福利性与经营性的统一&以长春东站十委为个案分析

    The Rational Choice of Community Service : Unify in Welfare and Profit

  13. 小城镇社区服务业发展探析阳光新都居住区规划

    Small Town Community Service Industry Sunlight New Town Community Planning

  14. 论社区服务与社区精神文明建设

    On community service and the construction of spiritual civilization in urban communities

  15. 国外社区服务刑述评及借鉴

    A Commentary on Foreign Countries ' Community Service Penalty

  16. 知识经济时代的高校图书馆如何为社区服务

    On Service District of University Library In Knowledge Times

  17. 试论北京城市社区服务的发展趋势

    Tentative Discussion About the Trend of Development of Urban Community Services in Beijing

  18. 图书馆如何为社区服务的几点思考

    Considerations about How the Library to Serve the Community

  19. 有中国特色社区服务刑制度探究

    On the Community-service Punishment System with Chinese Characteristics

  20. 高校图书馆与城市社区服务

    University Library and the Urban Community Service

  21. 面向社区服务的旅游地理信息系统

    Travel GIS in City Community Service Network

  22. 基层政府通过兴办社区服务业,为贫困对象提供照顾和服务。

    Governments at the grassroots levels also operate community services for the poor and needy .

  23. 中国抑郁症的社区服务

    Community Service for Patients Suffering from Depression

  24. 其次,通过建设一支高素质的社区服务队伍,提高社区的服务水平。

    Secondly , community service should be improved by improving the quality of service staff .

  25. 加强社区服务,推进社区建设

    Strengthening Community Service Promoting Community Construction

  26. 社区服务业与下岗失业人员的社会保障问题

    The Question of Community Service Trade and the Social Security for the Out-of-work and out-of-post People

  27. 云南省社区服务卫生工作人员家庭病床功能认知调查

    Investigation of Cognition on Function of Family Sickbed in Community Health Services Staff in Yunnan Province

  28. 社区服务与社会和谐

    Community Service and Society Harmony

  29. 同时,医疗服务设施落后亦有一定影响。积极开展老年社区服务,倡导良好的卫生行为及生活习惯,将有助于老年健康水平的提高。

    Active and efficient community service and good living habits will help promote health for the elderly .

  30. 二是开展社区服务是医院服务保障模式改革的大趋势;

    The promotion of community service is the general tendency of the reform mode of hospital service ;