
shè huì jiù jì
  • social assistance;social relief
  1. 追根溯源,人类产生社会救济思想因为不同的阶层而有所区别。

    The idea of social relief varies with different social classes .

  2. 主要论述社会救济法律制度的三大层次:根本法、专门法、专项法规。

    Mainly discusses the social relief legal system in three levels .

  3. 依靠社会救济金生活的家庭将受到严重的影响。

    Families on social security benefits will be harshly affected .

  4. 我国传统的社会救济工作曾经取得了显著成绩。

    China 's traditional social assistance system has achieved remarkable results .

  5. 论民国社会救济中的传统因素

    Traditional Factors of National Relief of the Republic of China

  6. 近十年来清代社会救济问题研究综述

    The Research Summary of Qing Dynasty Social Relief in Recent 10 Years

  7. 我国社会救济的区域失衡及其矫正

    The regional imbalance and correction of succoring in China

  8. 1985年以来国内唐代社会救济史研究综述

    A Survey of Historical Study of Social Relief in Tang Dynasty Since 1985

  9. 试论近代中国社会救济思想

    A Discussion of Social Relief Thinking in Modern China

  10. 本文则主要从社会救济、儿童福利两个方面探讨了其影响。

    The text discusses the influence in the social salvation and child welfare .

  11. 清代江南地区的乡村社会救济&以市镇为中心的考察

    Social Relief in Rural Areas South of Yangtze River during the Qing Dynasty

  12. 并且慈善也从过去的单纯社会救济转向教育为主,并且在现代市场经济危机的情况下,政府逐步承担起了社会救济、社会保障的责任。

    And the traditional charity evolved from simple social relief into educational relief .

  13. 清代社会救济制度初探

    Approach to Social Relief System in the Qing Dynasty

  14. 第一章介绍了社会救济制度运行的思想基础。

    The first chapter presents the theoretical basis of the social relief system .

  15. 传统延续与制度创新&近代福州的社会救济事业研究

    Continuance of Tradition and Innovation of System-Study of Social Relief in Modern Fuzhou

  16. 其二,社会救济制度向最低生活保障制度的演变。

    II . the evolution from social relief system to the lowest security system ;

  17. 发展城乡社会救济和社会福利事业。

    We should develop social relief and welfare programs in urban and rural areas .

  18. 他们被排除在传统的社会救济制度之外,无法得到社会救济。

    They were excluded from social relief system and kept outside of social relief .

  19. 把这邮寄给社会救济部门。

    Post it to the social security office .

  20. 中国传统社会救济与城市贫困人口社会救助理念建设

    Ideological development of traditional social relief in China and social succor to the urban poor

  21. 摘要贫困的存在、文化张力的影响、社会救济体系的不甚完备是乞讨现象形成的主要原因。

    Begging are mainly derived from poverty , cultural tension and imperfectness of rescue work .

  22. 近代天津的社会救济事业探略

    On the Social Relief in Modern Tianjin

  23. 清代宝庆府社会救济机构建设中的官民合作&以育婴堂和养济院为中心

    Cooperation between Official and Civil Social Welfare Institutions in Baoqing Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty

  24. 他们现在靠社会救济生活。

    They are living on welfare now .

  25. 近代山东社会救济研究

    Research on Social Relief in Modern Shandong

  26. 社会救济养老制度在农村的实施

    Enforcement of the system for the support of social relief to the old-aged in countryside

  27. 浅议环境侵权损害的社会救济制度

    The Social Relieving System in Environment Tort

  28. 在这一章中主要分析了支撑社会救济制度的思想底蕴。

    The idea underlying the social relief system has been the focus of this chapter .

  29. 抗战时期广东的灾况和社会救济

    The Situation of Calamities and Social Relief in Guangdong during the War of Resistance Against Japan

  30. 这一制度是对城镇居民社会救济制度的重大发展。

    This one system is the significant progress that relieves a system to town dweller society .