
  1. 这些是我们为让人们共享商业利益而提供的普遍保障。

    These are our generic security for having people share commercial interest .

  2. 首先,确定了建立城乡一体化养老保险制度应遵循普遍保障原则、基本保障原则、可持续性原则、公平与效率相结合原则等基本原则。

    Firstly , it determines the basic principles followed by the establishment of integrated urban and rural endowment insurance system .

  3. 按国务院规定,各地普遍将保障资金列入了财政预算。

    In accordance with the regulations of the State Council , almost all local governments have incorporated the fund for guaranteed subsistence allowances into their budget .

  4. 第五部分,则是对实现普遍服务的保障体系研究。

    The fifth part then researches safeguard system to realize the universal service .

  5. 公立医院是各国普遍采用的保障和增进公民健康的制度安排。

    Public hospitals are widely used to protect and promote the health of the citizens .

  6. 一些左派人士的确把欧洲看作一个行为方式不同的地方,而且在某些问题上比美国做得更好,比如提供普遍的医疗保障。

    Some on the left do indeed look to Europe as a place that does things differently and better on some issues such as the provision of universal healthcare .

  7. 邮政专营权制度的设立是为了更好的实现普遍服务,保障公民的基本通信权利,维护国家的信息安全。

    The establishment of exclusive franchise of express is to achieve a better universal service , to protect basic communication rights of citizens , and to protect national information security .

  8. 在国内外许多国家,就近入学是在义务教育阶段普遍实施以保障儿童平等受教育机会的政策之一。

    In many countries of the world , the policy of entering school nearby is one of policies that ensure children have equal chance of education at the phase of compulsory education .

  9. 青岛市各级卫生监督机构普遍存在经费保障不足现象,超过半数的机构在办公场所、交通工具、办公设备、取证工具、现场检测设备、信息化等硬件建设方面存在差距。

    The phenomenon of expense shortage is common in health supervision organizations of all level in Qingdao . The disparities of work place , traffic vehicle , office equipment , evidence-collection facility , on-the-spot detection device , and normalization exist in more than half of the organizations . 4 .

  10. 夫妻相互继承遗产和子女平等继承父母遗产的权利普遍得到了保障。5·在一定情况下,特别是在事关孤女或女继承人的时候,在氏族内部通婚的相互权利和义务。

    It has become common practice for husband and wife to enjoy the same hereditary rights and for sons and daughters to have equal rights as heirs . 5 . Mutual right and obligation to marry within the gens in certain cases , especially for orphan girls and heiresses .

  11. 并采用为国外信用评级机构普遍使用的偿债保障比法合理规划证券的发行额度;

    The DSCR ratio is also used as the standard to plan the security issuing volume .

  12. 维护商业,促进普遍的福利,保障自由,

    provide for the common defense , promote the general welfare , and secure the blessings of liberty .

  13. 养老保险作为各国针对养老问题普遍建立的社会保障制度,从建立至今就一直受到大多数国家或地区的高度重视。

    As a common system of social security about endowment problem , Endowment Insurance has been set store by many countries since it was founded .

  14. 邮政在承担普遍服务义务、保障公民的基本通信权利以及促进国民经济和社会发展等方面都发挥着其他行业不可替代的重要作用。

    Post office plays an important role that other industries can not replace in the following aspects : undertaking the obligation of universal service , guaranteeing citizens ' basic communication rights and promoting national economy and social development .

  15. 民事诉讼管辖制度以其对司法权和诉权保障的重要意义而备受现代法治国家普遍推崇,成为保障程序公正的重要标志之一,在我国也经历了漫长的发展过程。

    Jurisdiction system in civil procedure has been highly evaluated by many countries for its importance on right to appeal . It is the significant symbol to guarantee procedural justice . Jurisdiction system also has been a long time in our nation .