
  1. 同普通美国国债一样,这些债券不但得到了美国政府的支持,而且本身还具有保护功能,可在通货膨胀时提高回报率。

    These bonds are backed by the U.S. government , like normal Treasury papers , but also have built-in protections that boost returns to account for inflation .

  2. 因此我不会购买普通长期国债,要买也只买通胀保值国债,因为我觉得,普通国债的价格还没有便宜到足以补偿通胀风险的水平。

    That 's why I wouldn 't buy regular long-term Treasury bonds , other than inflation-protected ones , because I don 't think they are cheap enough to compensate for the risk .