
qǐ yè zhài quàn
  • bonds issued by an enterprise
  1. 在将美国政府相关债券的持有比重削减至零之后,totalreturn持有的资产主要是美国抵押贷款、企业债券、高息及新兴市场债券。

    After slashing its government related holdings to zero , the total return funds assets are primarily in US mortgages , corporate bonds , high yield and emerging market debt .

  2. 我国企业债券信用评级的因素分析&基于Altman的Z计分模型的实证研究

    Factors Influencing Credit Rating on Corporate Bonds in China : Empirical Study Based on Z Model of Altman

  3. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)指出,以外币计价的新兴市场企业债券今年的发行量有望超过2007年创纪录的1530亿美元。

    Foreign currency-denominated emerging market corporate bond issuance is on target this year to outpace the record $ 153bn issued in 2007 , according to JPMorgan .

  4. 一项业内估计显示,在所发行的结构性产品中有60%评级为3A,与之相比,只有1%的企业债券评级为3A。

    By one industry estimate , 60 per cent of structured issues were rated triple A against 1 per cent of corporates .

  5. 现在看来很明显:当标准普尔500指数(s&p500)和道琼斯工业平均指数(dowjonesindustrialaverage)12个月前见顶时,投资者忽略了货币市场及和企业债券市场压力的不断加剧。

    It is now clear that when the S & P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average attained their highs 12 months ago , investors were ignoring the festering strains in the money and corporate bond markets .

  6. 道明证券(tdsecurities)策略师埃里克格林(ericgreen)表示,“9月期间是避险行为集中的月份之一,美国国债继续受益,而企业债券和股市受冷落。”

    Eric green , strategist at TD securities , said : " the September period was one of high risk aversion and Treasuries continued to benefit at the expense of corporate bonds and equities . "

  7. 尽管ECB提交了一份计划,准备购买证券化的企业债券,但许多人现在认为,此类证券当前的规模不足以让这一计划起到作用。

    While the bank has presented a plan to purchase securitized corporate bonds , many now think that not enough of these securities exist for the plan to make a difference .

  8. 针对传统风险计量模型的不足,利用Copula函数来刻画股票、基金、国债和企业债券之间的相关结构进而得到投资组合收益率的联合分布。

    For the defect of traditional risk measurement model , we choose Copula Function to describe the related structures between stocks , funds , treasury bonds and corporate bonds .

  9. markit的数据显示,自5月份以来,除日本以外,亚洲50个投资级企业债券发行者的信用违约互换(cds)指数,几乎与欧洲的同类指数持平。

    An index of CDs on 50 investment-grade Asian corporate borrowers outside Japan , tracked by Markit , has been practically flat to the equivalent European index since May .

  10. 本周一,为了给收购社交网络领英(LinkedIn)提供资金,微软(Microsoft)发行了近200亿美元债券,其规模在企业债券发行史上排名第五,为固定收益投资人注入一剂强心针。

    Microsoft jolted fixed income investors to life on Monday when it sold nearly $ 20bn of debt to fund its takeover of social network LinkedIn , the fifth largest corporate bond sale on record .

  11. 结果表明ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)模型可以合理解释企业债券市场波动存在的持续性、丛集性和杠杆效应。

    Empirical result shows that ARMA ( 1,1 ) - GARCH ( 1,1 ) model provide a successfully simulation by explaining strongly the volatility clustering , durative and leverage effects in enterprise bond markets .

  12. 英国的QE政策已经起了作用,它通过把大量的国债剥离市场以让卖者使用回收到的钱去投资风险更大的资产,比如企业债券和股票。

    Britain 's brand of QE has worked by taking a slug of government bonds off the market so that sellers might use the proceeds to buy riskier assets , such as corporate bonds or equities .

  13. 由于我国企业债券信用价差的影响因索不止有Merton结构模型所指出来的这些因素,而且还包括许多其它因素。

    Because our country ' enterprise bond credit spreads ' influence factors are more than these factors who are pointed out by the Merton structure model , And also includes many other factors .

  14. 在美财政部助理部长JanEberly近日发表的一篇文章中提到,必须要严格审查企业债券收益率的表现,企业利润以及其他指标。

    In a recent article , Jan Eberly , an assistant secretary for economic policy , scrutinised the behaviour of corporate-bond yields , corporate profits and other indicators .

  15. electica已经找到一群特殊的投资者,他们愿意出售可能受到上述产能过剩影响的关键工业部门企业债券的cds产品。

    Electica has found a peculiar bunch of investors who are willing to sell CDs products on corporate bonds for key industrial sectors likely to be hit by this over-capacity trade .

  16. 穆迪(Moody's)信贷官钟汶权(IvanChung)表示:违约对于企业债券市场的发展来说可能是件好事。投资者一直在简单地购买收益率最高的债券。

    A default would be a good thing for the development of the corporate bond market , said Ivan Chung , a credit officer with Moody ' s. Investors have just been buying the bonds with the highest yields .

  17. 下的政府行为将有利于企业债券的发展。

    Chapter three : The Government Action in Corporate Bond Market .

  18. 大型公司可以发行企业债券,企债市场是它们的另一个资金源。

    Corporate-bond markets provide another source of funding for larger firms .

  19. 信用评级机构的不规范也是企业债券市场发展的绊腿石。

    Nonstandard credit-evaluating organizations are obstacles of developing corporate bond market .

  20. 一个主要原因是,我们将企业债券与公司债券相混淆。

    The main contributor is corporation bond confused with enterprise debt .

  21. 第一部分,介绍企业债券融资理论。

    The first part describes the enterprise bonds financing theory .

  22. 发展企业债券融资健全直接融资结构

    Developing Securities Financing for Enterprises to Perfect Direct Financing Structure

  23. 韩国中小企业债券融资模式研究及对我国的启示

    Research on Bond Financing Models of Korean SMEs and Implications to China

  24. 进一步完善企业债券市场化运行机制。

    Continuously improve the mechanism of enterprise bond market operation .

  25. 应该重视与加快发展我国的企业债券

    Emphasizing and Improving the Development of Corporate Bonds in China

  26. 我国企业债券市场风险评估与管理

    Estimation and Management on the Market Risk of Corporate Bond in China

  27. 中国企业债券市场存在的问题与发展前景

    Problems in China 's enterprise bond market and development tendency

  28. 企业债券市场发展的严重滞后;

    The development of the market of enterprise bonds was severely lagged ;

  29. 第三部分,论述企业债券的设计与发行。

    The third part discusses the design and publication of enterprise bonds .

  30. 与此同时,要逐步增加企业债券的发行。

    Meanwhile , the issue of enterprise bonds will be increased gradually .