
  • 网络Swiss franc bonds
  1. 在日内瓦大学附属医院的瑞士病毒实验中心指导的一项研究里,研究人员做了个实验:让病毒附在瑞士法郎债券上,然后观察可能发生的事情。

    In a study conducted at Switzerland 's Central Laboratory of Virology at the University Hospitals of Geneva , researchers tested to see what would happen when flu virus was placed on Swiss franc notes .

  2. 为了给这笔交易融资,宝盛将启动7.50亿瑞士法郎的配股,重新部署先前拟用于回购股票的过剩资本,并发行2亿瑞士法郎的混合新债券。

    To fund the deal , Julius Baer will embark on a SFr750m rights issue , redeploy SFr530m of excess capital previously earmarked for a share buyback programme and issue SFr200m in new hybrid capital .