
  • 网络Swedbank;Swedbank AB;sveriges riksbank;Sweden Bank;SEB A-SE
  1. 根据国际清算银行(BankforInternationalSettlements),去年瑞典银行金库大约存着36亿瑞典克朗的纸币和硬币,而2010年有87亿。

    Last year , Swedish bank vaults held around 3.6 billion kronor in notes and coins , down from 8.7 billion in 2010 , according to the Bank for International Settlements .

  2. 由瑞典银行财团控制的取款机有数百台将被拆除,尤其是在农村地区。

    Cash machines , which are controlled by a Swedish bank consortium , are being dismantled by the hundreds , especially in rural areas .

  3. 给陷于困境的巴尔干国家的大量贷款,令瑞典银行面临层出不穷的坏账,在某种程度上削弱了它们取得的成功。

    That success has been undermined somewhat by a fresh barrage of bad loans facing Swedish banks that lent heavily to the troubled Baltic countries .

  4. 掌控该国金融系统大半江山的外资银行(多为瑞典银行)并未因为世界其他地区出现紧缩信贷而受到较大影响。

    The foreign banks , mainly Swedish , that own most of the financial system seem largely untouched by the credit crunch elsewhere in the world .

  5. 所以,贬值可能会导致许多私营部门代理商违约。而且,由于拉脱维亚的银行都是瑞典银行开设在该国的分支机构,因此,该国的金融危机可能会蔓延至其它地区。

    Devaluation may therefore lead to default by many private sector agents and as the country 's banks are local subsidiaries of Swedish banks , a financial meltdown in Latvia could prove contagious .

  6. 1980年代,金融管制的放松导致了瑞典银行对不动产放贷的狂热,至于那些抵押品会不会在经济不景气时价值缩水(价值蒸发),则未被予以足够的关注。

    Financial deregulation in the1980s fed a frenzy of real estate lending by Sweden 's banks , which did not worry enough about whether the value of their collateral might evaporate in tougher times .

  7. 1694年成立的英格兰银行,虽然比1656年成立的瑞典银行晚将近40年,但却是世界上最早真正全面执行中央银行职能的银行,被认为是中央银行的鼻祖。

    The Bank of England is established in 1694 . Although nearly 40 years later than the Bank of Sweden which was established in 1656 , in fact , it is the first bank with full implementation of the central bank functions in the world .

  8. 瑞典SEB银行的网络之路

    The internet development of Swiss SEB bank

  9. 瑞典国家银行近日刚刚推出硬币和纸币的新设计。

    Recently , the Riksbank issued newly redesigned coins and notes .

  10. 此奖由瑞典中央银行1968年创立。

    The Swedish central bank created the prize in 1968 .

  11. 英国和瑞典中央银行降息幅度更加大胆。欧洲央行行长特里谢说,欧洲萧条的经济现状使得低利率引发通货膨胀的风险大为降低。

    Central banks in Britain and Sweden cut interest rates even more aggressively .

  12. 大约5亿美元将来自瑞典的银行。

    Roughly $ 500m will come from Swedish banks .

  13. 瑞典土地银行经验及其对我国用地储备的启示

    The Experience of Sweden Land Bank and Its Inspiration for our Country 's City-use Land Storage

  14. 瑞典网上银行发展的启示

    Inspirations from Swedish E-Banking

  15. 这也是一个现实的问题,因为许多瑞典的银行不再接受或分发现金。

    It is also a practical matter , as many of the country 's banks no longer accept or dispense cash .

  16. 瑞典国家银行纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔经济学奖被颁于纽约大学的托马斯·萨金特和普林思顿大学的克里斯托弗·西姆斯。

    THE Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has been awarded to Thomas J.Sargent of New York University and Christopher A.

  17. 瑞典各银行不再放贷给波罗的海诸国,奥地利的银行也不再向匈牙利注资,英国和荷兰的银行同样不向冰岛投钱。

    No more credit is flowing to the Baltics from Swedish banks , to Hungary from Austrian banks or to Iceland from Britain and the Netherlands .

  18. 瑞典国家银行的发明,经济学奖里彭德尔伯里最喜欢的其中一个,是托尼•阿特金森先生,致力于收入的不平等。

    One of Pendlebury 's favourites for the economics prize , an invention of Sweden 's national bank , is Sir Tony Atkinson , for work on income inequality .

  19. 例如,受到危机冲击的波罗的海国家的国内贷款中,很大一部分来自一些瑞典的银行,而希腊银行则在罗马尼亚和保加利亚有着类似的风险敞口。

    Swedish banks have a large share of domestic lending in the crisis-hit Baltic states , for example , while Greek banks are similarly exposed in Romania and Bulgaria .

  20. 德国、瑞士、丹麦和瑞典的银行一直努力避免对公众或小企业收取存款费,而宁愿只对最大型企业客户和金融机构客户收取费用。

    German , Swiss , Danish and Swedish banks have been at pains to avoid subjecting the general public or small businesses to fees for depositing cash , preferring to impose levies only on the biggest corporate and institutional customers .

  21. 苏菲有份在瑞典某银行的好工作,不过她请了四个月的长假,使她的家人大为惊恐,同事们疑惑不解,只因为她想来罗马学习讲漂亮的意大利语。

    Sofie has just taken a four-month leave of absence from her good job in a Swedish bank , much to the horror of her family and bewilderment of her colleagues , only because she wanted to come to Rome and learn how to speak beautiful Italian .

  22. 在瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)的合作下,世界银行通过斯堪的纳维亚的若干主要机构投资者筹集了大约3.50亿美元的资金。

    In partnership with SEB , the World Bank raised approximately US $ 350 million via several key Scandinavian institutional investors .

  23. 银瑞达反过来又对伊莱克斯(Electrolux)和ABB等工业企业及瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)施加影响力。

    Investor in turn wields influence over industrial companies such as Electrolux and ABB , and the bank SEB .

  24. 瑞典几大银行,包括瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)、瑞典银行(Swedbank)、北欧联合银行(NordeaBank)等,有半数以上的分行不存现金,也不接受现金存款。

    At more than half of the branches of the country 's biggest banks , including SEB , Swedbank , Nordea Bank and others , no cash is kept on hand , nor are cash deposits accepted .

  25. 上个世界90年代,芬兰和瑞典将本国银行收归国有-随后又将其私有化。

    In the1990s the Finns and Swedes nationalised banks-and privatised them again later .

  26. 在欧洲各国内部,法国、西班牙、瑞典等国家银行保险业务实现的保费收入占到寿险市场业务总量的60%。

    In France , Spain , Sweden and so on the premium income that bancassurance business realized accounted for 60 percent of life insurance market business amount .

  27. 具体到孟加拉国、墨西哥和瑞典,世界银行发现在这三个国家男人和女人们都倾向于各自集中在相同的行业里面。

    This is true regardless of national income . Looking at Bangladesh , Mexico and Sweden , the bank found that men and women tended to separate themselves into the same sorts of occupation in all three countries .

  28. 瑞典央行瑞典国家银行(Riksbank),预计现金流通量将下降得很快,但未来20年仍然会流通。

    The Swedish central bank , the Riksbank , predicts it will decline fast but still be circulating in 20 years .

  29. 如果您计划访问瑞典,不要忘记考虑的日期瑞典公众,银行及国定假日。

    If you plan to visit Sweden , don 't forget to consider the dates of the Swedish public , bank & national holidays .