
ruì shì fǎ láng
  • Swiss Franc;CHF;Sfr
  1. 瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。

    The Swiss franc is a hard currency .

  2. 目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。

    The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc .

  3. 如果瑞士法郎兑欧元再升值10%,就会再增加相当于瑞士gdp3%的账面亏损。

    A further 10 per cent appreciation of the Swiss Franc versus the euro would generate additional marked-to-market losses of 3 per cent of Swiss GDP .

  4. 其一,按照巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的计算,瑞士法郎是与合理币值偏差最大的货币,而日元并非特别强势。

    The first is that , unlike the Swiss franc , which is the currency furthest from its fair value , on Barclays Capital calculations , the Japanese yen is not particularly strong .

  5. Ecu会根据对宏观经济形势的判断,有规律地将贷款在英镑、美元、加元、瑞士法郎和欧元之间转换。

    Ecu switches the loan regularly between the pound , dollar , Canadian dollar , Swiss Franc and euro based on its macroeconomic views .

  6. 马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)本来可以叫欧元去自生自灭,或者是将他手头所有的现金都兑换成瑞士法郎。

    Mario Draghi could have told the euro to fend for itself or shifted all his cash to Swiss francs .

  7. 更大胆的是,中国化工(ChemChina)据报道正考虑以现金竞购市值350亿瑞士法郎的先正达公司(SyngentaAG)。

    And most brazenly , ChemChina is reportedly considering an all-cash bid worth SFr35bn for Syngenta AG .

  8. 目前各方日趋预期,美联储(Fed)将在下月按照所谓的定量宽松政策,向美国经济注入更多资金。这种预期昨日导致美元兑人民币、瑞士法郎和澳元创下新低。

    Increasing expectations the Federal Reserve will pump more money into the US economy next month under a policy known as quantitative easing sent the dollar to new lows against the Chinese renminbi , Swiss franc and Australian dollar .

  9. 宇舶的BigBang法拉利魔力金表(FerrariMagicGold)采用了陶瓷与24K金的复合材料,这种材质不仅能够彰显出黄金的奢华,还具有防刮特性。这款腕表的售价接近32000瑞士法郎(约合人民币226000元)。

    Its Big Bang Ferrari Magic Gold , which costs nearly 32000 Swiss francs ( $ 36000 ) , uses a blend of ceramic and 24-carat gold , an amalgam that carries gold 's luster but is resistant to scratches .

  10. 瑞银(ubs)外汇策略师曼努埃尔奥里弗利(manueloliveri)称:“他们主要关心的是守住瑞士法郎对欧元的汇率上限。”

    Manuel oliveri , a foreign exchange strategist at UBS , said : " their key interest is to keep the Swiss franc-euro exchange rate capped . "

  11. 例如,瑞士法郎并没有被纳入SDR货币篮子,但它被相当普遍地(当然是相对于瑞士经济规模而言)作为一种储备货币而持有。

    The Swiss franc , for example , is quite widely held as a reserve currency ( certainly relative to the size of the Swiss economy ) without being in the SDR basket .

  12. 2007年以来,瑞士法郎兑英镑汇率上涨了56%,导致这栋大楼在2009年突破了其贷款价值比(LTV)上限。

    The currency has risen 56 per cent against the pound since 2007 and as a result the building breached its loan-to-value cap in 2009 .

  13. 例如,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)认为,美元兑欧元、日元和瑞士法郎的汇率被低估了10%至15%;兑澳元等大宗商品货币的汇率被低估了近三分之一。

    Morgan Stanley , for example , reckons the dollar is now 10-15 per cent undervalued versus the euro , yen and Swiss franc , and almost a third too cheap against commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar .

  14. ebu基于10种主要货币的组合,主要发行对象为希望找到替代日元和瑞士法郎等低收益货币的企业和机构借款者。

    The EBU , based on a portfolio of 10 major currencies , is aimed principally at corporate and institutional borrowers who want an alternative to low-yielding currencies such as the yen and the Swiss franc .

  15. 以该公司在2008年的收入为例,雀巢表示Nespresso在2008年的产品销售上升了30个百分点,年收入超过了预计的20亿瑞士法郎的目标,比原计划提前2年达到目标。

    Presenting its 2008 earnings , Nestle said sales of Nespresso products grew 30 percent in 2008 , taking annual revenue past its goal of 2 billion Swiss francs , two years ahead of schedule .

  16. 在全球开展业务的美国工业集团伊顿(eaton)的首席财务官里克费伦(rickfearon)表示,要消解对欧元区政治风险的担忧,方法之一是将企业资金从欧元兑换为瑞士法郎。

    Rick Fearon , chief financial officer of Eaton , a US industrial group with global operations , says moving company money out of the euro and into the Swiss franc is one way to address fears about political risk in the eurozone .

  17. 迅速出没亲能提取压缩档案瑞士法郎从可执行文件。

    Swifty Xena Pro can extract uncompressed SWF files from executables .

  18. 因为它们的瑞士法郎是我们列表中最贵的货币。

    Their franc is the most expensive currency on our list .

  19. 升级的连接管理器通过瑞士法郎安装是不可能的。

    Upgrade of Connection Manager via sw installation is not possible .

  20. 然而,瑞士法郎的使用范围都要比人民币广得多。

    Yet the Swiss franc is far more widely used .

  21. 瑞士法郎标价,含税。

    Price in Swiss Franc ( CHF or SFr ), Tax included .

  22. 然而在周四,这种情况就发生在了瑞士法郎身上。

    But that is what happened to the Swiss franc on Thursday .

  23. 能否给我100美圆的瑞士法郎?

    Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs ?

  24. 日元兑英镑和瑞士法郎也创下8年新低。

    It also struck eight-year lows against sterling and the Swiss franc .

  25. 瑞士法郎不变,为2.166法郎兑1美元。

    The Swiss franc is unchanged at two francs sixteen point six .

  26. 此外,美元兑欧元以及瑞士法郎的比价也都创下新低。

    It also hit record lows against the euro and the Swiss franc .

  27. 选择瑞士法郎显然是愚蠢的,这证明了该国在经济方面的无知。

    The choice of Swiss francs is plainly ludicrous testimony to economic illiteracy .

  28. 能否把我这笔钱换回到瑞士法郎?

    Would you please change this money back into Swiss francs for me ?

  29. 该集团销售额达到了456亿瑞士法郎。

    The Group posted sales of45.6 billion Swiss francs .

  30. 这些举措推动瑞银股价上涨12%,至32.40瑞士法郎。

    The moves drove its shares 12 per cent higher at SFR 32.40 .