
  • 网络Mizuho;mizuho bank
  1. 瑞穗银行(Mizuho)的另一项调查发现,81%的iPhone用户预计下一部手机会使用更长时间,估计比目前所用手机的20个月多7个月。

    Another survey by Mizuho found that 81 per cent of iPhone users expected to hang on to their next device for longer , an estimated 27 months compared with 20 months .

  2. 监管机构要求瑞穗银行在一个月之内提交一份业务操作整顿计划,并在昨日表示,在该银行和一个独立小组完成调查之后,它将采取恰当的行动。

    The watchdog has given Mizuho a month to submit a plan to improve its operations , and said yesterday that it would take appropriate action after the bank and an independent panel complete their investigations .

  3. 当初合并组建瑞穗的银行曾发行过类似证券,此次筹资也将有助于瑞穗为这些证券提供再融资。

    The capital raising will also help the banking group refinance similar securities issued by the banks that merged to create Mizuho .