
Nán Jīnɡ Yín Hánɡ
  • Bank of Nanjing
  1. 在个案分析中,南京银行的风险披露状况为投资者提供了较为详细的信息。

    From the case analysis , Bank of Nanjing provides investors with more detailed information about the risk disclosure .

  2. 然而,据官方的新华社周末报道,只有少数规模较小的银行,如南京银行和宁波银行,选择在新的20%上浮上限设定其存款利率。

    However , only a handful of smaller banks such as Bank of Nanjing and Bank of Ningbo chose to set their deposit rates at the new 20 per cent ceiling , the official Xinhua news agency reported at the weekend .

  3. 中国中信银行(chinaciticbank)、南京银行(bankofnanjing)和交通银行(bankofcommunications)在上海上市的首日股价都飙升近一倍。

    The shares of China CITIC Bank , Bank of Nanjing and Bank of communications nearly doubled on their first day of trading in Shanghai .

  4. 2006-2008年南京银行和工商银行的变化较大。

    From 2006 to 2008 Industrial and Commercial Bank of Nanjing Bank changes heavily .

  5. 随后,北京银行、南京银行及宁波银行等城市商业银行实现上市。

    Subsequently , Bank of Beijing , Bank of Nanjing , Bank of Ningbo and other city commercial banks have been listed .

  6. 北京银行、南京银行和宁波银行三家银行已获准上市,具备较强的盈利能力。

    Bank of Beijing , Bank of Nanjing and Bank of Ningbo , three banks have been approved for listing , with strong profitability .

  7. 其次收到影响比较大的是南京银行、工商银行、交通银行、建设银行。

    Second , the greatest impact is the receipt of Nanjing Bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank , Bank of Communications , China Construction Bank .

  8. 我们选取的样本银行(南京银行)在城市商业银行中属于佼佼者,但它的效率值一直处于波动状态,且水平较低。

    We select the sample bank ( Bank of Nanjing ) belongs to the outstanding bank in the city Commercial banks . But , its efficiency fluctuates all the time , and the level is low .

  9. 通过对轻松理财卡的宏观环境、行业环境、内部环境以及SWOT分析,深入地剖析南京浦发银行的市场环境和自身情况。

    According to the analysis for leisure banking card by macro environment , industry environment , internal environment , and SWOT , in-depth analyses the market environment and their own situation of Nanjing Pudong Development Bank .

  10. 本文以南京浦发银行为例,在对相关营销理论进行阐述的基础上,为南京浦发银行选择适合自身发展的轻松理财卡组合营销策略。

    In the basic of relevant marketing theory elaborating , suitable development of marketing strategy of leisure banking card combination for Nanjing Pudong Development Bank has been chosen .

  11. 文章以中小商业银行生存和发展理论为依据,阐明我国城市商业银行广阔的发展空间,以南京市商业银行为例证明了城市商业银行对地方经济的支撑作用。

    Based on the medium and small-sized commercial banks ' existence and development theory , the paper illustrates wide development scope of China 's city commercial banks . Take Nanjing City Commercial Bank as an instance , the supporting role of city commercial banks in local economy has been proved .

  12. 从南京爱立信事件看银行应收账款业务的发展

    The Study on Development of Accounts Receivable Business for Banks Based on Nanjing Ericsson Event

  13. 对抗战前南京国民政府的银行立法活动进行多视角、多层面的简约分析;

    Goes on the analysis to the legislative activity of development bank of the national government of Nanjing in front of the war of resistance briefly of large visual angles , stage construction ;

  14. 接着在分析南京商行与巴黎银行构建战略联盟动因的基础上,文章对南京商行与巴黎银行战略联盟结构以及其中蕴涵的机会与风险因素进行了分析。

    On the basis of an explanation of the underlying reasons for the construction of the strategic alliance between Nanjing City Commercial Bank and BNP Paribas , the thesis examines the structure and the opportunities and risks behind this strategic alliance .