
  • 网络BANK OF NINGBO;ningbo bank
  1. 规模较小的宁波银行将在深圳发行18%的股份,可能募集多达4.8亿美元的资金。

    The smaller Bank of Ningbo will sell 18 per cent in Shenzhen and could to raise up to $ 480m .

  2. 然而,据官方的新华社周末报道,只有少数规模较小的银行,如南京银行和宁波银行,选择在新的20%上浮上限设定其存款利率。

    However , only a handful of smaller banks such as Bank of Nanjing and Bank of Ningbo chose to set their deposit rates at the new 20 per cent ceiling , the official Xinhua news agency reported at the weekend .

  3. 随后,北京银行、南京银行及宁波银行等城市商业银行实现上市。

    Subsequently , Bank of Beijing , Bank of Nanjing , Bank of Ningbo and other city commercial banks have been listed .

  4. 北京银行、南京银行和宁波银行三家银行已获准上市,具备较强的盈利能力。

    Bank of Beijing , Bank of Nanjing and Bank of Ningbo , three banks have been approved for listing , with strong profitability .

  5. 2009年上半年宁波银行上海分行存款诈骗案以及2010年年底齐鲁银行巨额贷款诈骗案都说明了城商行的内控和风险管理存在一定的问题。

    The first half of 2009 Ningbo Bank , Shanghai Branch deposit fraud and the end of 2010 Qilu Bank huge loans bank fraud were indicative of city commercial banks there are certain internal control and risk management issue .

  6. 宁波市银行机构贷款利率定价机制的情况调查

    Investigation on Pricing Regime for Credit Interest Rate in Ningbo On The Market Credit

  7. 宁波商行:小银行与大作为

    NBCB : Small Bank and Big Achievement

  8. 构建农村信用社改革成效评价指标体系,以宁波鄞州农村合作银行为例,实证分析产权制度改革带来的效益。

    In the part , an evaluating indicator system is built to analyze the effects of the reformation , and rural credit bank of Yinzhou is taken as an example .

  9. 本文以我国首家农村合作银行&宁波鄞州农村合作银行为例对农村合作银行治理结构的特征进行了实证研究。

    This paper studies the Characters of corporate governance of rural cooperative bank by taking Ningbo Yinzhou Rural Cooperative Bank , the first rural cooperative bank in China as an example .