
  • 网络Nymph;Ninfa
  1. 裸体宁芙们,希腊。拿生活在那个时代的人们作例子也好嘛。

    Naked nymphs : greece : and for instance all the people that lived then .

  2. 于是,宙斯躲过一劫,他被送到克洛诺斯的姐姐宁芙女神那里抚养。

    So , Zeus escaped , he was sent to Cronus sister nymphs goddess brought up there .

  3. 俄裔美籍作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫的名作《洛丽塔》,讲述了中年男人亨伯特迷恋上12岁的宁芙洛丽塔的畸恋故事。

    Lolita , written by Vladimir Nabokov , tells us an abnormal story in which Humbert , a middle-aged man falls in love with 12-years-old Lolita .