
  • 网络Fetish;juju
  1. 物神:尤指与万物有灵或萨满教的宗教习俗有联系的被相信有魔力或神力的物品。

    Fetish , also fetich : an object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers , especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices .

  2. 在寻找深处进灵魂之内方面,超现实主义者经过图像在理性者中表达反讽佛洛伊德的潜在意识,以及推翻被马克思建议的日用品物神的类型。

    In searching deep into the psyche , the Surrealists expressed the irony in the rational through images of Freudian subconscious , and also to subvert the kind of commodity fetish suggested by Marx .

  3. 他给出的证据是受害人脖子上精确的切口和鲜血流尽的躯体—一种被谴责为juju(某些西非部族所用的物神)的“神圣”礼物,或者可称为西非的巫术。

    His evidence was the precise slit in the victim 's neck and a body drained of blood - a divine tribute that is condemned as juju , or black magic , in West Africa .

  4. 超现实主义者时常在一个加倍中这么做轮流转无理性的图像他们自己崇拜物神的。

    The Surrealists often do so in a double take turning irrational images themselves fetishistic .

  5. 那统统皆正在阿谁宇宙的制物神的保护下完秤弈。

    All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe .

  6. 巫师和巫医,护符和物神仍都是非洲型态不可缺少的部份。

    Sorcerer and witch doctor , grigri and juju , are still an integral part of the African pattern .

  7. 对这本恐怖的书,她的母亲有一种奇怪的物神崇拜的恐惧,从来不敢整夜把它放在屋内,所以每次用完以后,都要把它送回原处。

    A curious fetichistic fear of this grimy volume on the part of her mother prevented her ever allowing it to stay in the house all night , and hither it was brought back whenever it had been consulted .

  8. 毫无疑问,我们的神是一个厚赐百物的神。

    There is no doubt we have a giving God .

  9. 不要让别的人事物来把神的地位给占了。

    Don 't allow anything or anyone to take God 's rightful place in your life .

  10. 目的很清楚,尽管有理智上的问题,但否认的是阿里乌主义,主张的是耶稣不是创造物或半神,而是神。

    The purpose was dear , to deny Arian ism and to assert that , in spite of the intellectual difficulties involved , Jesus was not a creature or a demigod but god .

  11. 神性人假设存在于荷马时代和古风时代,认为人是神的创造物和实现神意的工具,神性人的本质是感性的人。

    The hypothesis of the divine man in the Dark Ages and the Antique Ages deems that man is the creature by deity and the instrument to realize the deity 's intention , and the hypostasis of the divine man is sensibility .

  12. 日头未落的时候,众民来劝大卫吃饭,但大卫起誓说,我若在日头未落以前吃饭,或吃别物,愿神重重地降罚与我。

    And when all the people came to cause David to eat meat while it was yet day , David sware , saying , So do God to me , and more also , if I taste bread , or ought else , till the sun be down .

  13. 他们携带金银供物,敬献于神座之前。

    They carry offerings of gold and silver to lay before his throne .

  14. 马克思美的规律是人生成自我的规律,是人的世界与物的世界、神的世界之间的本质区别,也是人的存在与其它存在的根本不同。

    The law of beauty in Marx is the law about the self-generating of human . It is the essential distinction between the world of human and matter , the world human and god .

  15. 耶稣说,这样,凯撒的物当归给凯撒,神的物当归给神。

    And he said unto them , Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar 's , and unto God the things which be God 's.

  16. 耶稣说:“凯撒的物当归给凯撒,神的物当归给神。”他们就很希奇他。

    17Then Jesus said to them ," Give to Caesar what is Caesar 's and to God what is God 's. " And they were amazed at him .

  17. 从身体上说,神,全能者,拥有毁灭和给所有有限的创造物重新带来生命的能力,因此,创造物服从于神城镇限的力量。

    Physically , God , who is all-powerful , has the ability to destroy and bring back to life all creatures , who are limited and are , therefore , subject to God 's limitless power .