
  1. 中国物理学各分支学科发展现状分析

    An Analysis of the Actuality of Physics Development in China

  2. 力学是物理学的分支。

    Mechanics is a branch of physics .

  3. 统计力学:物理学的分支,将统计学的原理和方法与经典力学和量子力学的定律结合起来。

    Statistical mechanics : Branch of physics that combines the principles and procedures of statistics with the laws of Both classical mechanics and quantum mechanics .

  4. 自从这门学问开始之后,现在已有一套庞大的系统化方法(分析化学)发展出与物理学其它分支有密切的关系。

    A large body of systematic procedures ( analytical chemistry ) has evolved in close association with other branches of the physical sciences since their beginnings .

  5. 按工程学术语来说,“机械学”是物理学的分支,主要学习力,于东,能量,物体受压变形。

    In engineering parlance ," mechanics " is the branch of physics dealing with the forces , motion , energy and the deformations of materials under load .

  6. 现今物理学最大的分支学科是凝聚态物质。

    The largest subfield of physics today is condensed matter .

  7. 堪为物理学第三分支的计算物理

    Computational physics as the third branch of Physics

  8. 光学作为物理学的重要分支学科,也是一门应用性较强的学科。

    Optics is one of the important branches of physics and a subject with better appliance in university physics teaching .

  9. 本文的目的,是从统一的观点来说明物理学的这些分支中的根本问题。

    The aim of this review is to describe some of these basic concepts and to show how they apply in different branches of physics .

  10. 医学影像物理和技术是医学物理学的重要分支,重点解决成像、图像处理与分析以及医学图像在临床应用中的物理问题、算法和软硬件设计。

    The physics and technologies ( PT ) of medical imaging is one of the main branches of medical physics , which deal with the problems on physics , algorisms , as well as the designs of imaging facilities both for hardware and software in medicine .

  11. 凯西,混沌理论貌似是物理学或数学的分支。

    Kathy , chaos theory seems to be a branch of physics or mathematics .

  12. 声学是物理学的一个分支。

    The acoustics is a branch of physical .

  13. 男:凯西,混沌理论好像是物理学或数学的分支。

    M : Kathy , chaos theory seems to be a branch of physics or mathematics .

  14. 因此人们转向研究物理学以外的科学分支尤其是生物学。

    Hence the move to look at branches of science beyond physics and at biology in particular .

  15. 在过去的二十年中,作为量子物理学的一个分支,量子信息已经逐步成为一个新兴的领域。它将量子物理的思想引入到信息理论中。

    In the last two decades quantum information theory has emerged as a branch of quantum physics which links concepts of quantum physics to ideas from information theory .

  16. 文中还指出计算物理在其性质、方法及需要等方面不同于和独立于解析的理论物理和实验物理,而成为物理学的第三分支。

    It is also pointed out in this paper that computational physics is by its nature , methods and needs , so different from analytic theoretical physics and experimental physics as to constitute the third branch of physics .

  17. 我们相信这一评述的价值主要在于缀饰模式方法的普遍性,它的概念框架使它在感兴趣的现象是用非线性微分方程来描述的物理学的许多其它分支中是有价值的。

    We believe that the usefulness of this review lies primarily in the generality of the dressed mode approach , whose conceptual framework makes it valuable in many other branches of physics where the phenomena of interest are described by nonlinear differential equations .

  18. 原子光谱中,同位素位移是少数几个能够将原子物理学和原子核物理学这两个不同的物理学分支联系起来的课题之一。

    In atomic spectroscopy , the subject of isotope shifts is one of the few problems that links atomic and nuclear physics .

  19. 介观物理学是从20世纪80年代发展起来的物理学的一个分支学科。

    Mesoscopic physics has been developed a branch of physics from the eighties in the twentieth century .

  20. 医学物理学与物理医学(physicalmedicine,PM)是完全两个不同的概念,前者是物理学的分支,后者是医学的分支。

    In contrast , physical medicine is a branch of medicine and is different academically from medical physics , which is a branch of applied physics .