
  • 网络Material separation;physical separation
  1. 新型制备型电色谱装置及其在极性小分子物质分离中的应用

    Novel Preparative Electrochromatography Apparatus for the Separation of Small Polar Compounds

  2. 玫瑰茄红色素主要呈色物质分离提纯的研究

    Study on Extraction and Purification of Roselle Calyx Main Red Pigment

  3. 食品风味物质分离技术研究进展

    Research progress of technique for extracting flavor substances in food

  4. 平动旋转圆盘内颗粒物质分离现象的研究

    A Study on the Size Segregation of Granular Matter in the Horizontal Revolving System

  5. 羟基磷灰石在生物活性物质分离与提纯领域中应用的研究进展

    Research Progress in Application of Hydroxyapatite in the Separation and Purification of Bioactive Substances

  6. 本研究为进一步对该抑菌活性物质分离提取工艺和其在实践上的应用,提供了有益的试验数据。

    The statistics will be useful for the further study on the bioactive compound .

  7. 用于碱性物质分离的酰胺型反相色谱键合相的制备及评价

    Preparation and Evaluation of Amide-Octyl-Bonded Phase for the Separation of Basic Substances in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

  8. 加热马铃薯组织结构的研究I&加热马铃薯片抗压强度与果胶物质分离的关系

    Relationship Between Compressive Strength of Cooked Potato Chips and Release of Pectic Substances . Organizational Structure

  9. 本文提出了一种针对热敏物质分离的新型间歇提馏操作方式&塔身分散加热式提馏操作。

    This paper proposed and studied a new operation & the decentralized heating of batch stripping distillation .

  10. 纳豆菌液体发酵条件优化及抗菌物质分离纯化研究

    Study on Optimizing Conditions of Liquid Fermentation and Purification Antimicrobial Substances from Liquid Fermentation of Bacillus Natto

  11. 当自性、佛性、妙用、气与物质分离时,构成躯体的物质也分别散离,各自回复它们本来的面目矣!

    When they separate , the material that constitutes our body is apart and recovers to its original form .

  12. 我原谅我自己身体层面意识渴望攀升到高维度并将精神与物质分离开来的行为。

    I forgive my own body level consciousness for desiring to rise up the dimensions and separate spirit from matter .

  13. 离子液体已经被应用于电化学、催化剂、复合材料合成和物质分离等领域。

    It has been used in application for electrochemistry , catalyst , the synthesis of polymer composites and substances separation .

  14. 这使得一个功能强大的工具,可以用于消费产品,从生物武器保护工业化学物质分离。

    This makes for a powerful tool that can be used in consumer products from biological weapons protection to industrial chemical separations .

  15. 通过和传统的蛋白质类生物制品分离方法进行比较,介绍了膜分离技术在蛋白质类物质分离和提纯中的应用。

    The text introduced the barrier separation technology in the separation and purification of protein substances through compared with traditional protein separation methods .

  16. 其中柱层析技术和超临界萃取技术是海洋生物活性物质分离提取技术中的主要部分。

    Among them , the key process of column chromatography and supercritical extraction will be widely applied in the development of marine resource .

  17. 因为我们大多数人都认为意识是和物质分离的,所以我们以为将想法隐藏起来后就不会影响我们;

    Because most of us believe that mind is separate from matter , we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless ;

  18. 污水处理的本质是采用各种技术手段将污水中的污染物质分离出来,或将其转化为无害的物质,使之得到净化。

    The essence of wastewater treatment process is separate pollutants from sewage through different technical methods , or purify the pollutants to harmless substances .

  19. 对近期糖类物质分离分析中的液相色谱荧光检测方法做了系统综述,对其优缺点作了说明。

    The recent applications of fluorescent derivatization-LC methods for the analysis of carbohydrates , as well as their pros and cons are comprehensively reviewed .

  20. 对矿石国家一级标准物质分离后测定微量Cd~(2+),结果与标准值相符。

    This process was used in separation and determination of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) in National Standard ore samples with satisfactory results .

  21. 在回顾手性高分子化合物概念的基础上,综述了天然手性高分子和合成手性高分子在手性物质分离中的应用情况。

    This paper introduced the concept of chiral polymer , then reviewed the application of natural chiral polymer and synthesis chiral polymer on chiral separation .

  22. 提取草本纤维是将草本原料中的纤维与非纤维物质分离开来的过程。草本纤维生物提取是利用微生物所分泌的酶降解原料中非纤维素物质,达到使纤维素分离的目的。

    The extracting of herbaceous fiber is a process to make cellulose apart from non-cellulose . The process is completed by enzyme produced by microbiology .

  23. 加热时薯片组织果胶物质分离与其抗压强度变化存在一定关系,而加热时同样有淀粉物质沥出进入溶液,但对抗压强度的损失几乎没有影响。

    The loss of compressive strength of potato tissue on cooking was found to be related to the release of pectic substances into the cooking liquor .

  24. 主要内容包括:1.本论文比较了芳香类代谢物在3个不同厂家的色谱柱上的分离效果以及温度对物质分离的影响。

    The main contents include : 1 . We compared the separation of aromatic metabolites on three columns from different companies and studied the effect of temperature on separation .

  25. 当这种材料吸附有机溶剂达到饱和后,通过挤压的物理方式将聚合物中的有机物质分离出来,再生方法简单,有良好的应用价值。

    The organic solvent adsorbed in polymer samples can be separated by squeezing , when the organic solvents reached its saturation state . This physical method is simple and has good applications .

  26. 亲和超滤技术是把亲和层析的高选择性和超滤技术的高处理能力相结合的一种新型能大规模进行生物特征物质分离提纯的技术。

    Affinity ultrafiltration is a novel technology of the high selectivity of affinity chromatography combined with the high production capacity of ultrafiltration . It is used on a large scale in the separation and purification of biological characteristic substances .

  27. 壳聚糖的改性及其智能水凝胶的研究环境敏感性水凝胶(智能水凝胶)在药物控制释放、酶的固定化及生物物质分离提纯等方面有着诱人的应用前景,因而近年来受到普遍关注。

    In recent years , considerable research attention has been focused on the environment-sensitive hydrogels ( intelligent hydrogel ) because they possess great potential applications in many aspects , including drug delivery system , enzyme immobilization and biomaterials separation and purification , etc.

  28. 从难分离物质分离的基本原理出发,结合萃取技术的具体特点,推导出了回流萃取分离双组分(A+B)混合物的一系列计算公式。

    On the basic separation principle of hardly separating materials , concerned with the practical conditions of the extractive technique , a series of calculation formulas are given for the separation of a mixture of double components ( A + B ) by reflux extraction .

  29. 通过这些研究,有可能发展一些新的渗透蒸发分离应用技术,如新型白酒勾兑,发酵产物分离回收,白兰地酒生产,天然芳香物质分离,等等。

    Through above a series of studies , it is possible to develop application technology with pervaporation with the composite PDMS membrane , such as for production of good-taste Chinese spirits and Brandy , and for separation of natural aromas and fermenting volatile organic compounds .

  30. 必须把这种化学物质加盐分离出来并让它变干。

    The chemical must be salted out and allowed to dry .