
  • 网络Glauber;Roy Glauber
  1. 后来,他们需要一种合适的量子理论,而格劳伯博士提供了这样的理论。

    Afterwards , they needed a proper quantum theory , and Dr Glauber provided it .

  2. 科学院把物理学奖的一半授予了罗伊-格劳伯,奖励他“对光相干量子理论作出的贡献”。

    The academy gave half the physics prize to Roy Glauber " for his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence " .

  3. 如果翻译成英文的话,格劳伯对科学的贡献是将光学领域拖进了现代量子世界中。

    Dr Glauber 's contribution to science , translated into English , was to drag the field of optics into the modern , quantum world .

  4. 其实格劳伯去年已经荣获诺贝尔物理奖,今年却还坚持为第十六届搞笑诺贝尔奖扫地。

    Glauber insisted on retaining his sweeping duties for the16th annual ceremony this year , despite becoming a Nobel physics laureate ( 7 ) last year .

  5. 用相干结构核模型和格劳伯多次散射理论,计算了~(16)O和~(18)O的π-核双电荷交换反应截面。

    Using coherent fluctuation nuclear model and Glauber 's multiple scattering theory , the double charge exchange ( DCE ) reaction cross sections for π ~ + on ~ ( 16 ) O and on ~ ( 16 ) O are calculated .