
  • 网络guerrero;Guerrero State
  1. 而抗议者们邀请CNN记者走访格雷罗州首府主要广场他们搭建的帐篷。

    The protesters granted CNN rare access inside their tent city in the main square of Guerrero 's capital .

  2. 而在格雷罗州,这个地方因为一些最爆炸性的示威活动而被人们熟知。

    In Guerrero , they are known for some of the most explosive demonstrations .

  3. 抗议者们都是墨西哥南部格雷罗州教师工会的成员。

    The protesters are members of a teachers ' union from all over the southern Mexican state of Guerrero .

  4. 上个月伊瓜拉镇和科库拉镇的警察确定学生遇袭的地点在南部的格雷罗州。

    Last month police from the towns of Iguala and Cocula , located in the southern state of Guerrero , attacked the students .

  5. 当日在格雷罗州首府阿卡普尔科正举行墨西哥2009年旅游博览会,地震发生后,与会人员纷纷跑出会场。

    Day in Acapulco , Guerrero state capital of Mexico is holding a travel fair in2009 , after the earthquake , the participants have run the venue .

  6. 地震震中位于墨西哥南部格雷罗州奇潘西戈市附近,在首都墨西哥城以南250公里。

    The earthquake epicenter is located in the State of Guerrero in southern Mexico near the city of west , in the capital , 250 kilometers south of Mexico City .