
  • 网络Groningen;University of Groningen;FC Groningen;Groninger
  1. 因为我是在生物中心那边做实验,所以格罗宁根学校这边好多地方我都找不到。

    Yet u can google and there are a lot belly dance classes in Groningen center .

  2. 不仅要在世界各地参加各种比赛,还要经常往返与亚美尼亚的埃里温和荷兰的格罗宁根。

    Not only she attends all kinds of competitions around the world , but also commutes between Erevan and Groningen .

  3. 发出邀请的姑娘周五逃离了位于哈伦的家,小镇位于荷兰北部的格罗宁根省。

    The girl who issued the invitation fled her home in Haren , a town of Groningen , on Friday .

  4. 早些时候基于安全考虑,往返于阿姆斯特丹和格罗宁根的救护直升机夜间飞行的计划遭到拒绝。

    Plans to allow helicopter ambulances to make night flights to and from Amsterdam and Groningen hospitals were earlier rejected on safety grounds .

  5. 今年早些时候,另一组来自荷兰格罗宁根大学的研究人员称,2070年人类的最高寿命可达125岁。

    Earlier this year , another team of Dutch researchers , this time from the University of Groningen , said 125 is achievable by 2070 .

  6. 完成在格罗宁根大学经济计量学的学业后,他开始了在荷兰政府部门的职业生涯。

    After his studies in econometrics at the State University in Groningen in the Netherlands , he embarked upon a career in the Dutch civil service .

  7. 荷兰格罗宁根大学的一项调查研究发现,高个子男人在追求异性和打斗中更容易获胜。

    A study at the University of Groningen found that taller men had more success with the opposite sex and were more likely to win fights .

  8. 格罗宁根大学的一项研究表明只要你在接触你不喜欢的人时,稍微改变一下方式,就可以减轻很多的负面情感。

    A study coming out of the University of Groningen indicates that a little shift in the way you approach disliked people could alleviate a lot of those negative feelings .

  9. 格罗宁根有一所古老的大学,是一座令人惬意的城市,但除了甜菜加工业和一座15世纪的宝塔之外,并没有多大名气。

    Groningen is a pleasant place , with an old university , but its claims to fame do not extend to much beyond the industrial processing of sugar-beet and a glorious 15th-century tower .

  10. 这项调查由来自埃克塞特大学,荷兰格罗宁根大学,以及澳大利亚昆士兰大学的学者参与其中,调查研究了办公室数月里植物盆栽移除和添加的变化。

    The study , which also involved academics from the University of Exeter ; the University of Groningen in The Netherlands , and the University of Queensland , Australia , studied offices over several months during which times plants were removed and added .