
  • 网络Chiba;Chiba City
  1. “RobotShuffle”无人驾驶巴士将在日本千叶市永旺梦乐城购物中心全面开始客运服务。

    The Robot Shuffle is to begin full service by transferring people in the Aeon Shopping Mall in Chiba 's Makuhari district .

  2. 在东京南部62英里千叶市管辖区的wada,一群约10岁左右的学生在他们春游时,观看了一个大约30英尺高的贝氏喙鲸在端上餐桌前被屠杀的过程。

    In the town of Wada , 62 miles ( 100 kilo meters ) south of Tokyo in Chiba prefecture , dozens of 10 - year - old students watched Thursday as workers carved up a 30-foot Baird 's beaked whale during an educational field trip , before being served a meal of fried whale meat .

  3. 支持者随即将他称之为“千叶市蝙蝠侠”。

    The caped crusader goes by the moniker " Chibatman . "

  4. “千叶市蝙蝠侠”已经在千叶市行驶三年。

    Chibatman has been driving through the streets of Chiba for over three years .