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  • Qiandao Lake;Thousand Islands;Thousand-Island Lake
  1. 千岛湖很美丽,我非常的喜欢这里。

    The Thousand Islands are beautiful , I like here .

  2. 千岛湖给了我很多的美好的回忆,我将会永远的记住千岛湖的。

    Thousand Islands gave me so much beautiful memory , I will remember Thousand Island forever !

  3. “千岛湖”(Qiandaohu)级是最先进的多品种舰队再补给船和PLA海军服役中。

    Qiandaohu class is the most advanced multi-product fleet replenishment ship in service with the PLA Navy .

  4. 千岛湖大桥主桥为(70+7×105+70+40)m连续刚构,其中1-8号墩为V形墩,介绍V形墩刚构的施工方法、临时水平预应力技术措施及不利工况的计算。

    1-No. 8 are V-shape piers . In this paper , the construction methods for the V-shape pier rigid-frame structure , the temporary horizontal prestressing techniques and calculations of the unfavorable load cases are dealt with .

  5. “千岛湖”(Qiandaohu)级的尾部。

    The stern view of the Qiandaohu class .

  6. “千岛湖”(Qiandaohu)级与早先的再补足给船比较是更大的、更现代化。

    Compared to previous replenishment , the Qiandaohu class is larger and more modernised .

  7. 以浙江千岛湖典型生境片断化区域苦槠(Castanopsissclerophylla)为材料,研究了水库形成后岛屿化导致的群落生境差异对苦槠AM侵染率的影响以及AM侵染率与根际土壤磷酸酶活性的相关性。

    A typical area of habitat fragmentation in the Thousand-Island Lake , Zhejiang Province , was selected as subject to study effects of habitat variation as a result of island forming , on arbuscular mycorrhizae infection rate and its correlation with phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of Castanopsis sclerophylla .

  8. 千岛湖国家森林公园生态园林建设的探讨

    An Exploration to Ecological Garden Construction of Thousand-island National Forest Park

  9. 试论千岛湖风景区植被优化与改造

    Discourse upon vegetal optimization and reconstruction in Thousand-isles Lake Scenic Spot

  10. 我们今天不是要去淳安的千岛湖嘛。

    We 're going to visit Qiandao Lake in Chun'an today .

  11. 千岛湖国家森林公园针叶林阔叶化改造技术探讨

    Discussion on Forest Constitution Transformation in Thousand-isle Lake State Forest Park

  12. 千岛湖药用观赏植物资源及其开发利用前景

    Resources and Development Prospect of Medicinal and Ornamental Plant in Thousand-island Lake

  13. 千岛湖旅游发展的市场机遇及应对策略

    Opportunity of the tourism development in Qian-dao lake and the corresponding strategies

  14. 千岛湖的水量是西湖的三千多倍呢。

    Qiandao Lake has3000 times more water than Hangzhou 's West Lake .

  15. 千岛湖上风光好,学习汉语兴致高。

    At the beautiful Qiandao Lake , We 're learning Chinese enthusiastically .

  16. 千岛湖岛屿特征与节肢动物多样性的关系

    Relationships between island characteristics and arthropod diversity in Thousand-island Lake

  17. 千岛湖蓝藻密度制约因素分析

    Research on Restricted Factors of Cyanophyceae density In Qian-dao Lake

  18. 千岛湖风景区生态风险及风险管理对策研究

    The Ecological Risk and Risk Management Countermeasures of Qian-da Lake Scenic Area

  19. 没有这座大坝就没有千岛湖。

    Without this dam , Qiandao Lake wouldn 't exist .

  20. 畅游千岛湖,相聚海外海。

    Enjoys a trip to Qiandao lake , gathers the overseas sea .

  21. 千岛湖马尾松次生林林相改造技术研究

    Research into transformation technology of Pinus massoniana secondary forest phase near Thousand-isles Lake

  22. 浅析千岛湖旅游船发展趋势

    Simply analysis on the development trend of the tourist ship in Qian-dao-hu Lake

  23. 千岛湖林场森林旅游开发探索

    About Tourism Development in Thousand Island Lake Forest Center

  24. 千岛湖补给舰停靠亚丁湾。

    Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden .

  25. 千岛湖国家森林公园森林风景资源保护与开发建设探讨

    Probe into Forest Scenic Resource Protection and Construction in Thousand-isles Lake National Park

  26. 如何快速改善千岛湖的森林结构与功能

    Inquiry into Speedy Improvement of Forest Structure and Functions in Thousand Islands Lake

  27. 莫非我们眼前的这座新安江水库就是千岛湖?

    Is it that the Xin'an River Reservoir is the very Qiandao Lake ?

  28. 你知道吗,这龙山岛可是千岛湖的一座宝岛?

    Do you know Longshan Island is a treasure island in Qiandao Lake ?

  29. 游过了龙山岛,我对千岛湖又有了新的认识。

    After touring Longshan Island , now I know Qiandao Lake much better .

  30. 城市被淹没,现在此地被官方称为千岛湖。

    The city was flooded and the area was officially called Qiandao Lake .