
  • 网络thousand yuan;thousand dollars;restated
  1. 我刚收到了一份8千元的捐助,也就是说Mary修女和Greta修女可以加入我们这次的救济之行了。

    I have just received a donation of eight thousand dollars , which means that Sister Mary and Sister Greta will be able to join our relief trip to Botswana .

  2. 这可以帮一家公司每年节省上千元。

    If your employer is a small business this may save them several thousand dollars a year .

  3. 天啊!垃圾桶里塞满了千元钞票!

    Holy mackerel ! The wastebasket is full of thousand-dollar bills !

  4. 我天天练气功,服用千元一剂中药呀。

    I 've been practicing Qigong and taking expensive Chinese medicine .

  5. 当他被送到这里时已经赢了5千元。

    And he had $ 5000 in winnings when he was admitted .

  6. 千元产值事故损失率的修订

    Revise of accident loss rate of thousand yuan output value

  7. 当你有5千元的时候再打电话给我。

    You call me when you 've got $ 5000 .

  8. 我们一张票只能付6千元。

    We can only afford $ 6000 for each ticket .

  9. 还有一个大开销就是新娘的婚纱,一般是1万3千元。

    The next biggest item is the bride ` s dress at13,000 yuan .

  10. 月薪从4千元到2万多不等。

    Salaries range from 4000 yuan to more than 20000 yuan per month .

  11. 数字是千元为单位的。

    The figures are in thousands of dollars .

  12. 日本人对他的崇拜,从把他的肖像放在千元大钞上,就可见一斑。

    The Japanese worships him by placing his picture onthe one thousand Yen bill .

  13. 晚餐与酒水4千元左右。

    Dinner and drinks , about 4000 yen .

  14. 之前的协议规定所有商家的每年技术维修费为6千元。

    The previous agreement had set the annual fee for all sellers at 6,000 yuan .

  15. 千元卢比钞票上的人是谁?

    Who 's on the thousand-rupee note ?

  16. 如果你有一套的话大概上千元吧。

    If you have a complete set , it 's worth , like , thousands .

  17. 昆西离开餐厅,留下一张3千元的帐单给我付。

    Quincy left the restaurant and left me a NT $ 3,000 bill to pay .

  18. 她刚刚得到提升,这意味着她将获得一辆公司配的汽车和额外的5千元钱。

    She 's just been promoted which means a compucar and an extra five thousand .

  19. 有统计表明国家在每一个大学生身上每年要花7千元。

    Figures show that the government spends a total of7,000 yuan annually for each college student .

  20. 这些非正规的社会团体收取300元至上千元不等的入会费。

    The unofficial societies charge fees ranging from 300 yuan to over 1000 yuan for a membership .

  21. 但也有家长称,高达9万8千元的团费使得这样的旅行只有少部分人能够承担。

    But some parents say the98,000 yuan price tag makes the trip affordable to only a few .

  22. 保持心情愉快的习惯确实胜过上千元的收入。

    The habit of keeping pleasant is indeed better than income of a thousand dollars a year .

  23. 大家不懂为什么有人肯花上千元请别人陪他一小时。

    People cannot fathom why someone would pay over a thousand dollars an hour for somebody 's time .

  24. 据链家房地产称,十月份房产的中间价是每平方米2万3千元。

    According to HomeLink Real Estate , the median price of properties for October was23,000 yuan per square metre .

  25. 其中5千元为乔治梅森大学参加爵士研究项目的学生提供奖学金。

    Five thousand of that goes to George Mason University for scholarships for students in the jazz studies program .

  26. 她强调这些每个5600镑(约合人民币5万6千元)的机器人不会替代老师,而是为他们提供支持。

    She stressed the robots , which cost 5,600 each , will provide extra support for teachers but not replace them .

  27. 我们一开始只能给你3万2千元,但保障两个月的年终奖金。

    We 're only able to pay you $ 32,000 plus a guaranteed two-month bonus at the end of the year .

  28. 相反,很多农民家庭的医疗支出却是上千元,甚至上万元。

    On the other hand , annual medical expense amounts to thousand or much more for a large portion of households .

  29. 这个图表显示的帐户曝光的基础上在鹏远得分乐队的转变(人民币千元)。

    This chart show the exposure of accounts ( RMB '000 ) based on the shift in Peng Yuan score band .

  30. 说句实话我真不知道会有多少人,去看他自己每年花了上千元钱搞的这个网站;

    To be honest I really do not know how many people visit each year he spent thousands of dollars out of the site ;