
yǐn xíng yǎn jìng
  • contact lenses
隐形眼镜[yǐn xíng yǎn jìng]
  1. 隐形眼镜把她的眼睛变成了绿色。

    Her contact lenses turned her eyes green .

  2. 我有时戴隐形眼镜。

    I sometimes wear contact lenses

  3. 你戴了隐形眼镜吗?

    Have you got your lenses in ?

  4. 这种睫毛膏适用于戴隐形眼镜的人。

    The mascara is suitable for contact lens wearers .

  5. 与吸烟者一起生活或工作的人会发现戴隐形眼镜不舒服,因为烟具有刺激作用。

    People living or working with smokers can find it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses because the smoke causes irritation .

  6. 孩子在车库打球时掉了一只隐形眼镜。

    A teenager lost a contact lens while playing basketball in his driveway .

  7. 开始时由于他没有戴隐形眼镜,很难看清,但是当他看清时,发现是一个人头在那里,没有身体,仅仅一个悬浮的头在那里。

    He told me it was difficult at first to focus because he didn 't have his contacts in , but as he took a good look , he could see there was no body , just a head .

  8. distilledwater蒸馏水每3个月换掉你隐形眼镜的储存盒。

    Replace your contact lens storage case every 3 months .

  9. OK镜及硬性隐形眼镜的适应性检查;

    OK adaptive mirror and rigid contact lens examination ;

  10. 据TransparencyMarketResearch的数据,全球眼镜和隐形眼镜的市场规模预计将从2011年的810亿美元增长到2018年的1300亿美元。

    The worldwide market for glasses and contact lenses is expected to grow from $ 81bn in 2011 to $ 130bn in 2018 , says Transparency Market Research .

  11. 至少要比那个若干天不摘隐形眼镜的MAP同志勤快才行。

    At least I can 't be lazier than MAP who is so diligent to take off this eye-contact in the past years .

  12. 位于密苏里州的研究公司MarketScope表示,人们对戴眼镜接受度的提高和隐形眼镜的完善,放缓了发达国家近视人群对屈光手术的需求。

    Greater acceptance of glasses-wearing and improvements in contact lenses have slowed demand for refractive surgery for shortsightedness in the developed world , according to Market Scope , a Missouri-based research company .

  13. 同时,结合隐形眼镜盒的设计,阐述了TOP-DOWN的典型应用。

    Illustrating the design of recessive glasses box , the typical application of TOP-DOWN method is stated .

  14. 华盛顿大学的科学家、眼科大夫、教授和学生们已经开发出了一款内置LED的隐形眼镜,可以通过无线电波对它供电。

    Scientists , eye surgeons , professors and students at the University of Washington have been developing a contact lens containing one built-in LED , powered wirelessly with radio frequency waves .

  15. 与这一负面影响相伴的另一事实是,在LASIK手术后戴隐形眼镜会极不舒服。

    A negative aspect compounded by the fact that LASIK often makes the wearing of contact lenses extremely uncomfortable .

  16. 作为北美最大的网上隐形眼镜零售商之一,CoastalContacts在结束两天的策略规划议程时,对如何加速业务增长仍无头绪。

    Coastal contacts , one of the largest online contact-lens retailers in North America , came out of its two-day planning session at a loss for how to rev up growth .

  17. 目的:分析比较生理盐水(NS)与护理液对软性隐形眼镜蛋白质沉淀静态洗脱效应。

    Objective : To evaluate the cleaning effectiveness of normal saline and multi purpose care solutions on hydrophilic contact lenses when protein deposits are extracted without rubbing .

  18. 软性隐形眼镜透氧系数的FATT测量法

    Determination of Oxygen Permeability by the FATT Method for Hydrogel Contact Lenses

  19. 隐形眼镜多功能护理液V79细胞HGPRT位点等致突变性研究

    Study on mutagenicity of multifunctional maintenance medium on contact lenses

  20. 另外,HPMC被使用为坚硬隐形眼镜作为胶粘剂在塑料绷带中和作为增湿剂。

    In addition , HPMC is used as an adhesive in plastic bandages and as a wetting agent for hard contact lenses .

  21. 各种动物角膜对不同Dk值透气性硬性隐形眼镜的反应

    The Effects of Different Dk Value Rigid Gas permeable Contact Lenses ( RGPCL ) on the Animal Cornea by Extended Wear

  22. 上周二,诺华公司(Novartis)称,正与搜索巨头谷歌(Google)的研究团队合作,准备推出智能隐形眼镜技术。

    Novartis said Tuesday it is teaming up with Google [ x ] GOOG - 1.53 % , the search company 's research arm , to launch smart lens technology .

  23. 用该护理液原液浸泡隐形眼镜新镜片6h,对镜片上金黄色葡萄球菌平均消除率为99.92%,对白色念珠菌平均消除率为99.45%。

    Immersion of new contact lens in the stock solution for 6 h eliminated 99.92 % in average of Staphylococcus aureus on the lens and 99.45 % in average of Candida albicans .

  24. 要了解怎样恰当的取下隐形眼镜,可以查看VideoJug“怎样取出隐形眼镜”视频节目。

    To see how to do this , you can watch VideoJug 's film called ' How to remove contact lenses . '

  25. 阐述FATT法测量隐形眼镜透氧系数(DK)的原理,介绍了具体的测量步骤和数据处理方法。

    This essay explains the essential principle for the determination of oxygen permeability by the FATT method , and introduces the specific testing procedure and the method for data processing .

  26. 作为诺华的分公司,眼科公司爱尔康(Alcon)正与谷歌创新团队携手,准备将智能隐形眼镜推向市场。日前,《财富》(Fortune)杂志专访了爱尔康全球总裁杰夫o乔治,讲述医药行业与科技的交融,以及制药业的前景。

    Fortune talked with Jeff George , the global head of Alcon - the Novartis subsidiary that is working hand-in-hand with Google innovators to bring smart lenses to market - about the intersection of healthcare and technology , and what could lie ahead for the pharmaceutical industry .

  27. 每次用完之后,都要小心及时清洗您的隐形眼镜。

    Carefully and regularly clean your contact lenses after each use .

  28. 隐形眼镜配戴对近视眼视网膜成像质量的影响

    Effect of Contact Lenses on Retinal Image Quality in Myopic Eyes

  29. 此优惠方案是提供给所有的商品,但并不包括隐形眼镜哦!

    Discount Term is available for all product except Contact Lenses .

  30. 别隐形眼镜瞪出来,只是绷紧他们。

    Don 't pop out contact lenses but just tense them .