
yǐn yǔ
  • argot;enigmatic language;cant;code word;insinuating language
隐语 [yǐn yǔ]
  • [enigmatic language;code word] 不把要说的意思明说出来,而借用别的词句来表示;一种隐晦的语言

  • 修曰:此隐语耳。--《三国演义》

隐语[yǐn yǔ]
  1. 浅谈俄语隐语对规范语的渗透

    On the Infiltration of Russian Enigmatic Language into the Standard Language

  2. 隐语的非言语形式

    Non-language Form of Enigmatic Language

  3. 他们创造的隐语、谚语丰富了中国的语言。

    The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language .

  4. 犯罪隐语语料库研究与建设的探讨

    A Discussion of Criminal Argot Corpus Study and Its Build-up

  5. 浅谈犯罪隐语特殊的交际功能

    A Brief Talk on the Special Communication Function of Criminals ' Argots

  6. 我毫不亵渎隐语。

    Far be it from me to insult the pun !

  7. 贵州省犯罪隐语的类型和特点

    Types and Features of Criminals ' Argots in Guizhou Province

  8. 隐语:俄罗斯社会突变中的一面镜子

    Argots as a Reflection of Radical Social Changes in Russia

  9. 娱乐场所已成为当代隐语传播的重要场合。

    Entertainment places have been important places where contemporary argots are spread .

  10. 并概述每一类别隐语文本的基本特点、发展情况等。

    And this chapter summarizes the basic characteristics and developments of each category .

  11. 弦外之音细细品&古代诗歌中隐语现象初探

    Understanding the Implications : A Preliminary Study on Riddles in Ancient Chinese Poetry

  12. 以刘勰《文心雕龙·谐隐》中对隐语特征的揭示为依据,辨析在此问题上的四种理解,进而为隐语文学确定义界。

    It discriminates the four kinds of understanding and defines the Argot Literature .

  13. 英汉典型空间介词多义性的认知语言学解读基于认知语言学方法的思维表达中的时空隐语(英文)

    A Cognitive Approach to Polysemy in Typical Chinese and English Spatial Prepositions ;

  14. 当前娱乐场所隐语的特点

    Features of Argots in the Present Entertainment Places

  15. 指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学。

    At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot .

  16. 略论先秦隐语的产生及发展论隐语行话的通用化传承

    A Brief Discussion on the Production and Development of the Enigmatic Language of Pre-Qin

  17. 隐语是一种客观存在的特殊语言现象。

    Cant is an impersonal special language phenomenon .

  18. 你读不懂的,是用隐语写的。

    Doogal : you can 't read it . it 's in pig latin .

  19. 摩西在谈到以撒、埃斯库罗斯、波吕尼刻斯时,克娄巴特拉在谈到屋大维时也都使用过隐语。

    Peter , Moses on Isaac , AEschylus on Polynices , Cleopatra on Octavius .

  20. 犯罪隐语的产生、发展和变化与时代紧密相关。

    The emergence , development and changes of criminals'argots have close relations with the times .

  21. 这句小小的隐语竟好象是一块丢在池塘里的石头。

    This mediocre play upon words produced the effect of a stone in a pool .

  22. 他盯着我,就好像我刚刚在说隐语一样。

    You know , I know , it looks kind of like a deflated boob here .

  23. 第二部分对汉魏六朝隐语文学类型进行研究。

    The second part does some research on the character of the Argot Literature of Han .

  24. 赫拉克里塔斯在他的隐语之一中说得很好,干光永远最佳。

    Heraclitus saith well in one of his enigmas , Dry light is ever the best .

  25. 关于汉语隐语的几个问题&兼论隐语与黑话的区别

    Some Issues on the Chinese Insinuating Language : And the Difference between Insinuating Language and Cant

  26. 上清道教中的隐语,即是宗教与诗歌最直接的关联结果;

    The Parables in the Shangqing movement of Daoism are the direct result of religion interacting with poetry .

  27. 识别犯罪团伙特定的标志语和隐语,具有重要的意义。

    It is of great importance to know the specific marked and enigmatic language used in criminal gangs .

  28. 语言中的隐语现象,便是语言和社会之间密切关系的生动反映之一。

    The phenomenon of adopting enigmatic language is on of the reflections of the vivid relationship between language and society .

  29. 隐语翻译,尤其是诗歌中的隐语翻译,一直是译者要面对的一个难题。

    Metaphor translation , especially metaphor translation in Classical Chinese Poetry , has always been a difficult problem for translators .

  30. 好能明了箴言和譬喻,明了智者的言论和他们的隐语。

    He shall understand a parable , and the interpretation , the words of the wise , and their mysterious sayings .