
yǐn bì chù
  • shelter;hidden;recess
  1. 她终于到达了森林中的隐蔽处。

    At last she gained the shelter of the forest .

  2. 简陋小屋,茅屋粗糙的临时住房或隐蔽处;棚屋暂时或临时的居住者。

    A crude or makeshift dwelling or shelter ; a shack .

  3. 他们又开始跑,离开隐蔽处朝公路冲去。

    They began running again , broke cover and dashed towards the road .

  4. 丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处。

    A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in .

  5. Ron没准备造一个隐蔽处。

    Ron is not going to make an inner core or refuge .

  6. n.阴影;隐蔽处他在阴影里走,希望没有人会认出他。n.情况;

    shadow He walked along in shadows hoping no one would recognize him .

  7. 他们敲打着把鸟(从隐蔽处)起出来。

    They beat the birds out ( of their cover ) .

  8. 我知道每个隐蔽处,每个藏身点。

    I know every nook and cranny , every secret spot .

  9. 他们从隐蔽处出来,向警方投降。

    They emerged from hiding , and surrendered to the police .

  10. 仅有少数树和得以在隔离的隐蔽处残存下来。

    Only a few species capable of surviving in isolated pockets .

  11. 他那时看见狐狸从隐蔽处窜出来。

    He saw the fox break cover at that moment .

  12. 那位猎人派出一名赶猎助手打前站,先把鹧鸪从隐蔽处赶出来。

    The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge .

  13. 他从隐蔽处纵身跳出,但又马上退了回来。

    He leapt up from his concealment , but he cowered back .

  14. 三名医生藏身在观察野鸭的隐蔽处,有一只鸟从头上飞过。

    Three doctor are in the duck blind and bird flies overhead .

  15. 你是说你没有建造一个隐蔽处?

    You mean you 're not constructing an inner core or refuge ?

  16. 他们在能找到的最好的隐蔽处避过了暴风雨。

    They saw out the storm in the best shelter they could find .

  17. 像从隐蔽处出现在视线中。

    Come out into view , as from concealment .

  18. 一头麋鹿在森林的隐蔽处生下了孩子。

    An elk gives birth in a forest hideaway .

  19. 我们着手把那个庞大笨重的构架拖到隐蔽处。

    We set about the task of towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter .

  20. 他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处

    When he hunt duck , he hide behind a blind of twig and leaves

  21. 因为有两个好奇的孩子,我需要找一个适合藏礼物的隐蔽处。

    Having two curious children , I had to find a suitable hiding place .

  22. 呃…你看,我正在按照政府指导建一个核心隐蔽处,

    Er ... Iook , I 'm building this governmental inner core or refuge ,

  23. 周围看不到任何隐蔽处。

    There was no shelter within view anywhere .

  24. 他们没有隐蔽处,亲爱的。

    There aren 't any shelters , dear .

  25. 拉尔夫开始回头走向隐蔽处。

    Ralph started back to the shelters .

  26. 快,亲爱的,回到隐蔽处去!

    Hurry up , dear , and get back in the inner core or refuge !

  27. 他坐在炉火与屋角之间的隐蔽处。

    He sat in a nook between the fire and the corner of the room .

  28. 这个隐蔽处看起来真舒适啊,是吗,亲爱的?

    The inner core or refuge looks quite cosy , doesn 't it , dear ?

  29. 每一个漂亮的隐蔽处和缝隙。

    Every beautiful nook and cranny .

  30. 在最隐蔽处排着队。

    in the most secluded row .