
yǐn xìnɡ ɡán rǎn
  • inapparent infection
  1. [方法]收集全省近年HFRS的人群发病情况、疫源地及人群隐性感染情况,并对其流行强度进行分析。

    [ Methods ] The data of incidence status , the infection status of epidemic focus and inapparent infection were collected , and the epidemic intensity of HFRS in recent years was analyzed .

  2. 钩端螺旋体病历史疫区人与家畜隐性感染调查

    Studies on Inapparent Infection of Villagers and Domestic Animals in Historic Focus of Leptospirosis

  3. α-干扰素不同治疗方式对HPV隐性感染患者的临床随机实验研究

    Effect of clinical randomized trial about different treatments on recessive infection of HPV

  4. 检测奶牛隐性感染FMDVRT-PCR方法的建立及应用

    Establishment and Application of RT-PCR for Detecting Latent Infection of FMDV in Cows

  5. 另在城关镇幼儿园进行城镇儿童HFRS隐性感染调查,发现与野鼠接触机会极少的城镇儿童中存在HFRS隐性感染。

    Another survey on childrens HFRS inapparent infection in town was carried out .

  6. 人群隐性感染率为5.36%。阳性鼠肺进行PCR分型,结果均为家鼠型(Ⅱ型)。

    The recessive infection rate of the crowd was 5.36 . The typing of positive lungs by PCR showed that belonged to rattus type ( type ⅱ) .

  7. 背景HBV感染的乙肝表面抗原阴性的患者称为隐性感染。

    Background Hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infections in patients who lack detectable hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg ) are called occult infections .

  8. 这部分人中只有10%可能最终发展成为活动性TB,而绝大多数为隐性感染,感染的细菌以休眠菌的形式存在。

    10 % of these people will develop to activity TB , and the most of infected MTB exist in condition of dormant infection .

  9. HCMV在人群中感染非常广泛,通常呈隐性感染。

    HCMV infection is rather common in population , which usually cause latent infection in most cases .

  10. 提示SARS-CoV可能存在隐性感染、隐性传播和隐性感染聚集性。

    It suggests that occult infection , occult transmission and aggregation of occult infection of SARS-CoV may exist .

  11. 本文结果表明:HBV/HCV双重感染可加重肝脏损害,多数病例未见HBV与HCV干扰现象;正常人群也存在丙型肝炎隐性感染。

    These results indicate that HBV / HCV double infection may accelerate the damage of liver tissue , there wasn 't evidence of interference of replication of HBV by HCV infection .

  12. 结果在疫点内调查30人,其中5人HFRSIgG抗体阳性,隐性感染率为16.67%。

    Results Investigated village of epidemic disease for 30 individual which HFRS IgG antibody position for 5 case . The rate of recessiveness infection was 16.6 % .

  13. 同时用免疫磁珠分离技术(IMS)直接检查隐性感染大鼠肠道上皮细胞内的Ty。

    Meanwhile , to directly isolate parasitized Ty in the cecum epithelium of subclinical infected animals by using immunomagnetic separation method ( IMS ) .

  14. 结论新生儿轮状病毒感染有其特殊性,隐性感染及出生后48h内发病的宫内感染不应诊断为医院感染;

    Conclusion Neonatal rotavirus infection has its own features . Asymptomatic infection and intrauterine infection occurs within 48 hours after birth should not be diagnosed as nosocomial infection .

  15. d30及d45病理组织学检查发现每组均有部分动物出现肝、肾淤血,轻度细胞水肿,可能系动物的隐性感染而非药物所致。

    The histopathologic examination showed congestion and slight edema of liver and kidney in each group .

  16. [方法]对本市HFRS病例、动物种类分布、病原感染和人群隐性感染等进行流行病学和血清学监测。

    [ Methods ] Epidemiological and serological surveillance of HFRS cases , animal host classification and distribution , the rate of HV carrier in animal host , the rate of recessive infection among healthy people were tested .

  17. 通过对SARS流行后期(非疫区)健康人群血清中SARS-CoV抗体水平调查,以发现是否存在隐性感染,确定易感人群和高危人群,寻找与病源有关的人群和动物。

    To discover latent infections , susceptible population , high risk population and the population and animals related with the source of disease through investigating the SARS-CoV antibody level among the healthy population during the late stage of SARS outbreak .

  18. 将PMN-Elastase检测结果分为正常组(未受感染)、隐性感染组、显性感染组。

    Classified three groups by the result of seminal plasma PMN-Elastase : normal group ( uninfection ), recessive infection group and dominant infection group .

  19. 本试验尝试利用具有极高灵敏度的原位PCR方法,从组织中检测低拷贝甚至单拷贝的目标序列,以鉴别隐性感染或混合感染,为IBDV的诊断和分子流行病学的分析提供了一种新的手段。

    We tried to detect low , even single target sequence for identification of silent or mixed infection by in situ PCR which the sensitivity is very high . It is practicable to apply in situ PCR on clinical diagnosis and molecular epidemiological investigation of IBDV .

  20. 临床分型以轻、中型为主。健康人群总隐性感染率为3.36%。

    The subclinical infection rate of the population was 3.36 % .

  21. 一般人群无隐性感染。

    And there is no recessive infection in the healthy people .

  22. 接种组同对照组免疫后4年抗体水平无显著性差异,未见肾综合征出血热Ⅰ型灭活疫苗增强接种人群发生隐性感染。

    There was no enhancement of subclinical infection found in vaccinated group .

  23. 密切接触者中可能存在隐性感染者;

    The recessive infected persons may be existed among the close contacters ;

  24. 狂犬病毒隐性感染者生存状况研究

    Studies on state of health of persons with latent infection by rabies virus

  25. 年青女性中存在衣原体的隐性感染吗?

    Hidden Epidemic of Chlamydia Infections in Young Women ?

  26. 一起甲肝暴发流行后不同人群隐性感染的血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological study on latent hepatitis among different professions after an outbreak of hepatits a

  27. 人群感染虽多为隐性感染,但在免疫缺陷病人或孕妇,弓形虫感染能导致严重的并发症。

    However , in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients infection can cause severe complications .

  28. 对两例隐性感染鼠疫的分析报告

    Subclinical plague infection : analysis of two cases

  29. 人群隐性感染率与人间疫情无明显相关关系。

    There was no significant relationship between HFRS incidence rate and human inapparent infection rate .

  30. 疫区健康人群隐性感染率为520%。

    The sub-clinical infection rate of healthy people in the epidemic area was 5.20 % .