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  • 网络Hidden;hidden camera;Cach;Cache;Caché
  1. 约翰内斯的窘境是一个隐藏摄像机实验,由挪威慈善团体SOS儿童村发起,这是该组织冬日行动的一部分,这个活动是为了筹集更多捐赠为叙利亚儿童送冬日的生活必需品外套和毛毯。

    Johanne 's predicament was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Children 's Village as part of their winter campaign to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children get through the winter .

  2. 针对应用环境和设备条件,本文将三维坐标函数直接进行函数逼近,隐藏摄像机参数的标定,设计采用智能计算模型作为逼近函数,并进行了理论分析和实验仿真对比分析。

    With respect to application environment and equipment condition , three-dimension coordinate function directly goes into approximation of function , hiding calibration of camera parameters , taking intelligent calculation as approximation of function , and theoretical and experimental simulation have been done .

  3. 隐藏在摄像机里的信号传送器里,以5.8千兆赫频率输出。

    Transmitters built into the covert cameras transmit at5.8 GHz ;

  4. 整个测试过程有一架隐藏的摄像机全程拍摄,有10位参与者真的作弊了。

    During the test , which was filmed by a hidden camera , ten participants actually did cheat .

  5. 每个专业推销员在走向这所房子时,都在不知不觉中被隐藏的摄像机拍了下来,而这所房子的门环,看上去古老又华丽,却是人脸伪装的。

    Each oblivious professional was caught on hidden camera as they walked up to the house , where a man had disguised his face as an old , ornate door knocker .

  6. 指导戏中戏的是位经验不足的英国导演,仓促之下,他决定把剧组丢在丛林中,扔掉剧本,用事先隐藏的摄像机对他们进行拍摄。

    In short order , the unseasoned British director of the film-within-the-film decides to leave the group in the jungle , abandoning the script , and film them instead with hidden cameras .

  7. 十个隐藏着的摄像机拍摄了这场群众热舞,并把它作为T-Mobile,“生活为了分享”,这个新一季电视广告的一部分。由Saatchi&Saatchi创意制作。

    The mass dance-off was filmed with ten hidden cameras as part of a new " Life 's for sharing " TV campaign for T-Mobile , created by Saatchi & Saatchi .

  8. 在视频中,一个女人在曼哈顿的大街上走了10个小时,她的前面有一个隐藏起来的摄像机,双手都带有麦克风。在静静地走过这个城市的街道时,她受到了108次骚扰。

    In it , a woman walks around Manhattan for 10 hours ( a hidden video camera is in front of her and she 's got microphones in each hand . ) She 's harassed 108 times as she walks ( silently ) down the streets of the city .

  9. 它还允许管理员隐藏系统内的摄像机以使它们完全隐蔽。

    It also allows administrators to hide cameras within the system so that they are completely covert .