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róu měi
  • Femininity;soft and graceful
柔美 [róu měi]
  • [gentle and beautiful] 柔和美好

  • 柔美的唱腔

  • 女性特有的柔美

  1. 窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。

    The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains .

  2. 她的声音如少女般柔美悦耳。

    Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl 's.

  3. 萨拉体态端庄柔美。

    Sara has a soft womanly figure .

  4. 在艺术表现手法上运用了高科技3D特技技术来渲染温泉的柔美。

    In artistic expression on the use of a high-tech3D rendering of hot spring stunt technology gentle .

  5. 柔美,MINI空间的奢侈符

    Gentle & Lovely , the Luxury Mini Space

  6. 安全预测:劳伦斯穿着柔美的褶皱折边RalphLauren(拉尔夫?劳伦)礼服完美亮相金球奖,这是她第一次转变。

    Safe Bet : This feminine ruffled Ralph Lauren gown is the perfect pick for Lawrence 's first turn at the Golden Globes .

  7. 《Vogue》杂志的JanelleOkwodu评价说,李宇春敢于将阳刚美与阴柔美相结合。

    Janelle Okwodu of Vogue magazine also commented that Li is not afraid to mix masculine and feminine styles in her wardrobe .

  8. 意大利古典歌曲采用美声歌唱(belcanto)的方法,讲究音色柔美、音质纯净,体现了那个时期的美学原则和艺术思想。

    The Classical Italian Songs with vocal singing ( Bel canto ) method , paying attention to sweet timbre and pure tone , reflects the aesthetic principles and artistic thought of that period .

  9. 歌喉柔美的具有轻柔歌音和适中音域的嗓音的。

    Having a singing voice of light volume and modest range .

  10. 我们比男人更加柔美、更加耐心,也更加任劳任怨。

    We are more mellow , patient and industrious than men .

  11. 情人的话语就像夜晚柔美的音乐一般。

    Lovers ' words are like soft music in the night .

  12. 曲线的造型,材质的运用,都非常的柔美。

    Curved models , material quality utilization , very gently beautifulness .

  13. 他们的五官小巧纤细,面容柔美。

    They had softer looks with small and slender facial features .

  14. 你知道表现柔美的五大姿态吗?

    Do you know the five positions of feminine subjugation ?

  15. 她柔美活泼,娇滴滴一个媚人儿。

    She was feminine , sprightly , spoiled and kittenish .

  16. 作品的旋律舒展柔美,委婉质朴。

    The melody , pure and understated , unfolds softly and pleasingly .

  17. 这里永远敞开纯净柔美的情怀拥抱你。

    It will embrace you forever with its soft and gentle sentiments .

  18. 表现柔美的五大姿态,不知道?

    The five positions of feminine subjugation . no ?

  19. 回来吧,我柔美的爱情在此恳求你的眷顾,

    Come again , sweet love doth now invite ,

  20. 然而,我听到了一首无比柔美的歌。

    But I heard a song of exceeding sweetness .

  21. 在服装设计领域柔美意境的作品也广泛的存在。

    In dress designing domain gently beautiful ideal condition work also widespread existence .

  22. 我很喜欢他既精准又柔美的飞行风格。

    I enjoyed watching his precise and graceful flight .

  23. 这座城墙浮雕是阳刚与柔美的结合。

    The city wall relief shows a combination of male strength and female charm .

  24. 你在你的身边有一种更柔美的光辉和一种更大的神秘,女人。

    You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery , woman .

  25. 我喜欢那绷紧的琴弓拉过琴弦时发出的柔美圆润的声音。

    I loved the mellow sound of the firm bow drawn across the strings .

  26. 使用本品是您拥有柔美肌肤的新开始。

    Applying this product means you are Beginning to own soft and smooth skin .

  27. 雄性看起来雄壮;而雌性则显得柔美。

    Dogs should appear masculine ; bitches feminine .

  28. 安静的氛围以及女性的柔美都深深吸引着我。黄燕说。

    I was drawn to the tranquil atmosphere and feminine character , Huang says .

  29. 你的脚趾就如柳条般柔美

    Your toes must be as flexible as willow

  30. 即使到了57岁了,佐伊仍然是一个身材颀长、体态柔美、风韵妩媚的女人。

    Even at 57 , Zoe was an attractive woman , tall and supple .