
  • 网络Johor;JOHORE;JOHOR BAHRU;Johore State
  1. 受灾最严重的是柔佛州中部地区、海岸以及该州首府,也就是和新加坡只有一路之隔的柔佛巴鲁。

    The worst-hit areas are central Johor , the west coast , and the state capital , Johor Bahru , just across a causeway from Singapore .

  2. 阿卜杜拉希望通过在柔佛州实行经济改革来减少政治阻力。柔佛州是巫统的政治据点,也是马来西亚许多内阁部长的故乡。

    Mr Abdullah hopes to reduce political resistance by applying the economic reforms to Johor , an Umno stronghold and home to many of Malaysia 's cabinet ministers .

  3. 马来西亚正通过提供零税率,来鼓励企业在柔佛州打造西马的数百万桶存储能力。人们在新加坡北部海岸的堤道上即可看到马来西亚柔佛州。

    Malaysia is offering zero tax rates as an incentive to companies to build millions of barrels of storage capacity on the Malaysian peninsula in Johor state , visible across a causeway from the northern coast of Singapore .