
  • 网络flexibility;flexible;fms;flexible body
  1. ERP系统生产控制模块柔性化及其应用研究

    The Research on Flexibility of ERP Production Control Module and Its Application

  2. CAPP柔性化和实用化相关技术研究

    Research on the technology for improving the flexibility and practicality of CAPP

  3. 通过CAD的二次开发可以实现广大的厂商的专业化、柔性化生产。

    Through CAD redevelopment , manufactures can realize specialized and flexible production .

  4. 一种新的提高PLC程序柔性化的方法研究

    Research on a New Method of Improving PLC Program ' Flexible

  5. PLC的定时器类型及柔性化参数设定

    On Type of Timer and its Flexible Parameters Setting within PLC System

  6. 基于装配的全柔性化模具CAD技术研究

    A study of total flexible CAD technology of Die & Mould Based on assembly model

  7. 结合XML的特点探讨了实现设备状态信息显示方式柔性化、终端设备选择多样化的途径。

    Furthermore , we discuss the way of flexible displaying and equipment selection based on the advantages of XML technology .

  8. 工作流柔性化设计提高了系统灵活性OA和实用性。

    Flexible workflow system can improve the flexibility and practicability of workflow system .

  9. 基于MVC模式的柔性化软件设计模型

    Flexible Software Design Model Based On MVC Pattern

  10. 针对柔性化制造的要求,构建了以ARM、DSP为基础的数控系统平台。

    A hardware development platform for the computer numerical control ( CNC ) system was built based on the ARM and the DSP .

  11. 研究了基于SolidWorks的工艺模板定制技术,实现了工艺模板柔性化定制;利用SolidWorks提供的属性建立了工艺数据在工艺卡片、数据库、模型文件之间的关联;

    The technology of process template customization has been studied based on SolidWorks ;

  12. 与传统方法相比,直写技术(DirectWriting)由于具有无掩模、高柔性化、加工精度高、速度快、可靠性程度高、成本低以及适用的材料范围广泛等优点而倍受人们的重视。

    In compare , direct writing technology has attracted great attention for the virtues of maskless , high-flexibility , high-precision , fast-fabrication , high-reliability , low-cost and wide-adaptability to materials .

  13. MRP系统及柔性化研究

    Research on MRP System and Flexibility

  14. 以数控机床的上下料机械手为研究对象,采用可编程控制器(PLC)对其液压驱动装置进行控制,实现了系统的智能化和柔性化。

    The technology of PLC was applied to control the hydraulic manipulator of the CNC machine , the intelligent and flexible control for the system was realized .

  15. NC技术是现代数控轧辊磨床的核心技术,是轧辊磨床实现自动化、柔性化、集成化的基础。

    NC technology is not only kernel technology of modern NC roll grinder , but also the base of automation , flexibility and integration of it .

  16. 对应用CNC技术精确设定开环控制系统的机械原点,提高传动精度及专用机床加工柔性化的方法进行了研究。

    The method for precise location of original point of machinery in open control , enhancement of transmission accuracy and flexibility of special machine are researched .

  17. JX-300XDCS控制系统在柔性化聚酯改造项目的应用

    The Application Of JX-300X DCS control system in the rebuild of flexible polyester project

  18. 一个基于SOFM的柔性化审批应用方案的设计

    Design of Flexible Scheme on Application of Examination and Approval Based on SOFM

  19. 结合先进的Multi-agent理论和技术,提出了一种在人与机器之间建立以Agent为中间体的人机协同机制。从而实现人与机器之间的柔性化信息交互接口。

    Combining advanced multi agent technology and theory , a human machine cooperation mechanism with agent as the middle medium is presented which can provide a more flexible information mutual interface .

  20. 数控技术是制造业实现自动化、柔性化、集成化生产的基础,也是现代CAD/CAM、FMS、CIMS等技术的基础。

    NC technology is the manufacturing automation , flexible and integrated production base of the tomb , but also modern CAD / CAM , FMS , CIMS technology foundation .

  21. 阐述了基于实例推理的基本思想,提出了实例工艺的设计方法及检索机制,该方法对于CAPP系统的柔性化和实用化具有重要意义。

    The basic concept of CBR is discussed and the methods of design case-based process and retrieval are proposed . The methods are of great importance to flexibility and practicality of CAPP .

  22. MRP-II系统柔性化问题研究

    Study of flexibility of MRP - ⅱ system

  23. 牵引座焊接生产线将采用柔性化设计,在不改变硬件接线和电气控制电路的情况下,可以通过修改相应的控制参数或者更改PLC程序,即可改变牵引座的焊接工艺。

    Fifth wheel welding production line will use flexible design , without changing the hardware wiring and electrical control circuit , you can change the fifth wheel welding process by modifying the corresponding control parameters or change the PLC procedures .

  24. 有机电致发光器件(OLEDs)具有效率高,驱动电压低,可柔性化等优点。

    Organic light-emitting diodes ( OLEDs ) have many advantages such as low drive voltages , high efficiency , flexible substrate , and so on .

  25. 为此,本文就单件小批生产模式下的MRP系统的研究做了以下的工作:分析物料需求计划系统原理,研究了物料需求计划系统中BOM的设计和建模以及提前期设置柔性化等几个关键技术;

    The efforts of the paper are as follows . Material requirements planning system theory is analyzed and key technologies of MRP system are researched including designing and modeling BOM and lead time flexibility ;

  26. 最后,根据MPS和MRP的基本原理并结合我国制造企业的生产管理的实际情况,对MPS和MRP功能模块的柔性化算法进行开发和设计,提供了柔性化管理软件的开发思路。

    At last based on the theory of MPS module and MRP module and the facts of manufacturing industry production management , the thesis aims to provide theoretical and methodological for ERP 's development .

  27. 本文通过对ERP系统理论及生产控制模块原理的研究与探讨,提出了生产控制模块的柔性化,围绕现有的ERP系统中生产控制模块存在的问题,对生产控制模块功能的柔性化展开研究。

    Through the research and discussion on ERP system and Production Control Module ( PCM ) theories , the paper puts forward to the flexibility of PCM and researches on it focusing on the problem in the present PCM of ERP system .

  28. 柔性化制造系统主要由局域网、数控车间DNC集成控制系统、车间生产管理信息系统和产品工艺设计系统等组成。

    Flexible manufacturing system is mainly composed of local area network , numerical control workshop 's integrated control system , workshop 's production management information system , and processing design integrated system .

  29. 中国加入WTO后,这个问题变得更加突出,要应对这场人力资本争夺战,就要在人力资本管理的纵向进程和横向截面上实施针对吸引人力资本的柔性化管理。

    And this problem is even more protruding after WTO entry of China . In order to win this fight for the human capital , enterprises must practice the flexible management aiming at attracting the human capital in both longitudinal progress and horizontal section of the human capital .

  30. 应用三维建模软件CATIA、多体动力学仿真软件ADAMS和有限元分析软件ANSYS,构造了柴油机曲柄连杆机构的多刚体动力学模型和将连杆柔性化后的多柔体动力学模型。

    By using Three-dimensional modeling software CATIA and Multi body System Dynamics software ADAMS and the Finite Element Analysis software ANSYS , the multi-body dynamics model and make the connecting-rod flexibility for the flexible multi-body dynamics model are created .