
  • 网络Market Form
  1. 在保持特色的同时,也不断结合市场形式,开发其他流行款式,始终保持走在流行饰品的前沿。

    During maintenancing the characteristic , it also unceasingly unifies the market form , develops other popular designs , throughout maintaining at the popular decoration front .

  2. 在我国经济转型期存在着体制型、城乡型、行业型以及市场内生型等竞争性与垄断性并存的二元结构劳动力市场形式。

    During the transformation period , there is a labor market form of dualistic structure , i.e. rivalrousness and monopoly coexist in market system , cities and towns , industries , market endogeny .

  3. 转型期劳动力市场形式变迁的制度分析

    System Analysis of the Changing of Labor Market Forms in the Transformation Period

  4. 为了适应新的市场形式,需要确立售后服务发展战略,这是发展自身品牌、是企业长远发展的需要,也是市场竞争发展到一定阶段的必然结果。

    Also it is an inevitable result of the development of the market competition .

  5. 市场形式使得中国电信、中国联通等竞争对手纷纷探寻新的营销捆绑手段进行通信领域的竞争。

    Market in the form of the China Telecom , China Unicom and other competitors have to explore new marketing bundles communicating by means of competition in the field of .

  6. 但随着国际国内的市场形式的转变,企业间的竞争日趋激烈,经济效益逐渐上升为企业第一位目标。

    But following the change of market situation in national and international , competition between enterprises became more and more dog-eat-dog and economic benefit turned to be the first target of enterprises .

  7. 以前的制造企业主要竞争企业生产规模、企业产品质量,而现代的制造企业越来越注重速度竞争,努力缩短产品生命周期,以更加适应市场形式的变化。

    In the past , manufacturer mainly competed product scale and product quality . But now , the modern manufacturing enterprise increasingly focused on the speed competition and to shorten the product life cycle to be better adapted to marker change in the form .

  8. 导论。这一部分对出口企业商业信用管理的相关概念内涵进行了界定,分析了我国出口企业商业信用管理的现状,面临的国际市场形式,阐述我国出口企业加强信用管理的重要意义。

    This part explains the connotation of each concept in export corporation trade credit management , analyzes the reality of Chinese export corporation 's trade credit management and the world market situation , discusses the importance of Chinese export corporations to strengthen credit management .

  9. 地勘单位走向市场的形式及对策

    Ways for the geological prospecting units to move to the market

  10. 然后研究实现这些功能所需要的资本市场实现形式以及内在机制和质量要求。

    Then I study the form , mechanism and demand of accomplishing these functions .

  11. 市场销售形式多样,商品化处理有良好开端;

    The forms of sale are various and it has a good start for commercialization ;

  12. 他们还指出有关强势的市场营销形式的报道。

    They also reports of highly marketing .

  13. 随着人类社会进入21世纪,产品的生产模式和市场销售形式都发生了巨大的变化。

    As human society entered the 21st century , the production patterns and marketing forms have undergone tremendous changes .

  14. 首先,阐述了完备市场的形式化定义及其与期权交易的关系;

    In this paper , we set forth the definition of complete market and its relation with option trade firstly .

  15. “无理由退货”是一种刚刚兴起的厂商的市场创新形式,是一种新的非价格竞争手段。

    " Return of goods without reasons " is a newly risen market innovation of manufacturers and a new means of non-price competition .

  16. 总结专业市场入口形式及其开门方式与市场所处区位、经营商品种类及布局形态之间的关系。

    Summary the relationship between the entrances , open methods of professional market and the location of market , types of goods and layout pattern .

  17. 简单地介绍了电力市场运营形式的新变化&分散发电技术,探讨了在分散电力系统中励磁控制器的设计。

    The new change of the electric power system is briefly presented in this paper and the design of excitation controller of the small hydraulic generator under distributed electric power system are discussed .

  18. 答:他们现在运作的本来就是一种市场经济形式,现在,他们尝试做到的是开发一套“中间体系”,我认为这一目标将会实现。

    They already are running a kind of market economy . Now , what they are trying to do and what I think will happen is the emergence of a system that is somewhat in between .

  19. 是基于各金融部门行业共性的特点建立统一的市场组织形式,将金融机构之间的交易成本内部化,进而提高全社会的资金配置效率。

    It is to constitute unitive market organization , and to make the dealing cost between financial institutions interior based on different financial institutions ' commonness , in order to improve the capital collocating efficiency of the whole society .

  20. 分析了物流信息系统的市场需求形式及特点:决策依赖于信息,以流程改造为主且具有较强操作优化功能,建立企业之间战略合作伙伴关系的供应链。

    The demanding models of logistics IS was summarized to be decision making depending on information , the logistic alteration was given priority to and optimized , and establishing the supplied link between enterprises of strategic fellowship . strategic procedure ;

  21. 随着社会市场经济形式发展变化的越来越多样化,会计人员在经济实质与法律表现形式不一致的情况下,根据“实质重于形式原则”作出正确的职业判断至为重要。

    As the forms of market economy are being multiplied with its development , it is of great importance for the accountant to make correct professional decisions according to the Form-second-to-essence Principle when the economic essence is inconsistent with the forms .

  22. 知识经济是知识信息密集的后工业社会的经济存在形式,它意味着当代资本主义经营方式以及市场经济形式的新的变化,标志着知识社会的真正来临。

    Knowledge economy is the existence form of economy in post-industrial society of concentrated knowledge information . It means new changes in the operation method of contemporary capitalism and in the form of market economy and signifies the real coming of knowledge society .

  23. 随着我国加入WTO,服务业得以更大程度地开放,面对国际竞争国内化,国内市场国际化的形式,我国旅行社行业首当其冲。

    By China entering the WTO , the service industry will open to a greater extend . Facing the internalizing of the international competition and the internationalizing of the internal market , the travel agencies of our country are the first to be affected .

  24. 但值得庆幸的是,本书仍然有市场的印刷形式。

    But thankfully , books still have a market in print form .

  25. 阐述了中国牙膏市场的竞争形式;

    Expatiates the competition of toothpaste market in China ;

  26. 英国仍然是一个最好的观望市场&情景形式的坩埚。

    Britain is still the most-watched market & the crucible of reality formats .

  27. 市场经济新形式下建筑施工企业的设备管理

    Facility managment of construction enterprises under market economy

  28. 第三部分介绍的是当今市场上各种形式的信用衍生产品。

    The third part is the introduction of the credit derivatives in the daily market .

  29. 运用产权理论和信息不对称理论分析了分时度假市场失效表现形式。

    With the ownership theory and information-dissymmetry theory , the author identifies different manifestations of market inefficacy .

  30. 市场经济在形式上表现为一种契约经济,在内容上则体现为一种信用经济。

    Market-oriented economy is a contract economy in form while it is a credit economy in content .