
  • 网络Market dominance;dominant market position
  1. 标准普尔分析师托尼•唐(TonyTang)在一份简报中表示,他预计阿里巴巴在未来24个月里能够维持市场主导地位、盈利能力和净现金头寸。

    SP analyst Tony Tang said in a note he expects Alibaba to maintain its dominant market position , profitability , and net cash position over the next 24 months .

  2. 4年后,案件开始升级,经过一系列的突击检查,英特尔在2007年7月正式受到指控,称其滥用市场主导地位,向计算机制造商提供非法回扣,从而将amd公司关在市场之外。

    Four years later , the case gathered steam and , after a series of raids , intel was formally charged in July 2007 . It had allegedly abused its dominant market position and offered illegal rebates to computer manufacturers , which had shut amd out of the market .

  3. 欧盟委员会表示,将就微软涉嫌滥用其office产品(包括文字处理和电子数据表格程序)的市场主导地位展开调查。

    The Commission said it would probe suspicions that Microsoft has abused market dominance over its office product , which includes word-processing and spreadsheet programs .

  4. 此外,该反垄断机构还将考虑这家美国公司是否非法将其InternetExplorer系统与其占据市场主导地位的Windows操作系统相连接。

    The antitrust authority will also consider whether the US company illegally linked its Internet Explorer system to its dominant Windows operating system .

  5. 目前占据市场主导地位的则是大容量的密集波分复用(DWDM)与灵活的SDH技术相结合;

    At present , the main market is tied in DWDM and flexible SDH .

  6. IBM此次遭受反垄断调查是因为其主机业务——竞争对手投诉IBM滥用其市场主导地位限制竞争。

    IBM 's relates to its mainframe-computer business ─ rivals have complained that the company has abused its dominance of the market to limit competition .

  7. 本文最后对占据美国市场主导地位的X-10智能家居系统和Internet的互联进行了探索。

    At the end of this paper the communication of X-10 intelligent home system with Internet was explored .

  8. 克拉克称,微软被控占据垄断性的市场主导地位,这种说法很讽刺,因为微软Windows操作系统在中国无处不在主要得益于盗版。

    Mr Clark called it ironic that Microsoft , whose Windows operating system is ubiquitous in China – mainly thanks to piracy – has been accused of monopolistic market dominance .

  9. 韩国公平交易委员会(FairTradeCommission)承诺,今年将对滥用市场主导地位的公司采取更强硬手段,工作重点将特别集中在垄断企业和并购交易方面。

    South Korea 's Fair Trade Commission has pledged to take an even tougher line against companies that abuse their market dominance this year , focusing on cartels and mergers in particular .

  10. 只在极少数情况下,才会有实体对此提出异议,比如欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)正在调查谷歌涉嫌滥用市场主导地位,结果立即遭到谩骂。

    In the rare cases where an entity - such as the European Commission , which is probing Google 's alleged abuse of its dominant position - raises objections , the obloquy is instant .

  11. 不过,他也承认,由于试图防止微软利用其占市场主导地位的internetexplorer浏览器包抄自己,谷歌的此项决定“带有一定的防御成分”。

    However , he also conceded that " there is a defensive component " to the decision as Google tries to prevent Microsoft from using its dominant Internet Explorer browser to outflank it .

  12. R事业部是K公司在苏州工业园区的一个重要的生产型部门,产品主要在传统的声电转换领域,并占有绝对的市场主导地位。

    R department is main manufacturing center of K company in the Suzhou Industrial Park , an important production sector , mainly in the traditional areas of acoustoelectric conversion and possession of absolute dominance of the market .

  13. 为什么Alphabet这类拥有稳定的利益和市场主导地位的企业集团,在有效配置资本方面会胜过资本市场?

    Why should conglomerates such as Alphabet , with their entrenched interests and fiefdoms , be better than capital markets at allocating capital efficiently ?

  14. 谷歌(Google)将面临欧盟反垄断机关的严密调查。欧盟反垄断机关宣布,将对谷歌滥用在线搜索市场主导地位和违反欧洲竞争法律的指控展开全面调查。

    Google will come under intense scrutiny from antitrust authorities in Brussels who announced a full probe into allegations that it had abused its dominant position in the online search market and breached European competition rules .

  15. 对于许多厂商来说,赌注还是比较高的,但对英特尔和微软来说就尤其如此。英特尔和微软是PC制造商的供应商,长期以来占据着市场主导地位。随着对其他种类的移动设备需求的膨胀,这些PC制造商的增长率正在被赶超。

    The stakes are high for many companies - but particularly for Intel and Microsoft Corp. , dominant suppliers to PC makers whose growth rates have been surpassed as demand has swelled for other kinds of mobile devices .

  16. 本田汽车(HondaMotor)将向美国驾车者提供首款价格低于2万美元的油电混合动力汽车,寻求从占据市场主导地位的丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)手中抢走受到经济衰退冲击的消费者。

    Honda Motor is to offer US drivers the first petrol-electric hybrid vehicle priced at under $ 20,000 as it seeks to draw recession-hit buyers away from the segment - leading Toyota Prius .

  17. 对liebherr而言,则进一步巩固了其在专业应用领域的市场主导地位。

    For liebherr , it means another step to consolidate the leading market position in this highly specialized business segment .

  18. 今年5月,芯片制造商英特尔接到了欧盟有史以来金额最高的反垄断罚单,欧盟监管部门此前说,英特尔利用了其市场主导地位阻止个人电脑厂商使用高级微设备公司(AMD)的产品。

    In May , chip maker Intel received the European Union 's largest-ever antitrust fine after the regulatory group said it used its dominant position to keep PC makers from going with rival Advanced Micro Devices .

  19. 对三种占据市场主导地位的投影显示技术&LCD投影显示、DLP投影显示以及LCOS投影显示进行了比较,尤其讨论了这三种投影显示的颜色实现技术的优缺点;

    Three kinds of present projection display techniques have been discussed : LC projection display , DLP ( Digital Light Processor ) projection display and LCOS ( Liquid Crystal on Silicon ) projection display , especially the advantages and disadvantages of color combination techniques .

  20. 这家公司依靠出售优质产品赢得了市场主导地位。

    The company gained market leadership by selling products of superior quality .

  21. 我们应该认识到其市场主导地位的有利一面。

    We should appreciate the upside to its dominance .

  22. 商务词汇:滥用由于软件卖家过高,他们被控告滥用市场主导地位。

    eg.They were accused of abusing their dominant market position by overcharging for software .

  23. 中国人寿长期以来一直占据中国寿险市场主导地位。

    China Life Insurance has long occupied the leading position in insurance market of China .

  24. 与中国一样,本地投资者占据市场主导地位,所涉交易占59%。

    And like China , local investors dominate the market , with 59 per cent of the transactions .

  25. 如果优步像批评者说的那样滥用其市场主导地位,竞争对手就会有机可乘。

    If Uber is abusing its market dominance , as its critics contend , rivals can take advantage .

  26. 然而从动态发展的角度来看,国有商业银行的市场主导地位最终还是要靠效率来维护。

    However , from dynamic point of view , the dominant status of state-owned commercial banks depends on efficiency .

  27. 本论文设计了一种新型漏电开关保护芯片,在功能上可以取代目前占市场主导地位的日本三菱公司的M54133FP/GP。

    This paper implements a new type residual current device which can be the substitute of M54133FP / GP .

  28. 某省移动通信公司近年来发展迅速,占据了市场主导地位。

    In recent years , X mobile telecommunications corporation has obtained a rapid development and been a dominant market position .

  29. 已经初步形成一批具有相对竞争优势、占市场主导地位的综合性大券商;

    There has been a group of integrative security firms in the industry which have relative competition predominance and dominant status .

  30. 这部法律界定了市场主导地位的概念,在判定市场主导地位时借鉴经济分析,而不仅仅是任意设定市场份额标准。

    The law defines the concept of market dominance by reference to economic analysis rather than solely through arbitrary market share thresholds .