
  • Lovers;Couple;couples dress
  1. 经营品牌服饰:情侣装、时尚女装、家庭装。

    Manage Brand clothing : Lovers , Fashion women , Family .

  2. 给出了发展我国情侣装市场的若干建议。

    Some suggestions for design factors of lovers pack are offered .

  3. 据淘宝网的母公司阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)说,在过去的一年左右的时间里,情侣装的搜索量增长了57%。

    In roughly the last year , searches for the clothing have increased by 57 % , according to Alibaba Group , Taobao 's parent .

  4. 在中国最大的电子商务网站淘宝网(Taobao)上搜索情侣装,可以从诸多网店中得到超过300万个结果。这些网店都在努力满足这个需求。

    A search for matching couple clothing-known as qing l ü zhuang-on China 's biggest e-commerce site Taobao , offers more than three million results from online stores that have launched to meet the high demand .

  5. 同时,哈纳似乎和布鲁克林穿了情侣装,黑色拉链牛仔裤,大款白色长袖上衣,卡通图片上带有“daft”字样。

    Meanwhile , Hana appeared to mirror her boyfriend as she wore a pair of ripped black mom jeans with an oversized white long-sleeved top which had the word ' daft ' on it with a cartoon picture .

  6. 我公司系列产品,情侣装只在专卖店销售。

    My company products , couple installed sales only at stores .

  7. 介绍了情侣装的特点。

    The characteristics and development of lovers pack are described .

  8. 不过她说,几个月后她就对情侣装爱不释手了。

    After some months , it grew on her , she said .

  9. 分析了目前市场上情侣装存在的问题。

    The problems in lovers pack market are discussed .

  10. 看来星期天肯定是他们不穿情侣装的日子。

    Sunday must be an official non-matching clothes day .

  11. 在有了情侣装之后,你还需要什么呢?

    Installed in a marathon , you also need ?

  12. 我很喜欢你们的情侣装搭配

    I like how you two coordinated your outfits

  13. 你认为情侣装的瓶装水应该有多少分量较合适呢?

    How much capacity do you think is suitable for bottle water for couples ?

  14. 他们大部分的情侣装都是凯艳挑选的,有T恤衫还有鞋子。

    Yao dictates the majority of the couple 's paired wardrobe , which includes T-shirts and shoes .

  15. 她无法想象父母会故意穿上情侣装,以此作为爱的象征。

    She could never imagine them deliberately wearing matching shirts as symbols of love , she said .

  16. 《星座书上》说我们不合但我非要和你穿《情侣装》。

    " Constellation books " that we not but I want and you wear " lovers " .

  17. 这对来自美国的内布拉斯加州小城奥马哈的夫妻有着146套特别订制的情侣装。

    The couple from a small city outside Omaha , Nebraska , has 146 custom-made , matching outfits .

  18. 蔡高原和张燕是对已婚夫妻,他们表示穿情侣装会让他们心情很好。

    Husband and wife , Frank Caiand Anita Zhang say wearing matching clothes puts them in a good mood .

  19. 北京21岁的学生支英丽(音)说,当她的前男友想和她穿情侣装时,她觉得很窘。

    Zhi Yingli , a 21-year-old student in Beijing , said she was mortified when her ex-boyfriend wanted them to flaunt identical clothes .

  20. 当他们走进圣路易教堂时,人人都注意到他们穿的是情侣装,因为他们俩的衣服颜色特别相称。

    When they arrived at the church in St Louis , everyone realized that they were dressed alike because the colours of their clothes matched .

  21. 与此同时,吴专和宗银红说,他们希望今后继续穿情侣装,并计划扩大他们的情侣装储备。

    Meanwhile , Mr. Wu and Ms. Zong say they hope to be dressing alike for years to come and plan to expand their matching wardrobes .

  22. 复旦大学副教授孙沛东说,穿情侣装的现象折射出一个痴迷于品牌和标签、越来越物质化的社会。

    Sun Peidong , an associate professor at Shanghai 's Fudan University , says the phenomenon reflects an increasingly materialistic society that is obsessed with logos and labels .

  23. 他们并不是一开始就穿情侣装的,是在35年前一次外出度假,便习惯上了穿情侣装。

    They haven 't always dressed the same . It started about 35 years ago when the couple went on vacation . After that , it became a habit .

  24. “我们在一起的时候总是穿着情侣装。”李洋说这话的时候,正在火车站与女友告别,婉婷要坐火车返回西安。

    " We always wear the same clothing when we are together ," said Li , minutes before bidding goodbye to his girlfriend as she boarded the train bound for Xi'an .

  25. 梅尔的领带和夹克衫通常和乔伊的裙子来自同一块布料。为了配合他们的花店工作,情侣装一般都是以花为主题。

    Mel 's tie , and often his jacket , are cut from the same cloth at Joey 's dresses . The outfits are usual floral-themed , a reference to their business .

  26. 情侣装,作为情感服饰的一种,将爱情元素融入到服装设计当中,强调男女同时穿着的效果。

    The couples mounted , as a kind of emotional dress , incorporate the love element in dress designing , emphasize the effect that men and women wear at the same time .

  27. 有些人会选择一起穿上情侣装,比如像花哨的红色运动衫,再配上一条蓝色的牛仔裤。所以当一家韩国公司专门推出了一款为情侣们定制的社交网络应用时,很少有人对此感到大惊小怪。

    Some pairs dress in " couplestyle , " in the same garish red sweater and blue jeans combo , for instance.Small wonder that a Korean firm has created a social network for couples .

  28. 金莹和何禹坤就是其中一对,他们分别身穿有同样蓝白条纹的连衣裙和衬衫。他们说,他们第一次穿情侣装时就像给了对方一个承诺,表达了他们过去没有完全表达出来的情感。

    One such couple , Jin Ying and He Yukun-wearing a blue-and-white-striped dress-shirt combo-said the first time they dressed alike was like a pledge to one another , an admission of feelings they hadn 't fully expressed before .

  29. 但由于他们已经分手了,支英丽不会再穿她衣橱里仍留着的情侣装。她说,或许只有在几个星期没洗衣服的时候才会穿。

    But since they broke up , Ms. Zhi won 't wear any of the half-set of the clothes she still has in her closet . ' Maybe only if I haven 't done laundry for weeks , ' she said .

  30. 她说,人们希望开宝马来显示自己的富有;现在又希望穿着情侣装来显示自己不是单身;归根到底,穿情侣装还是为了满足人们的安全感。

    People want BMWs to show they are rich ; now they want matching-couples labeling to show they are in relationships , said Ms. Sun . And ultimately , matching duds is a way for people to feel secure , she said .