
  • 网络information technology
  1. 传统图书情报技术在网络资源检索中的应用

    Application of Traditional Library and Information Technology to Web Resource Retrieval

  2. 现代图书情报技术的巨大进步为农业科技情报事业的发展既提供了前所未有的机遇,又面临严峻的挑战。

    The enormous progress of modern information technology provides not only an unprecedented opportunity for development , but also poses real challenge .

  3. 使用视讯会议实在是极佳的主意,所有人都以为只有联合国(UN)才会举行像这样的情报技术会议,但您证明他们都错了。

    The use of video conferencing was just superb , everyone would have expected that its only the UN which can hold such IT conferences-but you have proved them wrong .

  4. 立体化信息服务专业读者市场化经营盘活学术期刊&《现代图书情报技术》广告经营随想

    On the Advertising Management of New Technology of Library and Information Service

  5. 发展竞争情报技术赢得市场竞争优势

    Developing Competitive Intelligence Technology to Gain Market Competitive Advantage

  6. 《现代图书情报技术》的回顾、评价和展望

    The Reviews , Evaluation and Prospect of New Technology of Library and Information Service

  7. 《现代图书情报技术》被引分析1998&2004年《地理学报》被引情况分析

    Analysis on the Situation of Being Cited of Geographical Science in the Period of 1998-2004

  8. 《现代图书情报技术》核心著者测评

    The Identification and Evaluation of the Kernel Authors of New Technology of Library and Information Service

  9. 随着我国情报技术的发展,情报部门通过各种途径搜集来的情报越来越多。

    With the rapid development of intelligence technology in China , the intelligence collected by intelligence department through many different ways is increasing everyday .

  10. 情报技术本身和学科的深入发展已经愈来愈清楚地显示,单纯靠技术并不能完全和最终解决人类认识、利用信息课题。

    From Information Technology itself and with the development of Information Science , more and more clearly it has shown that only technology cannot deal with the problem of how people understand and use of information completely .

  11. 档案MIS软件的开发,是学校信息化建设的重要组成部分,是引用网络技术和情报检索技术,结合档案“卷改件”整理要求的产物。

    The development of MIS software is an important part in information construction . It is the integration of network technique and information retrieval technique .

  12. 论技术竞争情报和技术创新的本质与关系

    On Essence and Relationship of Competitive Technical Intelligence and Technology Innovation

  13. 我国竞争情报服务技术创新分析

    Analysis of Technology Innovation of Competitive Information Service in China

  14. 论技术竞争情报在技术预见活动中的应用

    Research on the Application of Technology Competitive Intelligence in Technology Foresight Activities

  15. 图书情报现代技术与人机关系

    Modern Technology of Libraries and Intelligence and Machine Relations

  16. 智能化雷达对抗情报处理技术研究

    Research on Technology of Intellectualized Radar Countermeasures Intelligence Processing

  17. 试论知识管理和竞争情报共用技术平台的构建

    On the Construction of the Uniform IT Platform for Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence

  18. 电子对抗系统中雷达情报综合技术研究

    Radar Association Algorithm in the Electronic Counter System

  19. 技术竞争情报在技术转移过程中的作用研究

    Research on the Function of Competitive Technological Intelligence in the Process of Technology Transfer

  20. 犯罪模式分析&西方犯罪情报分析技术简介

    On Identification of Crime Patterns & An Introduction of Techniques of Western Criminal Intelligence Analysis

  21. 基于想定的情报模拟技术

    Scenario based Technology for Intelligence Simulation

  22. 可变长度输出报文字段计算机情报输出技术

    Variable length output message field

  23. 对情报检索技术和自然语言理解技术研究的历史,现状及存在的问题做了深入分析。

    In this paper , we deeply analyze the history , actuality and problems of the information search techniques and natural language processing techniques .

  24. 在它的成功的基础上,国际刑警组织继续鼓励更系统地交换信息,从而汇集专家技能、经验、资源、情报和技术支持。

    Building on its success , Interpol continues to encourage more systematic exchange of information to pool expertise , experience , resources , intelligence and technical assistance .

  25. 这些研究不仅对新闻视频的分析和挖掘技术具有积极的影响,同时也对多媒体情报分析技术具有显著的理论和实践意义。

    The achievements of this thesis promote the development of news video analyzing and data mining , and also have great theoretic and realistic significance in multimedia information analysis .

  26. 这些研究不仅对多媒体内容分析技术、多媒体数据挖掘技术将产生积极的影响,同时也为多媒体情报分析技术的研究建立了一定的理论和实践基础。

    The achievements of this thesis have great theoretic and realistic significance in deepening the technology of multimedia content analysis and multimedia data mining , and also promote the development of multimedia intelligence analysis .

  27. 在技术转让协议有效期内,乙方对该项技术的改进,以及改进的情报和技术资料,应及时提供给合营公司,不另收费用;

    Within the validity period of the technology transfer agreement , Party B shall provide the joint venture company with the improvement of the technology and the improved information and technological materials in time , and shall not charge separate fees ;

  28. 他提出,苹果将“很高兴参加”一个“涵盖情报、技术和公民自由的委员会或者其他专家小组,讨论这件事对执法、国家安全、隐私和个人自由的潜在影响”。

    Instead , he suggested Apple would " gladly participate " in a " commission or other panel of experts on intelligence , technology and civil liberties to discuss the implications for law enforcement , national security , privacy and personal freedoms . "

  29. 第五部分通过两个案例来印证竞争情报在技术创新中的作用及实际应用情况。第六部分是本文的结论部分,即研究的总结与展望。

    Through analyzing two cases , it further proves the role and practical application of competitive intelligence in technology innovation . Part ⅵ: Conclusion and prospect . This part mainly summarizes the research work of this essay and makes prospect for further research .

  30. 研究了字幕探测辅助视频情报分析技术,融合多特征的视频分析与视频摘要技术,研究了辅助视频分析的字幕探测技术的应用。

    The main work and contribution of this paper is as follow : ◇ Study to assist video information analysis and abstract technology using text detect technology , put forward the viewpoint that text detection technology is applied in the assistance of video analyze .