
  • 网络affective factor;emotional factors;affective variables
  1. 以听说为主的C班最大的问题是因情感因素所致的课堂气氛沉闷。

    The biggest problem of listening and speaking-centered class is the dreary atmosphere due to affective factors .

  2. 情感因素(AffectiveFactors)是语言习得中的重要因素。

    Affective factors are of great significance for the acquisition of a second language .

  3. 20世纪70年代以后,外语教学研究者们开始关注情感因素对语言学习的影响(JaneArnold,2000)。

    Since the 1970s , researchers have paid attention to language learners ' affective factors ( Jane Arnold , 2000 ) .

  4. 国内外众多学者如RodEllis,文秋芳,肖德法等已经就情感因素于外语学习效果的影响进行相关研究。

    Researchers at home and abroad such as Rod Ellis , Wen Qiufang and Xiao Defa have already carried out researches on the effect of the affective factors on foreign language learning .

  5. 根据学生的口试成绩,从103名学生中分别抽出口语好的和口语差的学生,然后用T-test检验他们在英语学习情感因素上的差异。

    According to their test results , good English speakers and poor English speakers were selected from the 103 students to check their affective differences in their oral communication by using T-test .

  6. 艾丽斯(Ellis)提出了关于学习者自身因素的研究框架,其中情感因素是重要的个人因素之一。

    Ellis ( 1994 ) proposes a framework to the study of individual differences , and he thinks learners ' affective factors are included in it as a key element which will affect language learning outcomes .

  7. Fagley等(2010)在研究中关注了情感因素会对框架决策问题产生影响,但是并没有明确指出卷入类型的分类。

    Fagley ( 2010 ) focused on the influence of the emotional factors , but did not specified involvement in types , which provide a direction for later research .

  8. 语言焦虑是外语学习中的重要情感因素之一,美国心理语言学家Horwitz把外语学习焦虑定义为产生于外语学习过程中的自我意识、观点、情感和与课堂语言学习相关行为的复合体。

    Anxiety is one of the most important affective factors in foreign language ( FL ) learning . American psycholinguist Horwitz defines language anxiety asa distinct complex of self-perception , beliefs , feelings , and behaviors related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process .

  9. 会运用情感因素辅助教学;

    Being able to make use of feeling as auxiliary teaching ;

  10. 语言学习不仅涉及到认知能力或智力的培养和发展,学习者的情感因素也不可避免地参与其中,影响语言学习效果甚或人的全面发展。

    Language learning involves both the development of cognition and affect .

  11. 情感因素在大学英语互动教学中的作用

    The Application of Emotional Factors in Interactive Teaching of College English

  12. 大学生英语学习情感因素之调查与调节

    Investigation of and adjustment the university student English study emotion factor

  13. 介入中国学生英语写作的情感因素研究

    A study of affective factors involved in Chinese students ' English writing

  14. 结果:法制因素和情感因素为最显著因素。

    Result : The most notable factors are legal system and sensibility .

  15. 它是认知因素和情感因素的复合体。

    It is the complex of cognitive and emotional factors .

  16. 论新闻传播中的民族情感因素对受众的影响

    On the National Emotion in News Communication and Its Impact on Audience

  17. 少数民族研究生英语学习之情感因素探究

    On Affective Factors in English Learning of Ethnic Master Candidates

  18. 你在这种上下属关系中掺杂了哪些情感因素?

    What emotional baggage are you bringing into the relationship ?

  19. 疯狂英语教学的启示&情感因素与语言教学

    Implications of Teaching in Class of " Crazy English "

  20. 决心、情感因素和环境,都有可能让我们失败。

    Resolve , emotional resources or circumstances might fail us .

  21. 高职大学生英语自主学习中的情感因素调查

    Affective Factors in Vocational College Students ' Autonomous English Learning

  22. 可以对学生的情感因素产生积极的影响;

    It has active effect on students ' emotional factor .

  23. 情感因素对英语口语流利性影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research into the Effects of Affective Factors on Oral English Fluency

  24. 关于情感因素对第二语言习得影响的研究

    Research on Influence of Affect on Second Language Acquisition

  25. 外语听力学习中的情感因素善听者与不善听者听力学习策略对比研究

    Comparative Research on Learning Strategies for Listening between the Effective and Ineffective Learners

  26. 论物理教学中的情感因素

    Try talking about the emotion factor in physics teaching

  27. 建立和谐的教与学关系基于积极的情感因素。

    The harmonious relation between teaching and learning lies in positive affective factors .

  28. 网页色彩设计的情感因素

    The Emotion Factor of Color Design in Web Page

  29. 第二语言习得中的情感因素与外语教学

    Affective Factors and Foreign Languages Teaching in the Acquisition as a Second Language

  30. 以及教材如何陶冶学生的情操三方面分析美国化学教材中的情感因素;

    And how the textbooks nurture students ' sentiment .