
  • 网络tv column;television column
  1. 地域文化下的陕西方言电视栏目剧研究

    The Study of Shanxi Dialect TV Column Plays Based on Regional Culture

  2. 第六部分是对电视栏目包装未来发展的展望。

    Part VI is to the TV column packing prospects for future development .

  3. 中国电视栏目名称中文化的折射及其英译

    Cultural Reflection in Chinese TV Program Titles and Their English Translation

  4. 情感真人秀类型电视栏目的兴起及发展进路

    The Rise and Development of TV Program " Emotional Reality Show "

  5. 我们拥有自己的语言培训电视栏目!

    We have our own TV program of language training !

  6. 民族文化类电视栏目的形象包装和品牌推广策略

    Image Decoration and Brand Promotion in the National-Culture-Focused TV Programs

  7. 电视栏目名称对栏目而言至关重要。

    TV Programs ' Name is critical to the program .

  8. 电视栏目名称的语言学分析

    Linguistic Analysis of the Names of TV Columns The History Of Television

  9. 反思与展望:中国电视栏目剧的制作与经营

    Reflections and Prospects : China 's TV Drama Production and Management Section

  10. 论主持人明星制与电视栏目的品牌化运作

    On the Star System of Director and the Branding Operation of TV Programs

  11. 电视栏目淘汰制:现实意义与问题

    Television Program Elimination System : Existential Condition and Problem

  12. 如何评估电视栏目的广告传播价值

    How To Evaluate Advertising Broadcasting Value of TV Programs

  13. 我国情感类电视栏目的人文关怀研究

    The Research about Humanistic Care of Emotional TV Serial

  14. 第三章以生活服务类电视栏目的策划为基础,对栏目策划的流程进行了一一阐述。

    Chapter III expounds the procedures of scheming these programs one by one .

  15. 电视栏目名称是语言生活中一种很有趣的现象。

    The titles of TV columns are very interesting phenomena in our language life .

  16. 论名牌电视栏目的品牌维护

    The Brand Maintaining of Famous Brand TV Program

  17. 生活中的命名极为广泛,电视栏目命名也是其中的一种。

    Naming is widespread in life , and names of TV columns are one kind .

  18. 并在理论上和实践上对中国电视栏目剧的发展提供了借鉴。

    It has provided theory and experience for the development of Chinese TV column plays .

  19. 浅谈民族地区文化类电视栏目的包装制作

    On the Packing and Producing of Cultural Kind of Television Column in the Minority Area

  20. 健康教育电视栏目的编辑思路

    Compilation of TV Column of Health Education

  21. 电视栏目包装对电视台栏目的形象起着非常重要的作用。

    Television column packing takes very important role for the column image of TV station .

  22. 电视栏目剧的兴起和走俏,是电视发展的必然。

    TV drama , the rise and popular TV is the necessity of the development .

  23. 他山之石,可以攻玉&西方新闻传播产业化进程与国内电视栏目品牌

    The Industrialization Process of the Western Press and the Brands of the Domestic TV Program

  24. 随着电视栏目化的发展,新闻已经逐步渗透于各类电视节目中。

    With the development of TV topics , news has progressively permeated in various TV titles .

  25. 电视栏目的局限也造成了纪录片和创作者之间的矛盾。

    The limitation of the TV column also brings the conflict between the author and itself .

  26. 这一结论对其他电视栏目营销策略的制定也有一定的参考价值。

    This conclusion has certain reference value on how to make marketing strategy about other TV programs .

  27. 电视栏目作为&种节目的编排形式,是电视传播内容的基本单位。

    TV Column style of presentation as a program is the basic unit of the content of television broadcasting .

  28. 因此,对电视栏目名称的研究具有语言学、传播学和美学的多重理论意义,也是栏目整体策划中不可或缺的环节。

    Therefore , the study on TV Programs ' Name has multiple theories significance in linguistics , communication and aesthetics .

  29. 谈地方台栏目品牌的打造&从《看龙岩》运作看电视栏目品牌的打造

    On brand building of local TV stations & Building of column brands from the operation of " Watching Longyan " column

  30. 第二章结合传播学的理论,讨论了生活服务类电视栏目策划的意义和原则。

    Chapter II , combining communication theories , talks about the significance and principle of scheming the Life Service TV programs .