
  • 网络film;film text
  1. 关锦鹏女性电影文本研究

    The Study of the Feminism Film Texts of Stanley KWAN

  2. 论《色戒》的电影文本与小说文本的差异

    On the Differences between the Film and the Novel of Lust , Caution

  3. 最终,从一系列的比较分析中获得一些电影文本对小说文本成功的改编策略。

    Finally , from a series of analysis will get some successful strategy of film adaptation .

  4. 恋父、审父、弑父的宿命纠缠&李安电影文本的一种症候阅读

    Electra Complex , Father Trial , Fate Entangled Patricide & An Lee 's Film Version , a Symptom of Reading

  5. 在教学的每一部分内容中,都将选择一部具体的电影文本,供学生根据课程提出的理论问题进行研究。

    In each session , a specific film text will be studied in the light of the theoretical issues raised .

  6. 多变的女性表达与灵活的市场运作使其电影文本无论是在商业还是艺术上都获得了成功。

    Variable representation and flexible marketing operations have made her films accomplished a great deal both in commercial and art aspects .

  7. 响尾蛇的突袭还是人类发展的痼疾?&一个电影文本的生态文化实践

    A Sudden Attack of Rattlesnake or the Chronic Illness of the Human Development ? & Ecological Cultural Practice of a Film Text

  8. 第三章、第四章、第五章的主要内容是采用具体的研究方法对所选取的电影文本进行分析、研究。

    Main content of Chapter III , Chapter IV , Chapter V analyze and research the selected film text through specific study methods .

  9. 由于电影文本与小说文本隶属不同的传播媒介,两者的叙事定然存在差异。

    Since the film and the novel are not the same mass media , there must be some differences in terms of narration .

  10. 用电影文本促进大学生心理健康的研究&大学生心理健康教育教学方法的探讨

    Research on Advancing the Students ' Mental Health by Movie Texts & Discussing on Teaching Method of College Students ' Mental Health Education

  11. 以这些语用学理论为基础对电影文本中的对话进行语用文体分析,能清晰地揭示角色潜在的动机,他们对话中的隐含意义以及他们的性格特点。

    The analysis with this theoretic framework reveals the characters ' hidden motivation , the implied meaning of their utterances as well as their characterization .

  12. 该文从文学文本入手,探讨经过修辞移植后的电影文本所表现出来的文化特征。

    The essay probes into the cultural characteristic of the film text by means of the rhetorical transformation between the literary and filmic text at present .

  13. 本文的研究就是尝试以这样的方式重新梳理《锅碗瓢盆交响曲》从小说文本到电影文本的真正差异。

    This thesis tries to comb the actual differences between the novel text of Symphony of Pots and Pans and the text of the film adaptation .

  14. 电影文本的文化语境和情景语境给电影的文化阐释和跨文化解读提供了独特的视角和基本要素。

    The cultural and situational contexts of the film text provide a unique perspective and necessary elements for the cultural and intercultural interpretation of the film .

  15. 本文力图通过对原作和改编后电影文本差异性的比较,拨开迷雾看到一个与流行相去甚远的上海形象。

    This paper compares the original works and the adaptation , and then draws apart the curtains to see a " Shanghai image " far from trendy fashions .

  16. 文章通过对两部西方女权主义电影文本《钢琴课》和《女钢琴师》的比较分析,探寻了西方女权主义运动的心路历程。

    Base on the comparative analysis of two western feminist movies " Piano " and " the Female Pianist ", the paper probes the process of psychological change of western feminism .

  17. 论文第二章紧紧围绕贾木许的电影文本,从主题思想、情节内容、人物形象以及叙事方式四个方面,详细论述贾木许影片中反主流的后现代文化特征。

    Then the second chapter closely focuses on the film text of Jim Jarmusch , and discusses thoroughly the postmodern cultural features of anti-mainstream from the theme 、 plot 、 charters and narrative way .

  18. 当代部分,文章选定苏童与香港作家李碧华的两部作品与它们各自的电影文本进行比较分析,探究当代女性文学的发展脉络。

    In modern part , we put emphasis on two pieces of works of Su Tong and Li Bihua ( Hong Kong ), and tries to discover the development of Chinese distaff literature in their movies .

  19. 由此本论文将重点以姜文《鬼子来了》与管虎《斗牛》两部电影文本为例,对中国当代电影中的荒诞审美作一简要讨论。

    In the present paper , the author briefly discusses the aesthetics of absurdity in contemporary Chinese films , by taking examples of the film texts of Devils on the Doorstep directed by Jiang Wen and Cow directed by Guan Hu .

  20. 这种在微观层面和宏观层面对电影文本进行的人际关系分析可以更加深刻的揭示人物的形象,他们的社会地位,同时有助于从动态的角度揭示作品的主题。

    The analysis on the interpersonal relationship in filmic text on both the micro-level and the macro-level may more profoundly reveal the image of the characters , their social status , and it may also help reveal more about the theme of the films from a dynamic perspective .

  21. 第二章的第二部分选取对应的美国电影文本,对美国主流电影中的保守主义的主要叙事模式进行了概括说明,为下面的文本细致说明进行了应有的铺垫。

    The second section of Chapter 2 , selected from those corresponding American film texts , has explained the main narrative pattern of American film , and foreshadowed the complete explanation of the next text . A meticulous text analysis has been carried out in Chapter 3 and 4 .

  22. 探讨了在时空限制下,使用适当的翻译策略,避免因文化内涵不同导致的信息流失与信息超出,成功实现翻译中的文化转换,创造出观众欢迎的电影字幕文本。

    The paper further discusses tactics to avoid both the losses and redundancy of information and of how to create the subtitles ' translation to realize the cultural transfer to the acceptance of audiences .

  23. 之所以能够获得如此巨大的成功,与制作动画的良好的产业环境、优秀的制作技术固然有着不可分割的联系,但是动画电影的文本内容却发挥了更加重要的作用。

    The reason why they have got such a huge success , except the impact of good industry environment and excellent production technology , the text content of the animated films also play a more important role .

  24. 这能为电影播放以及文本及其他信息显示提供更好的体验。

    It 's better for movie nights and for displaying text and other information .

  25. 媒体·叙事·本体:电影、小说文本比较论

    Medium , Narrative , Text : A Comparison between the Text of Films and the Text of Novels

  26. 众所周知,女性主义的电影或电视文本,如果采用男权立场和男性视点来解读,必然会遭到严重的曲解和误读。

    As it is known to all , if understand and analysis the female movies or TV plays literature from the standpoint of Male-rights and the male viewpoint , it is inevitable to be seriously misunderstood and misread .

  27. 当传统秩序和革命话语为新的生活方式与现代性观念所替代,乡村电影的仪式和文本意义也就逐步被瓦解。

    While traditional order and revolutionary words are replaced by new life style and modern ideas , its ceremonial significance and text meaning are gradually disintegrated .

  28. 第三章比较了《傲慢与偏见》2005年电影版本和原文本,找出了此电影版本与原文本的不同之处,这些不同之处也就是评价中所提到的不似的体现。

    Chapter three figures out the differences , those which have been mentioned as " lack of resemblance ", between the 2005 film version of Pride and Prejudice and its original novel .

  29. 在电影作品与文学文本的关系上,电影改编不再谨守忠实于原著的创作信条,愈加注重导演主体意识的发挥和个人风格的彰显;

    In the relation of literature and film , film adaptation abides not only to the credendum of " faith to original work ", but increasingly pays attention to the directors ' self-conscience and individual style .

  30. 其次,通过对本文所研究的五届手机电影参赛作品的文本分析,可以看出手机电影在创作上力求主题简洁明了,不在于对宏大场面的叙述,而是倾向于微观世界的描述。

    We can see that in the creation of Mobile movie , every title would be brief and precise . The text analysis of the mobile movie is not subject to the grand occasion of the narrative , but tends to the microscopic description .