
  • 网络Modern furniture;contemporary furniture
  1. 现代家具有点过于简朴,我不大喜欢。

    Modern furniture is a little too severe for my taste .

  2. 这套现代家具与老房子不协调。

    The modern furniture was out of keeping withthe old house .

  3. JEFFCO自始自终的理念是:不断创新;将古典主义的因素融入到现代家具的设计理念中,从而创造出集优雅与现代感于一体的家具。

    Jeffco has been driven by a single , unifying vision : To create innovative , elegant furnishings that seamlessly integrates Classical influences with modern design sensibilities .

  4. 在维多利亚时代式的房子里摆设现代家具很不谐调

    Modern furniture will be out of place in a Victorian house

  5. 现代家具木工车间通风除尘技术

    Ventilation and dust control technology for woodwork shops of modern furniture

  6. 我从中国不同的工厂采购中世纪现代家具。

    I source mid-century modern furniture from different factories in China .

  7. 说明了禅宗文化已经渗透到现代家具设计理论和实践中,对现代家具设计要素应用产生了相当深远的影响。

    , has proved that Zen Buddhism culture influences furniture design .

  8. 明清家具对西方现代家具的影响

    The Influence on Western Modern Furniture from Ming & Qing Dynasty 's

  9. 装饰元素在清代家具与现代家具设计中的应用对比

    The Use of Decoration Element in Qing Dynasty Furniture and Contemporary Furniture

  10. 起居室有许多现代家具。

    The sitting room is furnished with all modern furniture .

  11. 现代家具设计形态中的构成艺术

    The Constitution Art in the Design Modality of Modern Furniture

  12. 谈中式现代家具与传统的交融方式

    The Combined Methods of Modern Chinese Furniture with Tradition 's

  13. 传统家具元素在现代家具设计中的应用

    Application of Chinese Traditional Furniture Element in Modern Furniture Design

  14. 在这个房间里,古典家具和现代家具成功地搭配在一起。

    In this room antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed .

  15. 中国现代家具色彩设计浅析

    A Shallow Analysis in Color Design in Chinese Modern Furniture

  16. 生态主义对现代家具设计的启示探析

    Discussion on Inspiration of Ecological Protectionism on Modern Furniture Design

  17. 研究了五金件在现代家具拆装设计中的地位和应用。

    I studied the status and application of hardware in disassembly-assembly type furniture .

  18. 现代家具生漆透明涂饰工艺

    The Finishing Process of Clear Coating of Chinese Lacquer

  19. 中国现代家具设计理念研究

    The Study on Design Idea of Chinese Modern Furniture

  20. 禅宗文化对现代家具设计的影响

    How the Zen Buddhism Culture Affects Modern Furniture Design

  21. 生产销售各种仿古、现代家具五金、塑胶配件。

    Manufacturing and selling various ancient imitation , modern furniture metals and plastics accessories .

  22. 它们对现代家具工业的发展都深具影响。

    All these have significant tremendous influence on the development of modern furniture industry .

  23. 技术美在现代家具设计中的体现

    Esthetics of Technology in Design of Modern Furniture

  24. 她给那套公寓装配了现代家具。

    She furnished the apartment with modern furniture .

  25. 现代家具设计形态的空间美学

    Roomage Esthetics of Design Modality for Modern Furniture

  26. 中国传统漆艺与现代家具设计

    Chinese Traditional Lacquer Art & Modern Furniture Design

  27. 现代家具工业几项深有影响技术的开拓与发展

    Development of the Techniques Influencing Modern Furniture Industry

  28. 中国现代家具设计的尴尬

    Embarrassment in the Design of Chinese Modern Furniture

  29. 世界现代家具设计师100名(二)

    Top 100 World Distinguished Modern Furniture Designers (ⅱ)

  30. 现代家具五金件的应用与发展趋势

    Application and Developing Tendency of Modern Furniture Hardware