
  • 网络Modern Movements in Architecture;modern architecture;the Modern Movement;modern architecture movement
  1. 本文研究了现代建筑运动中的著名理论家西格弗里德·吉迪恩及其两本主要的建筑理论著作&《在法国建造》和《空间、时间和建筑》。

    This article makes a research on Sigfried Giedion , a famous architectural theorist in modern movement in architecture , and two of his main books : Building in France , and Space , Time and Architecture .

  2. 德国现代建筑运动中的中国学者

    A Chinese architect in German modern architecture movement

  3. 不同国家在现代建筑运动中的角色差异分析

    Roles of Different Countries in Modern Architectural Movements

  4. 现代建筑运动的地域性拓展

    The Regional Expansion of Modern Architecture Movement

  5. 构成派、白色派、解构派作为现代建筑运动及其后续发展过程中的流派已经过去。

    Constructivism , the White , Deconstruction have all past as style of modern architecture movement and its follow-up evolution .

  6. 论述了以水晶宫、埃菲尔铁塔为代表的著名博览会建筑对现代建筑运动的影响与推动,博览会场馆规划设计的演变以及博览会展区为适应城市发展进行再生利用的新趋势。

    Furthermore , it also describes the evolvement of planning and design of the Exposition Pavilion and the new trend to re-use the Exposition Parks in order to adapt urban development .

  7. 在现代建筑运动中,美国建筑师路易斯·沙利文提出了形式追随功能的口号,给建筑提出了探究新建筑可能性的一个方向,但也由此引发了对形式和功能关系的争议。

    In the modem architecture moves , American architect Louis Sulivan put forward slogan on ' form follow function ' and proposed a new direction to probe into the possibility of the new building , which yet caused the disputes of the form and function .

  8. 现代主义建筑运动以来,空间成为引领建筑学发展的主要概念。

    Since Modernism architecture movement , " space " has become the main conception that leads architecture development .

  9. 席卷了上个世纪的现代主义建筑运动可以称作是人类历史上最为剧烈的一次建筑变革。

    The architectural movement of modernism in the last century is almost the strongest revolution in the history .

  10. 极少主义建筑在承继现代主义建筑运动的一些基本原则的基础上,执着的从建筑自身的语言入手,探寻建筑的本质&亦即生活的本质。

    On the base of inheriting the fundamental principals of the Modernism , beginning with the architectural language , minimalist architecture probes into the essence of the architecture , namely the essence of living .

  11. 当西方的现代艺术和现代建筑经历现代主义运动时,现代园林也不可避免的受到了现代主义的影响。

    When western modern art and architecture came through the modernism movement , modern landscape architecture also got influenced by modernism inevitably .

  12. 我们通过他可以对德国现代建筑思想的源流和德国现代建筑运动的发展窥见一斑。

    Throughhis life we might have a look at the source anddevelopment of Germanic Modern Architectureand Thought .

  13. 首先,从近现代住宅建筑的发展变化,和对住宅变化进行伦理学分析,来透视西方近现代建筑运动的轨迹。

    First of all , from the modern architectural development process to analyze the development and change of the house , and then analyse change to house in ethics .