
  • 网络Fieldbus Control System;FCs;profibus;lonworks
  1. 在工业过程控制技术上,从分布式控制系统(DCS)走向现场总线控制系统(FCS)是已经在进行并必将由后者取代前者的过程。

    The industrial process control technology is just under the shift from DCS to FCS , and the latter will surely replace the former .

  2. 现场总线控制系统在原油蒸馏装置中的设计与研究

    Design and research of FCS in crude oil distillation unit

  3. 基于PC的一种新型现场总线控制系统

    PC - Based Field bus Control System

  4. 基于Profibus-DP的PLC与PC现场总线控制系统

    Field Bus Control System Based on Profibus-DP for PLC and PC

  5. 炼油装置现场总线控制系统的实现及与MIS互连

    Realizing of FCS in Oil Refining Unit and Connecting with MIS

  6. 现场总线控制系统FCS(FieldBusControlSystem)适应了工业控制系统向分散化、网络化、智能化发展的方向,导致了传统控制系统结构的变革。

    Field Bus Control System . ( FCS ) fits in with the industry control system 's development of distribution , net and intellect .

  7. 现代过程控制系统也由分散控制系统(DCS)向现场总线控制系统(FCS)过渡。

    Modern process control system is also changing from DCS to FCS .

  8. 第1章,详细论述了集散控制系统(DCS,DIstributedControlSystem)、现场总线控制系统(FCS,Fieldcontrolsystem)在温室测控领域的应用情况,分析了各自的利弊。

    The first chapter discusses the application of Distributed Control System and Field Control System in the field of greenhouse monitoring and control , and analyzes their respective advantages and disadvantages .

  9. 现场总线控制系统(FieldBusControlSystem-FCS)打破了传统计算机控制系统采用的按控制回路要求,设备一对一的分别与现场进行连线的结构形式。

    Field bus control system has broken the structure form of the traditional computer control system that equipment is connecting with the field one-to-one in accordance with the requirements of the control loop .

  10. 这对FF现场总线控制系统的应用组态具有指导意义。

    This is practical for the application configuration of the FF controlsystem .

  11. 对比了当前国际上比较流行的DCS(分布式控制系统)和FCS(现场总线控制系统)的优点和缺点。

    Compares the DCS ( Distributed Control System ) with the FCS ( Field Bus Control System ) .

  12. 基于模糊神经网络的SZ绞合成缆机现场总线控制系统

    SZ Stranding Machine Field Bus Control System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  13. 火力电站的PROFIBUS现场总线控制系统

    Profibus Control System in Power Plant

  14. PROFIBUS-DP现场总线控制系统

    General Control System of PROFIBUS-DP on Site

  15. 西门子S7组成的现场总线控制系统的应用

    Application of Field Bus Control System Consisting of Siemens S7

  16. 现场总线控制系统FCS是在计算机网络技术飞速发展的推动下形成的。

    Field bus control system FCS is forms in under the computer network technology rapid development impetus .

  17. 结合合成氨厂实践情况,从硬件、软件的角度介绍现场总线控制系统FCS的组成、优点及目前存在的不足。

    The paler amply introduces composing and advantages , and currently disadvantages of field-bus control system FCS from hardware , and software and application in the plant .

  18. 现场总线控制系统(FCS)取代分散控制系统(DCS)已经成为自动化技术的发展趋势。

    Having replaced DCS ( Distributed Control System ), FCS ( Fieldbus Control System ) has become the tendency of automation technology .

  19. 现场总线控制系统(FCS,Field-busControlSystem)作为控制设备之间实现数字通信的联系纽带,在工业过程数据采集与系统监控中得到了广泛的应用。

    Field bus control system ( FCS , Field-bus Control System ) as a link between control device for digital communication , has been widely application in the industrial process data acquisition and system monitoring .

  20. 针对现场总线控制系统精确校时和时间统一的要求,提出了3种利用GPS授时功能对总线式系统进行校时的方案。

    Aiming at the requests of precise time synchronization and unification of time for field-bus control system , Three solutions were presented to precisely adjust time for field-bus control system by timing function of GPS .

  21. 现场总线控制系统(FCS&FieldBusControlSystem)构成了信息控制一体化系统的过程级和监控级,是信息控制一体化系统监控功能的主体和Internet/Intranet的神经末梢。

    Field Bus Control System ( FCS ) is the process rank and the stakeout-control rank of the communication control integrative system . It is also the principal part of the stakeout-control function in the communication control integrative system and the nerve twig of the Internet / Intranet .

  22. 网络连通性的动态监测是现场总线控制系统(FCS)的重要方面之一。

    The dynamic monitoring of the network 's connectivity is one of the important aspects of the Fieldbus Control System ( FCS ) .

  23. 分析了分布式控制系统(DCS)发展存在的问题,对DCS和现场总线控制系统(FCS)进行了比较,提出将DCS和FCS融合的方案。

    The paper analyses the problem about the developing of DCS system , compares DCS with FCS , and brings out the precept about amalgamation DCS and FCS .

  24. 本文分析了化工生产过程中间歇控制的特点和难点,研究基于现场总线控制系统实现间歇控制的方法,介绍了一种基于FIX组态软件和CAN现场总线的管控一体化系统。

    This paper analyses the character and difficulty of intermittent control in the chemical industry production , introduces a kind of integration system of management and control based on the FIX and CAN field-bus .

  25. 本文分析了MMB现场总线控制系统的体系结构。

    The system structure of MMB is analysed .

  26. 提出一种基于FCS的现场总线控制系统,来实现对化工间歇生产过程的管控一体化。

    The paper presents a kind of field bus control system based on FCS to realize integrative management and control system for the intermittent chemical production process .

  27. 现场总线控制系统已逐渐发展成为继集散控制系统(DCS)之后的新一代控制系统,成为当前控制领域内的热点之一。

    Field bus control system ( FCS ) is generally developing into the new generation control system after the distributed control system ( DCS ), and it is becoming one of the focuses in the current control field .

  28. 在对SZ绞合成缆机设备组成简介的基础上,设计了基于模糊神经网络的SZ绞合成缆机现场总线控制系统。

    After brief introduction of equipments of SZ stranding machine for optical fibers , this paper designs SZ stranding machine field bus control system based on fuzzy neural network .

  29. 目前集散控制系统(DCS)/现场总线控制系统(FCS)工程验收中输入/输出(I/O)通道合格与否只接受定性测量。

    At present in DCS ( distributed control system ) / FCS ( fieldbus control system ) acceptance test , input / output channels are received a test on whether they are up to stand or not .

  30. OPC规范和IEC61499标准在现场总线控制系统中均属于用户层协议,二者都基于组件技术。

    OPC specifications and IEC61499 standard both are protocols of User Layer of FieldBus Control System ( FCS ), and both are based on software component technology .