
  1. 主要揭示了管理组织理论不断创新的实质是深层次管理实践格局的整合创新,这种管理实践格局的不断变革对管理组织理论的产生、发展具有发生学的意义。

    This part is made up of Chapter Six , which reveals that the continuous innovation of management and organization is essentially to the integrative initiation of the deep structure of managing practice .

  2. 1992年3月至1996年8月,航天重大型号研制出现了诸多失利,反映出科研生产中存在的深层次管理问题十分突出。

    From Mar. 1992 to Aug 1996 , much fail occurs in the development of important aerospace projects , it reflects that the management problems in the scientific research and manufacture is very outstanding .

  3. 随着经济的高速发展,现代企业的竞争已经从产品平台的表层竞争拓展到深层次的管理竞争。

    With the rapid development of economic , the competition among modern enterprise runs through from the competition of product platform to the competition of management , which is more deep-seated .

  4. 如何克服粗放式的管理模式,搞好物理仪器深层次的科学管理,从而科学规范地使用物理仪器,达到延长仪器的使用寿命的目的。

    It is very important how to overcome careless management model and do well high - level scientific management of physical instrument so as to make scientific and standard use of physical instru-ment and prolong their use longevity .

  5. 论文综合运用国内外专家的研究成果,通过事故致因理论与施工安全生产事故的诱因分析,进一步明确了引发安全生产事故的深层次原因是管理上的不足。

    Generally utilizing domestic and foreign experts ' research achievements , and through the analysis of the cause of accidents , the paper has further clarified the main reason that caused production accidents , which is insufficient management .

  6. 人性假设理论是管理理论的深层次结构,是管理理论的基础,对管理思想和制度等产生了重大影响。

    The theories of humanity assumption are deep structures and bases of management theories and produce important effect on management thought and system .