
shēn rù shēng huó
  • Go deep into life;plunge into the thick of life;go into the thick of life
深入生活[shēn rù shēng huó]
  1. 但是下一个重要的数字化App将更加深入生活的方方面面,触及更多领域。

    But the next big digital applications will reach into many more corners of life and touch many more businesses .

  2. 视频编码技术深入生活的方方面面。

    Video coding technology exits everywhere in every aspect of daily life .

  3. 中国人对龙的崇拜已深入生活的方方面面。

    Dragon-worship has found a way into every aspect of life in China .

  4. 鲁迅非常关心新作家的成长,他要求革命文艺工作者必须深入生活实践;

    Lu Xun was very much concerned with the maturity of the new writers .

  5. 同时,他是位深入生活,以造化为师的大家。

    Same time , he was deep into life , all good fortune as a teacher .

  6. 在此基础上,深入生活,师法自然,山水画的笔墨必然会变。

    On this basis , in-depth life , nature , landscape painting brush-and-ink will " change " .

  7. 随着科学技术在不断的发展更新,手机的使用深入生活方方面面。

    With the development of science and technology , cell-phone is used at all aspects of our life .

  8. 据此,《探究表情&绘画创作中表情的选择与提炼》一文总结出几种选择、提炼艺术形象表情的方式:第一,深入生活,观察生活中的表情。

    This thesis summarizes several important ways to choose and refine the expression of the artistic image accordingly . Firstly , observe expressions of life .

  9. 不过这一时期美术院校的基础训练比较扎实,画家也重视深入生活。

    However , basic painting skill practice for art students during that time was intense , and painters paid attention to observation of real life .

  10. 像大多数艺术家热衷于回到农村去深入生活、去创作一样,罗宗海却找到了回家的感觉。

    Like most artists , eager to return to the countryside to go deep into life , to create the same Luo Hai has found a home feeling .

  11. 因此写生是全景花鸟画创作的必要前提,更是现代花鸟画家深入生活搜集创作艺术素材的必要保证。

    Therefore , the sketch is a necessary prerequisite for the panoramic flower-and-bird painting creation , is the modern flower-and-bird painter collect necessary material creation art into life assurance .

  12. 这是一个传媒越来越深入生活各个领域的时代,又是一个司法介入社会生活越来越广泛的时代。

    This is a media life more and more time in various fields , but also a judicial intervention in a wide range of social life , more and more time .

  13. 通过走出课堂深入生活,以课题性速写与原创性设计相结合的教学等方法进行训练,实现与完成教学内容与教学目的要求。

    It tries to make the teaching result meet the requirement of teaching aim by the training of combining the typical sketch and original design while staying out of the classroom .

  14. 生活之困苦、遭遇之艰辛,使得诗人能够深入生活,奠定了日后成为诗圣的坚实的生活基础;

    Because of hard life and hardly experience , Du Fu could go deep into the life , and establish the solid life foundation of becoming the great poet in the Later .

  15. 书画艺术工作者只有深入生活,深入群众,努力学习,不断创新,才能创作出反映时代精神的优秀作品,并发挥见证历史的作用。

    Only by going deep into life and masses , working hard and creating constantly can calligraphers and painters produce fine arts that reflect the spirit of the time and play the role to witness history .

  16. 从抗战文艺的需要出发,自己周围的现实就是丰富的写作题材,作家要深入生活、思考生活,才能写出感人的作品。

    From the artistic needs of the Anti-Japanese War , the reality around them is the wealth of writing material , writers must go to experience real life , reflect on life , to write moving works .

  17. 引导学生积累体验:教师要尽一切可能的方式、手段为学生创设条件,使学生积累体验。从两方面入手:指导学生深入生活,指导学生加强阅读。

    Stage One : Lead students to accumulate experience . With the purpose teachers should make every effort to create conditions for students to gather experience by means of guiding students into the reality life and enforcing reading .

  18. 他们一方面深入生活,以情为媒介,细致深刻的总结感受,提炼笔墨语言;一方面,尊重传统,学习传统总规律。

    One hand , they go deep into the life making the emotion as media , sum up the feelings and refine languages carefully and profoundly , on the other hand , they respect tradition and study the its overall rule .

  19. 它是记者了解生活、深入生活、体察民情的一种好方法,对提高记者的业务水平和思想素质很有好处。

    It is re - porter sincerely understands the life , plunges into the thick of life , observes the public feeling one good method , to enhances reporter 's vocational level and the thought quality all is very has the advantage .

  20. 从事这种艺术创作,我们应该深入生活挖掘情感,提高艺术修养,将时代的、高尚的情感注入到创作中,让我们的现代陶艺作品在情感的驱力下散发无穷的魅力。

    In this art , we should further tap emotional life , enhance arts training , the times , a noble sentiment into the creation of our modern ceramic art works in the emotion of the flooding under the dissemination of infinite charm .

  21. 演员在塑造角色的过程中,利用物我关系,深入生活,走进角色,要化身为角色,并要在角色的生活里生活起来。

    The role of actors in shaping the process , the use of " things I " relationship , deep into life , into the role , to transform himself into a role and the role of life in " Life " together .

  22. 深入生活、师法自然,到生活和自然中去寻找美,发现美的表现形式,大胆探索、积极创新提高山水画艺术语言的表现力,从而创作出生动、鲜活的具有现实意义的山水画。

    Go deep into life , learn the nature ; seek the beauty of life and nature , find the form of beauty and boldly search and vigorously innovate way improving the presentation of art language , then create vivid and fresh practical landscape paintings .

  23. 在艺术创作过程中我们不是被动的而是主动的,社会生活是艺术创作的逻辑起点,我们要进行创作,就要深入生活,积累生活素材。

    In the process of artistic creation , we are not passive but active , social life is the logical starting point of the artistic creation , we want to create , it is necessary to go deep into life , the accumulation of living material .

  24. 本文认为,在文艺为工农兵服务的指导下,中国画不可避免地被加以改造,并从而提出了思想改造与深入生活两种方式作为当时中国画的主要改造方式。

    This paper considered , in the direction of " literature serves the workers , peasants and soldiers ", Chinese printing cannot avoid being reconstruction , accordingly , bringing forward two main way in rebuilding the Chinese printing , that is , thinking creation and embedding life .

  25. 即文艺家不仅要有积极的人生态度、对生活的浓厚情感和激情,还要深入生活,善于向生活学习,坚持走与人民相结合的道路,真正做到忠实于艺术。

    Therefore , artists should not only have a positive attitude to life , strong emotion and passion , but also go deep into life , and be good at learning to life . They should be Combined with the masses and be faithful to the arts .

  26. 此外,画家们在表现对象上也不局限于传统的花鸟画题材,深入生活描绘了很多乡土化、生活化的内容,画作呈现出的是自出机杼的创新精神,无法为至法的艺术境界。

    The painters are not confined to the traditional bird-and-flower painting , and also deep into the lives depicted in a lot of local life of paintings showing the innovative spirit of the loom , with the art of realm namely " No tricks to tricks " .

  27. Internet的应用已经深入到生活的方方面面。

    The application of Internet has come into everywhere for people 's daily life .

  28. GIS必将应用于更加广泛的领域,深入社会生活的各行各业。

    GIS will be applied to every walk of life .

  29. 随着Internet的迅速发展,Internet的应用已经深入到生活的方方面面。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the application of Internet has come into every aspects of people 's daily life .

  30. 近年来,互联网已经深入到生活的各个方面,对互联网行为的研究成为热点,BGP作为事实上AS(autonomoussystem自治系统)之间标准协议应用于互联网,因其重要性,更是得到了广泛的研究。

    In recent years , the Internet has already penetrated into all aspects of our life , while Internet research has become a hot . As a standard protocol between Autonomous System in fact , BGP obtains extensive research because of its importance .