
shēn hǎi yú
  • deep-sea fish
  1. 平滑表皮、锥形身体和鞭状尾巴的深海鱼。

    Smooth-skinned deep-sea fish with a tapering body and long threadlike tail .

  2. 大西洋和太平洋海岸水域中银白色的鲻。大西洋、太平洋和地中海水域中颜色华丽、呈椭圆型的深海鱼。

    Silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts . large elliptical brightly colored deep-sea fish of Atlantic and Pacific and Mediterranean .

  3. 黑色叉齿鱼(Chiasmodonniger)有许多令其它深海鱼害怕的特征,如肿胀的黑色大眼和让人生厌的牙齿。

    Chiasmodon niger has many of the features that make other deep sea fish frightening , like its bulging black eyes and abominable teeth .

  4. 深海鱼肽对肉仔鸡肠道氨基酸吸收的影响

    Effect of Deep Sea Peptide on Amino Acid Absorption in Intestine of Broilers

  5. 大西洋西部及墨西哥海湾的几种深海鱼。

    Any of several deep-bodied food fishes of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico .

  6. 相似的是,震后18个月,深海鱼体内的放射性铯浓度几乎没变。

    Similarly , levels of radioactive caesium in bottom-dwelling fish remain pretty much unchanged more than 18 months after the accident .

  7. 这种小型深海鱼的寿命很长,据说其中一只活到了149岁。

    The small , deep-sea fish , live for an exceptionally long time . One was reported to live for 149 years .

  8. 在他生活的萨它瓦尔礁岛上,他们靠到太平洋捕深海鱼维生。

    on tiny Satawal Atoll , where he spent his life , deep-sea fishing out in the Pacific was necessary to survive .

  9. 美国心脏学会便建议成人每周进食2至3次,每次3安士的深海鱼,便可满足一周奥米加3脂肪酸所需。

    The American Heart Association recommends weekly intake of deep sea fish for2-3 times , 3 ounces each to meet the requirement of recommended intake of omega-3 .

  10. 然而,很多鱼都含水银,常吃大量深海鱼,便有机会摄取过量水银,长远可引致慢性中毒。

    However , as mercury can be found in most fish , one risks excessive intake of mercury by eating too much deep sea fish , leading to chronic poisoning .

  11. 那究竟深海鱼是多吃有益,还是少吃为妙呢?又究竟吃多少份量及吃那些品种才能既获得其中的好处,又可避免摄取过量水银?

    So , is consuming deep sea fish helpful or harmful ? Which types and in what amount of deep sea fish should we eat to maximize the benefits and avoid excessive intake of mercury ?

  12. 到底应多吃深海鱼,还是少吃为妙呢?请密切留意下一期会员通讯,我们将讨论如何选择深海鱼及建议的摄取量。

    So , is consuming deep sea fish helpful or harmful ? Stay tune to our next newsletter , where we 'll discuss the issues of how to choose deep sea fish , and the recommended intake level .

  13. 你喜欢那种生活在深海的鱼吗?

    Do you like the fish that lives in the deep sea ?

  14. 这条深海蝰鱼露出了锋利的牙齿,它正在海中寻找食物。

    A deep-sea Viperfish shows of its sharp nashers as it swims along and looks for an unsuspecting four course meal for its dinner .

  15. 银鲛银鲛科的一种深海软骨鱼,有平滑表皮、锥形身体和鞭状尾巴常见于马尾藻类海草堆中,体色鲜艳、形状怪异的小鱼。

    A deep-sea cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae , having a smooth-skinned tapering body and a whiplike tail . small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum .

  16. 深海中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。

    The deep-sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water .

  17. 该店推出的面条状的深海海鲜菜品鱼骨髓更是让人大开眼界,这道菜被盛放在碗锅中,用盘子呈上,打开盖子之后白烟袅袅。

    The noodle-like spinal cord of deep-ocean cod is an eye-opener , served in a bowl on a bigger plate filled with flowing white smoke .

  18. 真正的深海幽灵不是魔鬼鱼!

    Devil fish is not real deep soul !

  19. 深海渔业是指在深海中补鱼,而非在近海岸的浅水部分。

    Deep-sea fishing means fishing in the deep sea , not in the shallow parts near the shore .