
  • 网络many fish;lots of fish;Plenty of Fish
  1. 水清澈见底,能看见许多鱼。

    The water is clear and plenty of fish are visible .

  2. 水面下一米处有许多鱼。

    One meter below the water level there are many fish .

  3. 池塘里养了许多鱼。

    The pond was well stocked with fish .

  4. 这一带可以捕捉到许多鱼。

    Good fishing may be obtained in this neighbourhood .

  5. 这个钓鱼人钓到许多鱼。

    The angler made a good catch .

  6. 一天,泉水干涸了,许多鱼被困在陆地上。

    One day , a group of fish was stranded1 when the spring dried up .

  7. 他告诉我已捕到许多鱼。

    He told me that a lot of fish had been caught .

  8. 池塘里有许多鱼。

    A.there are a lot of fish in the pond .

  9. 在齐佩瓦族语言里就是有许多鱼的河的意思。

    This meant @ river of many fishes @ in the Chippewa language .

  10. 可以告诉我在哪里能看到许多鱼吗?

    Will you tell me where I can see a lot of fish ?

  11. 正在海里有许多鱼。

    There are many fish under the sea .

  12. 这河里有许多鱼。

    There are many fish in the river .

  13. 渔夫捕到许多鱼。

    The fisherman had a good catch .

  14. 许多鱼化石展览在那里。

    Many fish fossils were exhibited .

  15. 湿地里有许多鱼,所以鸟儿能容易地找到食物;

    There are many fish in the wetland , so the birds can easily find food .

  16. 我每天吃许多鱼和鱿鱼,能达到我体重的三分之一!

    I eat a lot of fish and squid each day , up to one-third of my body weight !

  17. 此外,早期用延绳钓捕鱼的日子里,有许多鱼在上钩后被又鲨鱼吃掉了。

    Furthermore , in the early days of longline fishing , a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked .

  18. 吴氏管中肾管从中肾细管进入尿道,那在许多鱼中也用于精液传送。

    Wolffian duct The mesonephric duct into which urine drains from the mesonephric tubules and which also serves in many fishes for sperm transport .

  19. 许多淡水鱼到了冬季就不活跃了。

    Many freshwater fishes become sluggish in winter .

  20. 渔夫们拉网时,觉得很沉重,高兴得手舞足蹈,以为下子捕到了许多的鱼。

    Fisherman who dragnet , feel very heavy , they danced for joy , thinking that this suddenly catch a lot of fish .

  21. 久,毫无结果。他只好将箫放下,拿起网来,向水里撒去,结果捕到了许多的鱼。他将网中。

    At last , having long waited in vain , he laid aside his flute , and casting his net into the sea , made an excellent haul of fish .

  22. 好。哦,这里有许多不同的鱼菜。

    OK . Well , there are lots of different fish dishes .

  23. 水面下有许多各式各样的鱼。

    There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water .

  24. In在英国,许多人喜欢鱼和油炸土豆条。

    England , many people like fish and chips .

  25. 其它许多类似的鱼的任一种。

    Any of various similar fishes .

  26. 这些河里有许许多多的鱼。

    These rivers teem with fish .

  27. 许多鲨鱼以鱼和其他的海洋动物,较小的鲨鱼为食,有时还以人为食。

    But many sharks feed on fish , other sea animals , smaller sharks and sometimes people .

  28. 他说:我常常开玩笑说,澳门就是个浑浊的水塘,里面藏着许多腐败的鱼。

    I often joke that Macau is a murky pond in which many corrupt fish are hiding , he said .

  29. 在仰光,你会在闹市区的华人街及小巷内发现许多繁忙的鱼板面摊位和店铺。

    In Yangon you 'll find busy mohinga stands along downtown Maha Bandoola Road , and along small side streets .

  30. 许多大型龙鱼与幼鱼,不断地以各种方式走私到世界各地。

    A large amount of large arawana and its parr have been caught and smuggled by different means to all over the world .