
  1. 教育部国际司司长许涛称,2016年我国出国留学人员总数为54.45万人,较2012年增长14.49万人。

    In 2016 , 544500 Chinese students studied overseas , 144900 more than in 2012 ;

  2. 美国、英国和澳大利亚是首选留学目的地。许涛表示,2016年,超过90%的学生是自费留学。

    The US , the UK and Australia were the preferred destinations , Xu said . More than 90 percent of students studying abroad had no financial support to cover their tuition fees in 2016 .

  3. 教育部教师工作司司长许涛指出,要保证乡村教师的工资水平不低于当地公务员。

    The country will make sure that rural teachers ' wages are no less than those of local civil servants , said Xu Tao , director in charge of teachers ' affairs with the Ministry of Education .